TRT for medical / physical / health

Test E is great, no need to search for test C from underground if you are able to find pharma test E, this is a no brainer.

Ditch the primo, is an anabolic that will mess up with your lipids, maybe your hair and in that low of a dose you won't notice ablolutely nothing.

Aromasin is the best option for managing estrogens, it's the most lipid friendly AI. If you're not planning on having kids soon i'd say HCG is not much needed, you'll just have to pin 3 times a week and spend a fortune, because i'm assuming you talk about pharma and pharma is expensive.

If you go though with 200 test AND hcg most probably you'll need an AI. I needed 3 times per week of 12,5mg aromasin with that dose, perhaps you need less or more but only bloodwork will determine that.

Without HCG you can start wit 200 test and no AI until you do bloodwork after 4-5 weeks but with that low pinning frequency of twice a week i think you're gonna need it.

You could run 1-2 times a year some anavar for the more "enhanced" feeling and looks, just make sure your training is on point first, your diet is very good and you monitor your bloodwork. It will skew your lipids and in some extend your liver markers, so i'd suggest if your lipid profile is in good shape before running anavar to take at least 10mg ezetimibe as long as you run anavar. If your lipids are not good in the first place better avoid it or run a low dose statin. Some NAC or TUDCA (or both) as well if possible for your liver.

P.S. Just a friendly tip, if you're not having aspirations to get big or jacked maybe 200mg of test is unnecessarily high to begin with. If you respond well this could lead to 1200-1400ng/dl, going there from your current 180ng/dl is a huge jump. I went to 1400 from 650 natty and it was plenty to notice a difference. You're about to make 5x-6x jump. You can always start with 150-175 and reassess later when you do bloodwork.
Test E is great, no need to search for test C from underground if you are able to find pharma test E, this is a no brainer.

Ditch the primo, is an anabolic that will mess up with your lipids, maybe your hair and in that low of a dose you won't notice ablolutely nothing.

Aromasin is the best option for managing estrogens, it's the most lipid friendly AI. If you're not planning on having kids soon i'd say HCG is not much needed, you'll just have to pin 3 times a week and spend a fortune, because i'm assuming you talk about pharma and pharma is expensive.

If you go though with 200 test AND hcg most probably you'll need an AI. I needed 3 times per week of 12,5mg aromasin with that dose, perhaps you need less or more but only bloodwork will determine that.

Without HCG you can start wit 200 test and no AI until you do bloodwork after 4-5 weeks but with that low pinning frequency of twice a week i think you're gonna need it.

You could run 1-2 times a year some anavar for the more "enhanced" feeling and looks, just make sure your training is on point first, your diet is very good and you monitor your bloodwork. It will skew your lipids and in some extend your liver markers, so i'd suggest if your lipid profile is in good shape before running anavar to take at least 10mg ezetimibe as long as you run anavar. If your lipids are not good in the first place better avoid it or run a low dose statin. Some NAC or TUDCA (or both) as well if possible for your liver.

P.S. Just a friendly tip, if you're not having aspirations to get big or jacked maybe 200mg of test is unnecessarily high to begin with. If you respond well this could lead to 1200-1400ng/dl, going there from your current 180ng/dl is a huge jump. I went to 1400 from 650 natty and it was plenty to notice a difference. You're about to make 5x-6x jump. You can always start with 150-175 and reassess later when you do bloodwork.
Thanks for the complete answer, very useful.

Like you said and in an health priority even tho I also try to get jacked, I’m gonna ditch primo anavar, I don’t want to play with that at the moment !

I actually maybe going to have HMG as prescription, don’t know yet going to see the special doc soon. Which is why I was thinking of going with HMG + TEST and so like you said Aromasin. I do not plan to have kids soon, but a lot of people actually reported good benefits by getting both together. Which is why I have this idea in my head…

Thanks so much for you whole message, I feel more secured about it.

