Do you any of you guys use Cialis ed or eod?

I remember starting out on it and getting horrible heartburn. Reduced to 2.5mg, and it completely went away after a few months. Ramped up over the years. Not sure why or when I got to 20mg, though, which is where I am now... taken pre-workout on workout days and with breakfast on rest days. It's one of those things that I'm not entirely sure if it really helps, but it's cheap enough and has enough potential to help I just take it on faith. It's never affected my dick, which is just a piece of self-abused leather at this point.
I remember starting out on it and getting horrible heartburn. Reduced to 2.5mg, and it completely went away after a few months. Ramped up over the years. Not sure why or when I got to 20mg, though, which is where I am now... taken pre-workout on workout days and with breakfast on rest days. It's one of those things that I'm not entirely sure if it really helps, but it's cheap enough and has enough potential to help I just take it on faith. It's never affected my dick, which is just a piece of self-abused leather at this point.
I second the heartburn and Im only on 5mg ed...have to use famatodine some days...
A couple months...seems to hit at night. Started up after starting the cialis...never had trouble before then
Do you take it at night? I take mine in the morning. The only issues I had early on were awful lower back and leg pain that passed after 2-3 weeks.
A couple months...seems to hit at night. Started up after starting the cialis...never had trouble before then

I had it initially too (I've had gerd in the past). But it went away eventually. Hopefully the same for you.

I take it in the morning, for reference.
Curious why you increase on workout days?
I have no idea. I guess the thought process when I started doing that was that it would lead to even better performance during my workout. And things have been going so well in the gym that I never thought to mess with it and try only 5mg on workout days and see if there's a noticeable difference in performance/growth.
I had it initially too (I've had gerd in the past). But it went away eventually. Hopefully the same for you.

I take it in the morning, for reference.
I take it in the morning but reflux hits at night. Only change I had was the added cialis...we'll see what happens
Oddly for me the acid reflux was TERRIBLE and I never had heartburn before, maybe once or twice in my life.

Got so bad I dropped to 2.5mg, got a little bit better, then gave up on it. 5-6 months from start to finish. Would control it here and there with an omeprozole every few days.

Started again a couple months later at 2.5, was completely fine. Then bumped to 5mg, been on that for a year+ now never with acid reflux again.

Long story short, I think for me I would’ve been fine it I just started low and ramped up in the first place.
I did cialis and ibuprofen before going to cross fit in the morning on an empty stomach for about a month. I had to get an endoscopy since my throat was so inflamed from GERD I could barely swallow pieces of steak anymore. 3-4 months of PPIs and I can see down my throat again!
Realistically, what does 5mg do for your blood pressure?

To me probably zero

Only pulmonary hypertension. A type of high blood pressure that occurs in the lungs. I believe people get this confused with regular hypertension that occurs in the arteries throughout your entire body.

Be honest guys. People here say they take Cialis Daily for blood pressure or for pumps in the gym but it's really for the boners.