Doctor says I am going to die..

Family Practice MDs are the dumbest of the bunch. Some make less than 200k/yr. Worthless. Now go meet a pediatric surgeon. My niece had open heart surgery the day she was born. Had some sort of rare valve inversion. She’s doing great. We tend to lump “doctors” together. Don’t even get me started on “DOs” and chiropractors.
Family Practice MDs are the dumbest of the bunch. Some make less than 200k/yr. Worthless. Now go meet a pediatric surgeon. My niece had open heart surgery the day she was born. Had some sort of rare valve inversion. She’s doing great. We tend to lump “doctors” together. Don’t even get me started on “DOs” and chiropractors.
I know there’s definitely some good ones out there but all my encounters have been moronic.
I want to hear everyones opinion on this email I got from my doc. Feel free to ask any questions.
You are having the overall expected results for someone using gear.

You won’t be having a cloth overnight with those values, you have to take care, of course, just like everyone else

Increase omegas
Add daily cardio
Increase hydration (this is paramount in your hematocrit)
Take ancilliaries (NAC, monacolin k, liv52, etc)
Take care of your nutrition

Repeat all + bloodwork, you will be fine man…

Your doc is giving you a standard advice, is his work.
Unfortunately the doctor is correct. You're going to die.

Probably not going to be soon or from using a bif of test though.
LOL that is some funny shit! My friend who has been on TU had his labs done a week ago test level came in 6954 and free at 887, on carnivore diet and his doctor told him he's good and nothing to worry about!
I like to have them use my face as a personal seat
Don’t understand how drs can be so naive and stupid.
there was a girl at gym just now whos ass was so big she could use every guys face here as a seat at the same time. i think i met one or two doctors in my life that werent completely stupid.
Any bro can do what most general practitioners do with a good google search. They just look at numbers and reference range like we do.

I bet in the next 10 years they are gana have ai doing the job of those types of drs, they're basically useless, nurse practitioners do the same thing they do anyway.

It's called medical practice for a reason. They really have no idea how your gana react to something.

Then send you right to a specialist.
This was the blood work to me nothing was super bad I had just came off.

Test C 500/week
Mast E 600/week
Tren A 200/week
Proviron ed
Cialis pre workout
Axemestane eod
I’d be questioning the legitimacy of the gear if you were only hitting a 1600ng reading in 500mg per week.
I’d be questioning the legitimacy of the gear if you were only hitting a 1600ng reading in 500mg per week.
I got the 1600 reading at the end of cycle so Im not worried I got bloods now on cycle >3000. Gonna get another one in a few weeks uncaped.


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Same thing my urologist said lol. He literally stopped my prescription for trt again because of elevated h and h, rbc.

It’s not that critical level yet, your rbc is even on range. Blood donation brought it down to normal for me a year ago but recently it was worse after donation, so that method doesn’t necessarily work for me.

Funny thing is I was deep in a blast and got tested last summer and everything was perfect then after I went on a cruise 100mg a week and I tested bad.

Check out Dante trudell’s instagram post about it, take IP6, nattokinase and naringin plus lots of cardio, that is what I am doing now trying to get it in range for my April blood work.
I recently had this same exact scenario happen to me . Was on long blast tested fine in the middle to end of it . Went on cruise and donated thinking I was doing the right thing but now on cruise rbc high , h and h high ! 150mg a week ! Can’t for the life of me figure it why .