Do you use anything to protect you while on this type of TRT? I am going to use Telmisartan and some supplements to avoid blood knot etc.. but with only HCG/HMG and TEST, my lipids shouldn’t go that high right ?
If needed aromasin is the "safest" and more gentle way to go. Based on labs 12.5mg-25mg 2x or 3x week should be plenty. Don't just add one more anabolic and call it AI. Primo will FUCK UP your lipids
Alright, two people with the same idea, seems fair. Going for that thanks so much.
Thanks for the complete answer, very useful.

Like you said and in an health priority even tho I also try to get jacked, I’m gonna ditch primo anavar, I don’t want to play with that at the moment !

I actually maybe going to have HMG as prescription, don’t know yet going to see the special doc soon. Which is why I was thinking of going with HMG + TEST and so like you said Aromasin. I do not plan to have kids soon, but a lot of people actually reported good benefits by getting both together. Which is why I have this idea in my head…

Thanks so much for you whole message, I feel more secured about it.

Do you use anything to protect you while on this type of TRT? I am going to use Telmisartan and some supplements to avoid blood knot etc.. but with only HCG/HMG and TEST, my lipids shouldn’t go that high right ?

You're welcome! I don't know anyone using test or other gear with HMG, usually HMG is advised to used when trying to conceive, now HCG there's plenty of people that run it along test. Some feel better, some feel worse and some didn't notice a thing. I didn't notice anything while using it regarding feels, it only skyrocketed my e2 and boost a little my total test. For me it doesn't worth it.

Usually it's advised to be used by those who do short cycles, like 10-12 weeks and then going for PCT so it can help them recover faster. While doing TRT if you're healthy and there's no underlying issue with your testes like a severe varicocele for example, you will most probably recover your fertility to normal levels, it's just takes some time and money. There are plenty of guys who conceived after 10-15 years of blasting gear.

Regarding ancillaries personally i don't use bp meds since i am hypotensive. For TRT i think you'll be fine, unless you're already borderline high. Your lipids will take a hit for sure, now how much it depends, again if you not have already a good lipid profile then you'll probably need some management. Personally i'm using ezetimibe and if anavar which i'm taking currently skew them further i'll probably run a low dose statin for a while to bring them to normal.

Same goes for HCT and HGB, if you're having a 49-50 HCT before introduce test then probably it will creep up to unfavourable levels. If you're below 47 i don't think it will be a problem. I was borderline low at 42 and with test and primo went to 45 mid cycle.
You're welcome! I don't know anyone using test or other gear with HMG, usually HMG is advised to used when trying to conceive, now HCG there's plenty of people that run it along test. Some feel better, some feel worse and some didn't notice a thing. I didn't notice anything while using it regarding feels, it only skyrocketed my e2 and boost a little my total test. For me it doesn't worth it.

Usually it's advised to be used by those who do short cycles, like 10-12 weeks and then going for PCT so it can help them recover faster. While doing TRT if you're healthy and there's no underlying issue with your testes like a severe varicocele for example, you will most probably recover your fertility to normal levels, it's just takes some time and money. There are plenty of guys who conceived after 10-15 years of blasting gear.

Regarding ancillaries personally i don't use bp meds since i am hypotensive. For TRT i think you'll be fine, unless you're already borderline high. Your lipids will take a hit for sure, now how much it depends, again if you not have already a good lipid profile then you'll probably need some management. Personally i'm using ezetimibe and if anavar which i'm taking currently skew them further i'll probably run a low dose statin for a while to bring them to normal.

Same goes for HCT and HGB, if you're having a 49-50 HCT before introduce test then probably it will creep up to unfavourable levels. If you're below 47 i don't think it will be a problem. I was borderline low at 42 and with test and primo went to 45 mid cycle.
Thanks again for you time.

After seeing everything, yeah I’m going to pass for now HCG and stick to test only as it will be healthier and easier to handle, which is more logical as even if I want some benefits in terme of physician, muscle and strength it’s also a health TRT. Seems quite the right thing to do.

As I am actually quite good in lipids and won’t use Anavar finally I will maybe pass on the lipids part. Will do the bloods works to check that but yeah, seems ok.

