Does Anyone Regret TRT?

Does anyone here honestly regret going on TRT? This question is for people that have been on trt for a minimum of 2 years
Im 26 and Im have been blasting and cruising on trt dose since I turned 24. 5 years of opiate addiction from 16 to 21 was taxing on my body and although Ive lived a very healthy lifestyle since, my total T was in the 400's when I got tested at 24. Not the worst I know but too low for this guy. Id wonder why my days in the gym were weak, and Id feel tired often.

I will never stop cruising at a trt dose and blasting atleast once a year. But I do wish that my hormone levels were more easy to dial in. It seems like e2 changes with the wind and one day ill feel amazing, the next day I feel extremely bitchy, bloated, and tired, and if im not careful, Ill overdo AI and feel worse the next day. Ive gotten alot better about keeping things in a reasonably steady state but its still far from perfect. But it has helped me achieve a kickass build, and Im committed to perfecting my trt strategy.
Regret.... Hmmm. It's a pain in the ass . But at 47 I'm in better shape than all my peers. You will grow on trt . Just slowly
I'm 55 been on self imposed TRTfor a few years now. I do a blast each year for 8 to 12 weeks...stay in right. I've never felt or looked better. Everyone else my age...looks their age...I feel n look like I'm in my 30s.....except for a few wrinkles...lmfao
Been on TRT since 23ish and I'm 29 now. I needed it do to medical reasons so I obviously so didn't have a choice but I don't regret it one bit. Gave me back my youth, confidence, state of mind and the body I should have had.
Do I wish it didn't happen? Sometimes. Wish I could have had a choice to do MK677 and GH for my late 20's and then use AAS close to my late 30's early 40's when it would have helped me the most. I've had fun with it though and again, I don't regret any of it.
I'm mid 40s. Been on via doctor for around 7 years so started mid-late 30s. No regrets Massive lifestyle improvement. Note that I already had 2 kids, had total t in the low 300s and E2 was in the high 50s so it was warranted. If you are 20s without kids you better think about this.
I'm.....old, and I'm not on TRT, could probably benefit from it, but I sometimes become concerned that once I start, what happens if I no longer have access to T, I guess work with a Doc I suppose.
Mid 30's, blasting and cruising a little over three years. No regrets. Biggest problems I've have are managing hematocrit and keeping my iron levels up from regular blood draining.
I'm.....old, and I'm not on TRT, could probably benefit from it, but I sometimes become concerned that once I start, what happens if I no longer have access to T, I guess work with a Doc I suppose.

I’m in the same exact boat, and I came to that exact same conclusion. I figure I’ll work with a doc for meager TRT doses when I’m 80
How old r u and how long have you been on?
Im 50 and have been on 3 years. I look and feel good. My test level was 150 when I started and I always wondered why I worked out for 25 years and best I could do was 5 11" 180. lol. Now Im around 200 and I feel like Im 30.