Do I tell my doc I'm on trt from a clinic?

I want to correct what I said. PDMPs are state run programs that are then collectively used in tandem by the states with the help of a framework developed by the CDC and ONC, information is shared by all states.
Does not work worth a shit right now. Hence the workshop DEA did last month on rolling back relaxed standards for telemedicine controlled substance prescribing during COViD.
State run programs

If OP getting his Test cash pay from another state there is no way PCP in his state is going to know.

Lots of moving parts. Pays to know the facts and get the facts straight. Obviously if you are running everything through insurance that is whole nother thing @Grady

I pay cash my clinic in another state because insurance isn’t used, but my PCM still sees it show up in his PDMP.

Not trying to be argumentative, but he still sees it. He doesn’t care though.
Does not work worth a shit right now. Hence the workshop DEA did last month on rolling back relaxed standards for telemedicine controlled substance prescribing during COViD.

It’s a big framework. Haha. I’m sure it does have some major flaws. There’s no telling how many scripts, controlled and uncontrolled, are written on a daily basis.

Maybe my case is the exception and not the norm. I’m prescribed a lot of scheduled drugs though.
You beat me to it by a few seconds. I was attempting to correct myself. The gist of it still stands, tho.

Still a way to go before a Doc can pull up all controlled substances a patient may be getting in all 50 states. Does not exist yet. But don't try to get Test from two different Docs in same state through regular pharmacy. Real dumb.
I pay cash my clinic in another state because insurance isn’t used, but my PCM still sees it show up in his PDMP.

Not trying to be argumentative, but he still sees it. He doesn’t care though
I got ya. All this depends on the states and cooperation between the two. Pays to do your homework and it sure is complex topic. Thanks for sharing.

Still a way to go before a Doc can pull up all controlled substances a patient may be getting in all 50 states. Does not exist yet. But don't try to get Test from two different Docs in same state through regular pharmacy. Real dumb.

100 percent agree on that. I wish I could go into my experience with this more as to why I’m saying what I am about the different states being able to see what the other is prescribing, but it’s too much to put into text right now.
I got ya. All this depends on the states and cooperation between the two. Pays to do your homework and it sure is complex topic. Thanks for sharing.

Same to you. It’s definitely complex and not black and white at all. I enjoy seeing some rational thinking new members that know how to engage in a constructive conversation without getting butt hurt and wanting to get nonsensical and emotional. Welcome to the forum.
100 percent agree on that. I wish I could go into my experience with this more as to why I’m saying what I am about the different states being able to see what the other is prescribing, but it’s too much to put into text right now.

Same to you. It’s definitely complex and not black and white at all. I enjoy seeing some rational thinking new members that know how to engage in a constructive conversation without getting butt hurt and wanting to get nonsensical and emotional. Welcome to the forum.
Thanks and appreciate the welcome. Nice speaking with you. I am an "old" new member. Tnation and ExcelMale had had enough so I am off to new adventures. Judging from the spam filter that has been going off on my posts here as a "new member" I clearly have no emotions and am not human. Millard mentioned they were like who the F is this new guy? apologies. I come in peace.

Look forward to chatting with you more @fike .
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Asking again if you are comfortable sharing....

What is your clinic Rx'ing you and what does your blood work and BP indicate? [Done]

Do you keep a BP log at home and measure multiple times a day?

What are you taking for BP? [Got it]

CBC results? [Got it]

TT/FT and specify injection frequency.
Trough measurement?

Any inflammation markers? CRP, ESR, etc.

