Doctor says I am going to die..

To put this increased risk into perspective: the researchers found about 1.6 venous thromboembolic events per 1.000 person-years in men with an average hematocrit (43-46%). So say you have an average hematocrit level, there would be a 1.6% chance of a thromboembolic event in the next 10 years. If your hematocrit would be 5% higher, i.e. 48-51%, this risk would increase by 33%: 2.1%. This, of course, doesn’t scale linearly forever, but this gives, I believe, a good indication of the increased risk of venous thrombosis as a result of the AAS-induced increase in hematocrit.

Thank you for this. My HCT usually rides around 50-51 (I am also at high altitude) and you have no idea how many nights I sit awake wondering if I am gonna clot in my sleep.