Do I need to run PCT?


New Member
Hey guys,

So I finished my cycle about 3 months ago (12 weeks of 500mg/week of test e). I ran nolva and clomid for 4 weeks and I am fully recovered now.

I want to start doing 150-250mg/week of test e just for a bit of a boost, and also to help preserve muscle mass while cutting. I plan to run it with clen. I am wondering whether I need to run a PCT after I stop pinning, or if this dose is too low that it doesnt need a PCT. Any thoughts?
Yes you need to run PCT. Even this small dose will shut you down. I'd say it's not even worth running at that dose. If you're going to be running trt doses to give you a "boost" you may as well blast and cruise. Don't yoyo your system around by running right after you just recovered. Time on = time off.

Also, get blood work done.
Yes, run PCT even on a small TRT dose. You really needed baseline bloodwork before you cycled and at least another round after PCT to verify success. Restoring normal operation is very important.
Hey guys,

So I finished my cycle about 3 months ago (12 weeks of 500mg/week of test e). I ran nolva and clomid for 4 weeks and I am fully recovered now.

I want to start doing 150-250mg/week of test e just for a bit of a boost, and also to help preserve muscle mass while cutting. I plan to run it with clen. I am wondering whether I need to run a PCT after I stop pinning, or if this dose is too low that it doesnt need a PCT. Any thoughts?

Hey Bro, we've talked before and you seem to have Forgotten a Golden Rule.
Always get a Baseline Blood work before starting your Cycle, do a Mid-Cycle Blood, to make sure that no Problems are Arising, and do 1 last Blood after PCT is done, to make sure that you've Fully Recovered.
That's the only way You will know for Certain if you have Fully Recovered, and can Start another Cycle in the Future.
As far as PCT, everyone before me has given the Correct Answer, Yes, Always......... JP
Yes you need to run PCT. Even this small dose will shut you down. I'd say it's not even worth running at that dose. If you're going to be running trt doses to give you a "boost" you may as well blast and cruise. Don't yoyo your system around by running right after you just recovered. Time on = time off.

Also, get blood work done.

I've seen so many threads with this same exact question. I too don't get why someone would want to run a trt dose who doesn't need it. Go big or go home. And I always go with the time on=time off rule too.
There is some really good literature available to help keep mass inbetween cycles, no need to cruise. My opinion is cycling off for an extended period will keep you in the game for longer. I don't notice dramatic drops in weight either, and sometimes I cycle off for 6 mo's. The only thing I really notice is vascularity.
yes you need to run pct. If need to ask yourself that if you need to run PCT or not then you need to run PCT.

I personally do 12 week cycle followed by 12 weeks of PCT. 2 weeks of lower dosages, the completely off for a week, then 2 weeks of HCG, 4 weeks of clomid, and then 3 weeks of nothing. And then I start counting my off days until my next cycle.