Does depression from NPP go away?


Hey guys, 2 weeks into my test npp cycle. I think I’m starting to get depressed. Does this last the whole cycle? Are there any ways to combat this?
I'd like to think the body reaches homeostasis after a few weeks. I know that the first 2-3 weeks of tren are always the worst for me, as my body is adjusting to it, and the sides seem more volatile, but after those first couple weeks I feel it levels off a bit

Not sure if that holds true for NPP. The feelings maybe could be influenced by higher than normal prolactin and/or estrogen though. It's important to keep both in check to minimize the mental sides as well. NPP/Deca is also known to cause these kinds of depressive sides though, if it doesn't get better, maybe get bloodwork to see where estrogen and prolactin are. If they're in normal range, maybe lower the dose. Are you running High test and/or aromatizing compounds with the npp, or what's your cycle?

When you say that you think you're depressed. Why do you think you you're depressed, in terms of what you're feeling?
I'd like to think the body reaches homeostasis after a few weeks. I know that the first 2-3 weeks of tren are always the worst for me, as my body is adjusting to it, and the sides seem more volatile, but after those first couple weeks I feel it levels off a bit

Not sure if that holds true for NPP. The feelings maybe could be influenced by higher than normal prolactin and/or estrogen though. It's important to keep both in check to minimize the mental sides as well. NPP/Deca is also known to cause these kinds of depressive sides though, if it doesn't get better, maybe get bloodwork to see where estrogen and prolactin are. If they're in normal range, maybe lower the dose. Are you running High test and/or aromatizing compounds with the npp, or what's your cycle?

When you say that you think you're depressed. Why do you think you you're depressed, in terms of what you're feeling?
I’m on 500 test 400npp. I’m just feeling a lot more down than usual and it’s lasted about 3 days. Not down for any reason but the feeling isn’t like I’m upset about something but it’s an overall feeling. Manageable but definitely there. This is also my first time trying any 19 nor
I’m on 500 test 400npp. I’m just feeling a lot more down than usual and it’s lasted about 3 days. Not down for any reason but the feeling isn’t like I’m upset about something but it’s an overall feeling. Manageable but definitely there. This is also my first time trying any 19 nor
400 npp is on the high side for first time you may be able to cut that in half and go from there
If it gets worse or doesn't improve, maybe consider dropping it then. Atleast it's NPP so it'll clear quick

I don't think anything is worth depression or those kinds of negative sides. You want to feel good on cycle. At worst maybe drop the NPP and up the test

Or test/EQ could also be a solid mass builder without the 19nor types of sides (although eq can increase anxiety)
I got the depression around 300mg. I also had a major life event (lost my job unexpectedly) so that was contributing to it.
I definitely felt the nandrolone “numbness” people talk about. Everything was just gray and “blah” but it got a LITTLE better with time. Getting off the npp was the real solution.

I’ve only done a handful of cycles but I won’t run a 19nor again without a dht to help with the mood problems. Masteron doesn’t completely cancel out the depression but it sure as hell helps.
Thanks guys. I’ll try lower the dose if it gets worse, right now it’s there but is manageable. If it still is bad after lowering the dose I’ll just cut the Npp and up the test. Or swap to something like primo
I’ve only done a handful of cycles but I won’t run a 19nor again without a dht to help with the mood problems.

That's an interesting tip. Have you tried DHEA or pregnenolone?

I really only see these compounds discussed seriously in AAS/PED context wrt mental wellness.
That's an interesting tip. Have you tried DHEA or pregnenolone?

I really only see these compounds discussed seriously in AAS/PED context wrt mental wellness.

My TRT doc had me taking both of these. I eventually just stopped. Never noticed anything from them nor from stopping them. Although I never ran a 19er along side theM.
I got deca depression once mid cycle, decided to quit and I had to wait it out for couple months if not more before I felt better. Kinda ruined my summer. Dose was similar to yours. Npp should clear faster. Btw never got it again after that and certainly not on npp.
Perfect timing for this post... im also 2 weeks into NPP almost 3 weeks, and im experiencing the exact same. I thought i was crazy or it was nocebo, but im definitely "numb" in my feelings and just down... it's hard to describe, im still myself but its like there is a grey cloud hanging over me. I don't get excited about stuff as much and i started to overthink stuff.

My joints feel great, i have amazing workouts and look good, but the mental aspect is ruining the experience for me. Also the acne is bad...

I keep telling myself that it will get better, the body just needs to adjust to the new compound and hormones first. Im running test/primo/npp.
I love feeling emotionless and cold, the lack of excitement kind of hurts after a while, If you're someone who plays a lot of video games I feel they help sort It out in a way.. If only we could just workout all day and make gains lol. You're definitely not alone and It definitely goes away after discontinuing probably after a few weeks from what I experienced.

It's better for me to feel that way (almost nothing) than to feel the extreme anxiety I used to deal with, Steroids pretty much solved that completely for me. It's not worth you feeling that way though and there's definitely other compounds out there that'll serve you better If It's really getting to you.
400 npp is a hefty dose for your size... I remember your pics. you should have just repeated cycle 1

my other question is what is your injection schedule? I felt anxiety at 400mg a week.

300mg was a good spot for me.
I do daily pins. I’m going to drop down to 300 see how I go
I got deca depression once mid cycle, decided to quit and I had to wait it out for couple months if not more before I felt better. Kinda ruined my summer. Dose was similar to yours. Npp should clear faster. Btw never got it again after that and certainly not on npp
So you ran another nand cycle after and it didn’t happen ?
So you ran another nand cycle after and it didn’t happen ?
Yes kinda, first deca run was 2020 summer then I decided to not use it again for a while. It was 2021 december that I used deca again for a short time like 4 weeks to prevent this depression thing from happening again, it was more for recovery and supposed joint benefits than gains. I dropped it right before christmas eve I remember and I didn't experience any negative sides. Npp run was in 2023 for 5 weeks, it was sufficient for my goals and it felt like a cleaner version of deca for some reason, something like fb lite instead of og fb app. Decent stuff.
Yes kinda, first deca run was 2020 summer then I decided to not use it again for a while. It was 2021 december that I used deca again for a short time like 4 weeks to prevent this depression thing from happening again, it was more for recovery and supposed joint benefits than gains. I dropped it right before christmas eve I remember and I didn't experience any negative sides. Npp run was in 2023 for 5 weeks, it was sufficient for my goals and it felt like a cleaner version of deca for some reason, something like fb lite instead of og fb app. Decent stuff.
Yea that’s why I decided on trying NPP my first time instead of deca. Iv read a lot about the 2 and people’s experiences. Some people say deca belongs back in the golden era, NPP is where it’s at when it comes to nandrolone
Drop it, not worth feeling that way no matter how good the drug is. I used Deca on time on my second cycle ever, and never touched it again due to the mental sides. Plenty of other drugs you can use that won't have the mental sides of Deca or NPP.