TRT for medical / physical / health

Test C and E are “basically” the same … obviously they are different or wouldn’t be called different names.

Research Test E pip. Test Cyp is the way to go.
What will cyp give me more than E ? Cause I will maybe have some pharma grade Test E (Androtardyl as prescription) so that’s why I was on it.

Quite would like to keep HCG, to still make my pituitary gland stimulate
You want kids soon? Like in 2-3 years ?

If not then I’d suggest no HCG just one more thing to affect estrogen and levels
You want kids soon? Like in 2-3 years ?

If not then I’d suggest no HCG just one more thing to affect estrogen and levels
Ok so no HCG, and test cyp every 3 days ? Does every 3,5ED like wesnday morning and Saturday night would do the job ? 3 day of injections a week seems just a bit much but if you say it’s very more stable I will consider it. For the dosage, I will go for 50 to 75 every 3 days ?
You want kids soon? Like in 2-3 years ?

If not then I’d suggest no HCG just one more thing to affect estrogen and levels
And yeah no kids in 3 years for sure, but if in like 6 years or so, I want one, wouldn’t it be complicated by adding HCH to relaunch it as it will be in sleep for a few years ?
Your plan is fine outside of needing primo/ai. I just suggest starting with one at a time. You have multiple specific goals that will be hard to differentiate what's going on. Most likely everything you want will be solved at about 120mg test per week.

IMO run the test for 2 months, add hcg for 2 months, add var for 1 month, add primo for 2 months, etc. Keep the ai on hand. I don't have any estrogen sides at over 500mg of test E. There's a good chance you won't need an ai at all depending on how lean you are. I'm also about to throw hcg into trt due to all the reported benefits. When looking forward to children in the future, it seems beneficial to at least periodically use hcg to prevent atrophy.
Your plan is fine outside of needing primo/ai. I just suggest starting with one at a time. You have multiple specific goals that will be hard to differentiate what's going on. Most likely everything you want will be solved at about 120mg test per week.

IMO run the test for 2 months, add hcg for 2 months, add var for 1 month, add primo for 2 months, etc. Keep the ai on hand. I don't have any estrogen sides at over 500mg of test E. There's a good chance you won't need an ai at all depending on how lean you are. I'm also about to throw hcg into trt due to all the reported benefits. When looking forward to children in the future, it seems beneficial to at least periodically use hcg to prevent atrophy.
Okey so for you Test + HCG could be interesting and after that if estrogen control is needed primo.

Var for you is interesting ?

Not that lean, that’s the trick
Okey so for you Test + HCG could be interesting and after that if estrogen control is needed primo.

Var for you is interesting ?

Not that lean, that’s the trick
There's a lot of data in studies shoqing how running hcg along with trt maintains fertility. People anecdotally say it makes them feel better than trt alone, and has big sexual benefits at least compared to long term trt without. I'll be starting soon.

I've taken Var once before without blood testing a long time ago. I'm going to try lining up a test while on Var in the future to see what impacts it has for me. I don't blast anymore, and rock climb as a side hobby. Var is very mild, and has amazing benefits for collagen synthesis which is why i bought more. Depending on the person, it can destroy your hdl and ldl though.

Primo sounds amazing, but I'm prone to balding so haven't tried. I'm also on a topical min/fin blend. It's slowly helping bring hair back combined with microneedling. It's been about 4 months on this. I'll be using some EQ instead at a very low dose soon just for athleticism. At previous high doses it really spikes my endurance and hunger.

Do you have a good lifting routine, and diet?Getting into good shape and eating right makes a big difference for general sexual side effects for me. The plan for your condition sounds good. The difference between my natural testosterone (still slightly higher than yours) and trt is night and day. It's funny how we're in a similar place right now, and I think you'll be wowwed within a month.
No test E pip with pharma gear allegedly.
Test E pip for me is completely BA related. UGL run BA higher because of obvious sterility concerns. At 4% BA, 250mg/ml in grapeseed, I get pip pretty bad. At 2% BA it's non existent even in 2ml shots. I brewed from raws myself so am 100% on the amounts.