For the HCT I’m actually between 45 to 48 so will be more of a problem. I will give my blood as, of what I know, is kind the only way to really handle that?

Finally, what’s you take on finasteride / RU alongside minoxidil ?

I will cruise for a time and then with the plateau blast with 300-400mg test only seems the most risk less as I don’t want to compete.
For the HCT I’m actually between 45 to 48 so will be more of a problem. I will give my blood as, of what I know, is kind the only way to really handle that?

Finally, what’s you take on finasteride / RU alongside minoxidil ?

I will cruise for a time and then with the plateau blast with 300-400mg test only seems the most risk less as I don’t want to compete.

There are some supplements that help with HCT like nattokinase, IP6 etc but i wouldn't take them preventative. Start your TRT and if you see HCT creeping up more than 52 you could implement some of these.

For hair prevention opinions differ, you could find some guys swear by finasteride and some avoid it like the plague. I've never used it and not willing too for the potentional side effects. I've used minoxidil and RU with good results, if you don't slam the androgens very high you might not need anything, unless you're already predisposed to MPB. In your case i'd start with just minoxidil daily and some dermarolling 2-3 times a month. If you see you're losing hair then you can reconsider using RU or low dose finasteride. Just my personal thought.
what time of day did u get your blood taken?

also dont listen to these guys.. TRT will make it harder/impossible to have kids esp after 6 years.

guys who have healthy nuts/sperm it can be easier but when your hypo this is a different story.

id get a couple more blood tests man before jump to any conclusions. when your 25yo your test levels vary wildly within the day and day to day.

sounds great but its not a cure all man and you REALLY want to be sure and need at least 3 seperate tests as you are so young.
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There are some supplements that help with HCT like nattokinase, IP6 etc but i wouldn't take them preventative. Start your TRT and if you see HCT creeping up more than 52 you could implement some of these.

For hair prevention opinions differ, you could find some guys swear by finasteride and some avoid it like the plague. I've never used it and not willing too for the potentional side effects. I've used minoxidil and RU with good results, if you don't slam the androgens very high you might not need anything, unless you're already predisposed to MPB. In your case i'd start with just minoxidil daily and some dermarolling 2-3 times a month. If you see you're losing hair then you can reconsider using RU or low dose finasteride. Just my personal thought.
I am already predisposed… so with my research I am going to use a mix of topical finasteride and minoxidil bland, RU and some oils to get that better alongside dermarolling !

Alright for the HCT ! Thanks.

So basically going to try 150 to 200mg a week split in two doses, if needed Aromasin 12,5mg 2 times a week to handle E2, seems easier than my initial plan.
what time of day did u get your blood taken?

also dont listen to these guys.. TRT will make it harder/impossible to have kids esp after 6 years.

guys who have healthy nuts/sperm it can be easier but when your hypo this is a different story.

id get a couple more blood tests man before jump to any conclusions. when your 25yo your test levels vary wildly within the day and day to day.

sounds great but its not a cure all man and you REALLY want to be sure and need at least 3 seperate tests as you are so young.
Morning fasted, like you should do it. Going to get more blood test but as I good a pathology that may be cause by that, seems fair that I am low.

Yeah, don’t worry going to have 2 mores test and can prescribe them myself so quite easy to see if it’s true or not.

Looking forward to that !

What your toughts on HCG ?
Morning fasted, like you should do it. Going to get more blood test but as I good a pathology that may be cause by that, seems fair that I am low.

Yeah, don’t worry going to have 2 mores test and can prescribe them myself so quite easy to see if it’s true or not.

Looking forward to that !

What your toughts on HCG ?
of course its too late once start trt.. anyway, you weren't really low. esp as so young cycle or TRT should not be started esp if want kids..

HCG is great but will shut down your natural FSH LH so once you stop your test and sperm will drop, only advantage is your balls aren't shrunk during shut down.

anyway, as you have found TRT is not the answer to your issues and will just cause further problems large and small..

you had normal T levels so hopefully that comes back for you once you..

as a lesson when your under 35yo your test levels swing ALOT so one test should never be thought of as your "real" levels. as 1 hour could be 750 couple hours later it could be 320.
of course its too late once start trt.. anyway, you weren't really low. esp as so young cycle or TRT should not be started esp if want kids..

