Do I tell my doc I'm on trt from a clinic?


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Debating on telling my doctor about my trt. I have been on self prescribed tet for like 8 years. Finally found a clinic so now I am officially legal haha. Only conditions I have is high BP which I. Being treated for and high RBC. She always asks me if I take supplements which I say I do such as creatine and stuff but never mention trt. My RBC is high and need to donate but on finasteride and can't so was trying to get a script from here to donate. She's making it difficult and telling me to come off all my supplements for 6 weeks then check bloods again.

Since I'm legal now should I just tell her. Not sure how to tell her though. Any advice would be awesome. Thanks!
Debating on telling my doctor about my trt. I have been on self prescribed tet for like 8 years. Finally found a clinic so now I am officially legal haha. Only conditions I have is high BP which I. Being treated for and high RBC. She always asks me if I take supplements which I say I do such as creatine and stuff but never mention trt. My RBC is high and need to donate but on finasteride and can't so was trying to get a script from here to donate. She's making it difficult and telling me to come off all my supplements for 6 weeks then check bloods again.

Since I'm legal now should I just tell her. Not sure how to tell her though. Any advice would be awesome. Thanks!
This is a tough one. Does she do HRT with patients or have you felt her out on that one? Would you want to get your TRT through her if you had the option or you just want to be straight with your PCP as is ideal if you have good relationship with your PCP.

What is your clinic Rx'ing you and what does your blood work and BP indicate? Do you keep a BP log at home and measure multiple times a day? What are you taking for BP? CBC results? TT/FT and specify injection frequency. Trough measurement?

Remember once you identify you are on HRT with an in network provider your info will go onto MIB database just fyi if your PCP is through your insurance.

Some study material for you...

HCT on its own is incomplete picture of blood viscosity which is what we are really after. But don't believe the blanket BS that gets peddled (high Hct is harmless). We must look at the individual. What is your BP telling us and what is it? RHR?
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I use to be nervous about telling doctors what I was taking. I thought they would try to change my meds or report me to somebody or some shit. I finally just said fuck it and told my doctor I was on testosterone. It was through an online clinic and I just didn't mention the other anabolics. She didn't seem to care. Just wrote me some bp meds. I think she would have even written a script for phlebotomy but my rbc's never got to high. I can't donate either because I use to have hepatitis c. I have drained myself before or had my paramedic buddy do it. If the doctor seems fairly cool I would just tell them. Good luck.
This is a tough one. Does she do HRT with patients or have you felt her out on that one? Would you want to get your TRT through her if you had the option or you just want to be straight with your PCP as is ideal if you have good relationship with your PCP.

What is your clinic Rx'ing you and what does your blood work and BP indicate? Do you keep a BP log at home and measure multiple times a day? What are you taking for BP? CBC results? TT/FT and specify injection frequency. Trough measurement?

Remember once you identify you are on HRT with an in network provider your info will go onto MIB database just fyi if your PCP is through your insurance.

Some study material for you...

HCT on its own is incomplete picture of blood viscosity which is what we are really after. But don't believe the blanket BS that gets peddled (high Hct is harmless). We must look at the individual. What is your BP telling us and what is it? RHR?
Thanks for the response man. I'm not sure if she does hrt. She's basically a family Dr. I think she knows I'm on it but I have not admitted to it yet. She asked before if I take testosterone which I said no but that was before I had a script. Don't really care about getting it through her just looking for the healthiest approach and mainly so I can donate.

I currently take 30 mg Lisinopril and 12.5 mg hydrochlorothiazide. I'm that my bp is now in the 120s/80s.

But yea my hemocractic is around 54/55 when I don't donate and when I do it's usually in 49/50 range.
I use to be nervous about telling doctors what I was taking. I thought they would try to change my meds or report me to somebody or some shit. I finally just said fuck it and told my doctor I was on testosterone. It was through an online clinic and I just didn't mention the other anabolics. She didn't seem to care. Just wrote me some bp meds. I think she would have even written a script for phlebotomy but my rbc's never got to high. I can't donate either because I use to have hepatitis c. I have drained myself before or had my paramedic buddy do it. If the doctor seems fairly cool I would just tell them. Good luck.
Thanks yea leaning towards that. I feel like she'll want me to come off everything and see if that's what's causing my high BP though
Asking again if you are comfortable sharing....

What is your clinic Rx'ing you and what does your blood work and BP indicate? [Done]

Do you keep a BP log at home and measure multiple times a day?

What are you taking for BP? [Got it]

CBC results? [Got it]

TT/FT and specify injection frequency.
Trough measurement?

