I think you are over analyzing this. You are on medically supervised TRT. Testosterone is a scheduled drug. She can see you’re taking it. Just tell her you’r on TRT now and not coming off, but your hematocrit is high, so you need a prescription for therapeutic phlebotomy. She doesn’t have to prescribe your TRT for you to be on it. If she refuses, your TRT clinic will surely write you a script for a therapeutic phlebotomy. If she makes a big deal about it, it’s because you’re a man. I bet she’ throws hormones at women on a daily basis. If she gives you shit, find a new PCM.
Edit: My apologies if I sound like a dick about it, but a lot of women doctors are condescending narcissists when it comes to male HRT. Fuck ‘em and feed ‘em fish heads is what I say.