Do I need to heat Test E


It has been several years since I brewed my own gear. I have a decent understanding of the process but still have a couple questions. When brewing Test E 250mg/ml, do I need to heat the powder along with the BA, BB and MCT? Or can I add the ingredients and stir until completed? I have read varying opinions on this.
I have used a steaming pan of water that i put my flask it and add all my ingredients till they are dissolved then remove form the water takes a couple minutes at most usually. Done that for all my injectables.
It has been several years since I brewed my own gear. I have a decent understanding of the process but still have a couple questions. When brewing Test E 250mg/ml, do I need to heat the powder along with the BA, BB and MCT? Or can I add the ingredients and stir until completed? I have read varying opinions on this.
No heat is needed with Test E.