I've never taken pharma, but it uses .9% BA so it's obviously even easier.
There's a lot of data in studies shoqing how running hcg along with trt maintains fertility. People anecdotally say it makes them feel better than trt alone, and has big sexual benefits at least compared to long term trt without. I'll be starting soon.

I've taken Var once before without blood testing a long time ago. I'm going to try lining up a test while on Var in the future to see what impacts it has for me. I don't blast anymore, and rock climb as a side hobby. Var is very mild, and has amazing benefits for collagen synthesis which is why i bought more. Depending on the person, it can destroy your hdl and ldl though.

Primo sounds amazing, but I'm prone to balding so haven't tried. I'm also on a topical min/fin blend. It's slowly helping bring hair back combined with microneedling. It's been about 4 months on this. I'll be using some EQ instead at a very low dose soon just for athleticism. At previous high doses it really spikes my endurance and hunger.

Do you have a good lifting routine, and diet?Getting into good shape and eating right makes a big difference for general sexual side effects for me. The plan for your condition sounds good. The difference between my natural testosterone (still slightly higher than yours) and trt is night and day. It's funny how we're in a similar place right now, and I think you'll be wowwed within a month.
Yeah I really want to run HCG or even HMG with my TRT actually.

I’m prone to balding to, and starting a routing with finasteride, minoxydil, maybe RU, microneedling and other oil/shampoo

For Var, going to try and do blood works with that and see. Can you tell me what did you and how did you protect your liver while on it ?

What’s EQ ?

For the diet and training, I had one, but been a hard year at work (ER +++ and was passing an completition to get my dream spécialisation in an other country which I got but going back to a good diet and 4x 2/3h gym a week), rn could be better
Test E pip for me is completely BA related. UGL run BA higher because of obvious sterility concerns. At 4% BA, 250mg/ml in grapeseed, I get pip pretty bad. At 2% BA it's non existent even in 2ml shots. I brewed from raws myself so am 100% on the amounts.

I've never taken pharma, but it uses .9% BA so it's obviously even easier.
I really did not understood the BA etc, could you tell me what is it ? Purity ?
Yeah I really want to run HCG or even HMG with my TRT actually.

I’m prone to balding to, and starting a routing with finasteride, minoxydil, maybe RU, microneedling and other oil/shampoo

For Var, going to try and do blood works with that and see. Can you tell me what did you and how did you protect your liver while on it ?

What’s EQ ?

For the diet and training, I had one, but been a hard year at work (ER +++ and was passing an completition to get my dream spécialisation in an other country which I got but going back to a good diet and 4x 2/3h gym a week), rn could be better
Since you're just getting back started in the gym, I'd suggest to forget Var, and cycling for now. If you want more, once your fitness is back and you hit a plateau, boost your trt dose to 300-400mg for 12 weeks. The best first cycle imo is test alone. You'll also get far better results with this than Var.

EQ is equipoise. Boldenone undecylenate.

With a test score as low as yours, remember you'll start growing and recomping almost right away on trt alone.
It's an anabolic steroid. That BS needs to stop really.

"Just sprinkle some primo for AI buddy!"
In my situation, what would you recommend ?

TEST + HCG and if I need an AI, what should the best or at least the smartest moove to do ?
Since you're just getting back started in the gym, I'd suggest to forget Var, and cycling for now. If you want more, once your fitness is back and you hit a plateau, boost your trt dose to 300-400mg for 12 weeks. The best first cycle imo is test alone. You'll also get far better results with this than Var.

EQ is equipoise. Boldenone undecylenate.

With a test score as low as yours, remember you'll start growing and recomping almost right away on trt alone.
Not really getting back, just been few weeks that I work 60+ in the ER, which quite makes me more difficult to keep the gym at his best. But yeah going to follow what you said and stay on TEST + HCG and when I have my plateau, blast to 300-400!

HCG + TEST alone won’t destroy my lipids so, statins isn’t really something I will look to, no?
In my situation, what would you recommend ?

TEST + HCG and if I need an AI, what should the best or at least the smartest moove to do ?
If needed aromasin is the "safest" and more gentle way to go. Based on labs 12.5mg-25mg 2x or 3x week should be plenty. Don't just add one more anabolic and call it AI. Primo will FUCK UP your lipids