Does depression from NPP go away?

Maybe this will help some out. There is a solution to this nandrolone depression that some get. I have no proof or explanation, I talk from personal experience, but adding in Primo or Anavar seems to fix mental issues. You just have to try it for yourself. Next time just avoid deca.
I have no idea why some prefer to fuck with 19 nors even after having bad experience with it. They're nothing special anyways. Do what makes you feel good, not shit. Enjoy the process.

There are many different steroids to achieve the same end goal. No reason to take something you can't handle well.
What do you take?
Maybe this will help some out. There is a solution to this nandrolone depression that some get. I have no proof or explanation, I talk from personal experience, but adding in Primo or Anavar seems to fix mental issues. You just have to try it for yourself. Next time just avoid deca.
Yeah DHTs do seem to help with mood/feels while on cycle.

I'm not sure the science behind it but I notice this especially with masteron. I could see it applying to primo and even var as well
Yeah DHTs do seem to help with mood/feels while on cycle.

I'm not sure the science behind it but I notice this especially with masteron. I could see it applying to primo and even var as well
Maybe this will help some out. There is a solution to this nandrolone depression that some get. I have no proof or explanation, I talk from personal experience, but adding in Primo or Anavar seems to fix mental issues. You just have to try it for yourself. Next time just avoid deca.
This is my plan first, going to run a small amount of mast on top of it. Sounds like a plan!
I have no idea why some prefer to fuck with 19 nors even after having bad experience with it. They're nothing special anyways. Do what makes you feel good, not shit. Enjoy the process.

There are many different steroids to achieve the same end goal. No reason to take something you can't handle well.
Nandrolone really is an incredible bulking AAS and it certainly has its benefits.

I grow like a madman on it. Water does help. But feeling to crappy to eat or lift is less then ideal. So i agree with your statement.
Hey guys, 2 weeks into my test npp cycle. I think I’m starting to get depressed. Does this last the whole cycle? Are there any ways to combat this?
It very well could last the whole cycle, in my experience if I’m not running a DHT is much harder to dial in e2. With high e2 and nandrolone being a progestin- coincides and creates this boat of side effects, water retention, depression.

When my e2 is dialed in with nandrolone. Absolutely love it. 0 mental sides. Other then having a tiny short fuse, but it’s easily mitigated, and doesn’t exacerbate
What would be a solid dose or ratio for mast to nand?

I am running
900 test

Thus i was running 500 NPP

So what would be a good dose of mast? I dont want to high due to hair.

900 test
490 nand
350 mast?
What would be a solid dose or ratio for mast to nand?

I am running
900 test

Thus i was running 500 NPP

So what would be a good dose of mast? I dont want to high due to hair.

900 test
490 nand
350 mast?
1:1 has worked for me the best, although it’s person dependent. Similar to my current cycle of

900 test
600 primo
600 nand
Hey guys just an update. I decided to stay on the NPP at least for a few more weeks to see how my body would react. About 70% of the depressive state I was feeling has subsided. Still there but definitely not as bad as the first week. Going to stay on it for a little longer see how things go..
I never had an ounce of depression in my life until I ran a deca only cycle maybe 10 years ago at 400 mg. Just hit me one day, and if you look it up on other boards it’s usually very similar (depression plus fixating on a spouse like an old BF or obsessed they are cheating). It got extremely bad for me. Stopped the deca, took 6 months to not think about bad things all day long. Did higher test ave got better over a year stopping deca, maybe total of 2 years to be perfect again. I love test and can do a lot with it and being 45 I’m sticking with trt and 6-8 week test prop blast once or twice a year.
I never had an ounce of depression in my life until I ran a deca only cycle maybe 10 years ago at 400 mg. Just hit me one day, and if you look it up on other boards it’s usually very similar (depression plus fixating on a spouse like an old BF or obsessed they are cheating). It got extremely bad for me. Stopped the deca, took 6 months to not think about bad things all day long. Did higher test ave got better over a year stopping deca, maybe total of 2 years to be perfect again. I love test and can do a lot with it and being 45 I’m sticking with trt and 6-8 week test prop blast once or twice a year.
Man, the way vigorous Steve described deca only cycle and how he felt like a less of a man got me to never try such an experiment. He said once he quit deca and started Testosterone only, he felt like a man again.
Epistane was amazing but I haven't seen it in years. It's kind of like var, with more fullness, and less harsh on lipids.

I would 100% run epi if I could find it again. The results were amazing and it does dry you out and make you more vascular
Some of us older guys stocked up years ago, along with M-1T and Pheraplex LOL!! And yes, it's still GTG.
Hey guys, 2 weeks into my test npp cycle. I think I’m starting to get depressed. Does this last the whole cycle? Are there any ways to combat this?
Nandrolone really is an incredible bulking AAS and it certainly has its benefits.

I grow like a madman on it. Water does help. But feeling to crappy to eat or lift is less then ideal. So i agree with your statement.
I felt like this but on tren switching to deca to see what happens tren didnt give me gyno at 600mg/week but im gonna be running EQ with the deca see if that helps the mental sides