Any inflammation markers? CRP, ESR, etc.

Given your latest comments yes does sound like she would ask you to wash out.
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I told my PCP about my TRT from a clinic. He didn't even flinch or ask any follow-up questions related to it.
OP is asking PCP for Rx to do therapeutic phlebotomy. I am all for getting that Hct down but some Docs get sensitive when they write a script. When a dude presents with hct of 55 and asks for phlebotomy the doc should be trying to get to root cause. Sleep apnea, hemochromatosis, etc. Erythrocytosis secondary to exogenous test use is the east answer but crap shoot what your doc will ask you to do. But you are doing the right thing trying to get this addressed @glutesforthesloots

Please take care of yourself. Also regular phlebotomy is usually not the sustainable solution. That brings up a much longer story.
All of this shit is easier if you don't cover things up to begin with, but this is not an especially strange case.

I would tell her that I started TRT and then ask her if that changes her treatment plan for your blood parameters. The ball is in her court.

If she ever asks whether you were on exogenous test before -- "if you just started, why aren't the changes more pronounced?" -- just tell her you were freelancing.

You're paying for this woman's judgement. Why would you actively deny her the information she needs to exercise it? Bananas.
You're paying for this woman's judgement. Why would you actively deny her the information she needs to exercise it?
Depends on the answer to question posed by the patient...

Am I your patient or your customer?

Some Docs feel more strongly about the role of patient autonomy (one of the 4 pillars) than others. It is not a black and white issue. Most have had Docs who would be cool and then some that would freak out. We are dealing with humans.

Would still love to get the answers to questions above. Will shed some light.
Debating on telling my doctor about my trt. I have been on self prescribed tet for like 8 years. Finally found a clinic so now I am officially legal haha. Only conditions I have is high BP which I. Being treated for and high RBC. She always asks me if I take supplements which I say I do such as creatine and stuff but never mention trt. My RBC is high and need to donate but on finasteride and can't so was trying to get a script from here to donate. She's making it difficult and telling me to come off all my supplements for 6 weeks then check bloods again.

Since I'm legal now should I just tell her. Not sure how to tell her though. Any advice would be awesome. Thanks!

I think you are over analyzing this. You are on medically supervised TRT. Testosterone is a scheduled drug. She can see you’re taking it. Just tell her you’r on TRT now and not coming off, but your hematocrit is high, so you need a prescription for therapeutic phlebotomy. She doesn’t have to prescribe your TRT for you to be on it. If she refuses, your TRT clinic will surely write you a script for a therapeutic phlebotomy. If she makes a big deal about it, it’s because you’re a man. I bet she’ throws hormones at women on a daily basis. If she gives you shit, find a new PCM.

Edit: My apologies if I sound like a dick about it, but a lot of women doctors are condescending narcissists when it comes to male HRT. Fuck ‘em and feed ‘em fish heads is what I say.
Isn't it crazy how big of a pain in the ass it is to get a little bit of blood drained that they are just going to throw in the fuckin trash. Lol
Isn't it crazy how big of a pain in the ass it is to get a little bit of blood drained that they are just going to throw in the fuckin trash. Lol

It’s fucking stupid, dude, but OP does need to be honest and let her know what’s up. Maybe she’ll prove what I said above wrong, but I doubt it.

No, I’m not cynical at all. Haha
Testosterone is a scheduled drug. She can see you’re taking it.
How you figure? From his physique or from a database? If PCP in different state than his T clinic there is no way for her to know unless she pulls the bloodwork or he tells her.
How you figure? From his physique or from a database? If PCP in different state than his T clinic there is no way for her to know unless she pulls the bloodwork or he tells her.

Database. That’s how it is in the US anyway. I assume it’s the same in EU countries. In the US, it’s called the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. They can see everything from Schedule V to Schedule II drugs you are prescribed by a provider. It’s a federal program.
Isn't it crazy how big of a pain in the ass it is to get a little bit of blood drained that they are just going to throw in the fuckin trash. Lol
a little planning with the correct team does wonders before you run into issues. Just like inventory ...always have inventory.
It’s a federal program.
State run programs

If OP getting his Test cash pay from another state there is no way PCP in his state is going to know (well actually depends on the connection between the two states). So not quite black and white. Doctor shopping can be serious offense as @malfeasance can school us on the legal issues involved.

Lots of moving parts. Pays to know the facts and get the facts straight. Obviously if you are running everything through insurance that is whole nother thing @Grady
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I want to correct what I said. PDMPs are state run programs that are then collectively used in tandem by the states with the help of a framework developed by the CDC and ONC, information is shared by all states.