Given your latest comments yes does sound like she would ask you to wash out.
Yea recently started taking my BP multiple times a day and keeping log. Think this dose im currently on is my sweet spot as vitals all look pretty good. Using aspire rejuvenation as they were willing to work with me at my current dose and not having to come off. For total t I Was on ugl gear so tt always varied I'll have to find the most recent labs and post them. My prescribed trt should come in this week so will start taking that as soon as it comes in.
OP is asking PCP for Rx to do therapeutic phlebotomy. I am all for getting that Hct down but some Docs get sensitive when they write a script. When a dude presents with hct of 55 and asks for phlebotomy the doc should be trying to get to root cause. Sleep apnea, hemochromatosis, etc. Erythrocytosis secondary to exogenous test use is the east answer but crap shoot what your doc will ask you to do. But you are doing the right thing trying to get this addressed @glutesforthesloots

Please take care of yourself. Also regular phlebotomy is usually not the sustainable solution. That brings up a much longer story.
Yea that's exactly what she is doing trying to find the cause of it. My biggest concern is health now. Recently just had a kid so trying to take better care of myself. How bad is a hct of 55? Any other solutions you can think of to help lower it? Thanks for the help!
I think you are over analyzing this. You are on medically supervised TRT. Testosterone is a scheduled drug. She can see you’re taking it. Just tell her you’r on TRT now and not coming off, but your hematocrit is high, so you need a prescription for therapeutic phlebotomy. She doesn’t have to prescribe your TRT for you to be on it. If she refuses, your TRT clinic will surely write you a script for a therapeutic phlebotomy. If she makes a big deal about it, it’s because you’re a man. I bet she’ throws hormones at women on a daily basis. If she gives you shit, find a new PCM.

Edit: My apologies if I sound like a dick about it, but a lot of women doctors are condescending narcissists when it comes to male HRT. Fuck ‘em and feed ‘em fish heads is what I say.
Thanks man. Yea reached out to the clinic and since they are out of state they said they can't write me a script for therapeutic phlebotomy.
Thanks man. Yea reached out to the clinic and since they are out of state they said they can't write me a script for therapeutic phlebotomy.

Sucks man… can’t just go to the Red Cross or whoever to donate and leave out that you take finasteride? They check your blood anyway after they collect it for abnormalities., or am I missing something here? I’m not familiar with finasteride at all.
Sucks man… can’t just go to the Red Cross or whoever to donate and leave out that you take finasteride? They check your blood anyway after they collect it for abnormalities., or am I missing something here? I’m not familiar with finasteride at all.
Apparently it's on the banned substance list because of you give the donated blood to say a pregnant female it can potentially cause harm to the fetus. Only way is to come off it for a month before hand. I donated before on it and played dumb and then emailed them and said I didn't know and if they could toss my blood. So prob gonna do that again just so I can donate now and then let my Dr know for future reference.

They check for infectious diseases I think but not meds and stuff like that.
Apparently it's on the banned substance list because of you give the donated blood to say a pregnant female it can potentially cause harm to the fetus. Only way is to come off it for a month before hand. I donated before on it and played dumb and then emailed them and said I didn't know and if they could toss my blood. So prob gonna do that again just so I can donate now and then let my Dr know for future reference.

They check for infectious diseases I think but not meds and stuff like that.

Let your conscience be your guide. If I think of another way, I will reach back out to you to let you know. Giving blood is one of the most important things we can do.
Debating on telling my doctor about my trt. I have been on self prescribed tet for like 8 years. Finally found a clinic so now I am officially legal haha. Only conditions I have is high BP which I. Being treated for and high RBC. She always asks me if I take supplements which I say I do such as creatine and stuff but never mention trt. My RBC is high and need to donate but on finasteride and can't so was trying to get a script from here to donate. She's making it difficult and telling me to come off all my supplements for 6 weeks then check bloods again.

Since I'm legal now should I just tell her. Not sure how to tell her though. Any advice would be awesome. Thanks!
No….i did and then she ran all these tests which of course came back bad because i was on cycle, and now is super strict…. So need to fix it all now
Also all the medical records can be found…so my doc found it from a quick search in her database… so in the end it didnt matter
I had a horror story about my TRT a couple months ago so bad that I had to change doctors entirely, and outside of the local "medical monopoly" which was a pain in the ass. The University here runs just about everything, and that doctor wrote all kinda shit on my record that followed me all over the place. I couldn't come in for diarrhea without it being blamed on my test levels.

My old doctor back in CA was super chill about everything, even ran labs for me and gave me whatever BP meds I needed, always reminded me to be careful.

Depends entirely on the doctor. Some doctors actually care and understand, and some doctors have a goddamned personal gripe with male hormones.