HCG is great but will shut down your natural FSH LH so once you stop your test and sperm will drop, only advantage is your balls aren't shrunk during shut down.

anyway, as you have found TRT is not the answer to your issues and will just cause further problems large and small..

you had normal T levels so hopefully that comes back for you once you..

as a lesson when your under 35yo your test levels swing ALOT so one test should never be thought of as your "real" levels. as 1 hour could be 750 couple hours later it could be 320.
You understood wrong what I said, I did not yet start TRT, it was fully natural blood works, and I was saying I won’t put myself any pins before another blood work!
I am already predisposed… so with my research I am going to use a mix of topical finasteride and minoxidil bland, RU and some oils to get that better alongside dermarolling !

The studies were on microneedling, not dermarolling. Don't know if there's a difference, but they are not the same procedure/tool.
I am already predisposed… so with my research I am going to use a mix of topical finasteride and minoxidil bland, RU and some oils to get that better alongside dermarolling !

Alright for the HCT ! Thanks.

So basically going to try 150 to 200mg a week split in two doses, if needed Aromasin 12,5mg 2 times a week to handle E2, seems easier than my initial plan.
I'm using finasteride + minoxidil topically. Zero sides. You can find a few studies of topical finasteride administration. They show at low doses, it has a strong local effect while only lowering blood DHT 20-30% instead of 75% like with oral dosing. This is what I went for, seemingly successfully.
of course its too late once start trt.. anyway, you weren't really low. esp as so young cycle or TRT should not be started esp if want kids..

HCG is great but will shut down your natural FSH LH so once you stop your test and sperm will drop, only advantage is your balls aren't shrunk during shut down.

anyway, as you have found TRT is not the answer to your issues and will just cause further problems large and small..

you had normal T levels so hopefully that comes back for you once you..

as a lesson when your under 35yo your test levels swing ALOT so one test should never be thought of as your "real" levels. as 1 hour could be 750 couple hours later it could be 320.
You say "weren't really low" while the guy is at 180ng/dl on his blood test and having all the regular side effects...

TRT will also shut down LH and FSH production. IMO a low dose of hcg can at least keep the effects of physical atrophy away which is better than letting it go.
I'm using finasteride + minoxidil topically. Zero sides. You can find a few studies of topical finasteride administration. They show at low doses, it has a strong local effect while only lowering blood DHT 20-30% instead of 75% like with oral dosing. This is what I went for, seemingly successfully.
Without any RU ? Seems actually by my knowledge as doctor and research what I would love to do, only minoxidil + finasteride topical with good haircare, seems what would make less “general side effect” ! Thanks you
You say "weren't really low" while the guy is at 180ng/dl on his blood test and having all the regular side effects...

TRT will also shut down LH and FSH production. IMO a low dose of hcg can at least keep the effects of physical atrophy away which is better than letting it go.
Yep, HCG at the start seems a good idea but right now, which everyone was saying is that test only will be easier to me to handle side like E2 / Hair Loss / possible lipids/HCT increase which I quite understand.

You would think that a low dose like 75ui 2x a weeks would be a better idea ?
Without any RU ? Seems actually by my knowledge as doctor and research what I would love to do, only minoxidil + finasteride topical with good haircare, seems what would make less “general side effect” ! Thanks you
I'm sensitive to sexual sides. Up and down while on cycle. I've never looked into using RU because I don't want something that blocks androgens in my body.

There are TONS of studies showing min + fin work synergistically and can stop hair loss completely while regrowing the loss. What I did is bought finasteride separately to run low dose, about .25mg/ml daily as a topical. Only a small reduction in DHT (and sides), while getting the majority of the hair benefits from the local absorption into your scalp. You can have the best of both worlds this way. I can't find the actual study now, but this article accurately portrays the study from the graph.
