Does depression from NPP go away?

Hey guys just an update. I decided to stay on the NPP at least for a few more weeks to see how my body would react. About 70% of the depressive state I was feeling has subsided. Still there but definitely not as bad as the first week. Going to stay on it for a little longer see how things go..
Hey guys just an update. I decided to stay on the NPP at least for a few more weeks to see how my body would react. About 70% of the depressive state I was feeling has subsided. Still there but definitely not as bad as the first week. Going to stay on it for a little longer see how things go..
Did you end up dropping to 300 also or stay at 400?

maybe you should have listened to the comments telling you that you need food and not drugs instead of taking npp.
Hey guys, 2 weeks into my test npp cycle. I think I’m starting to get depressed. Does this last the whole cycle? Are there any ways to combat this?
Yo i am really starting to feel this, idk why all of a sudden. Unless i never realized it as i was alsays depressed, but the NPP now is starting to really i think thats the cause….but i am growing.

Anyone know how to combate besides stopping? I heard mast can help? What about other DHT AAS?
Also would Epistane work? Instead of something like mast? I am a bit worried about hairloss but hair doesnt matter when i depressed mess. I still get things done but a cloud is over the head.
I genuinely feel sorry for anyone that gets depression from Nandrolone's! I can't imagine not having a cycle with some type in it, only thing that seems to help my joints!

One thing I've gotten into the habit of doing over the years in the quest to keep stable blood levels, regardless the compounds I'm using, is having frequent injections. So if I'm running 1000mg Test E, 500mg Nand Deca and 500mg EQ per week, I calculate how much I need to take each 3rd day and pin every 3 days. If I'm using any short acting in the mix, I pin every 2nd day.

I've just found that's always kept me feeling and growing the best, not sure if it can be of help with your depression but thought I'd put it out there.
Yo i am really starting to feel this, idk why all of a sudden. Unless i never realized it as i was alsays depressed, but the NPP now is starting to really i think thats the cause….but i am growing.

Anyone know how to combate besides stopping? I heard mast can help? What about other DHT AAS?
Yea it got pretty shit for me. I heard all DHTs can help but most use proviron or mast. I wouldn’t know if 1 works better then the other but proviron was recommended most to me. Otherwise I guess you could lower your dosage and see how that goes and if it dosent get better stop for awhile. I ended up dropping it and gonna try again when I get some DHTs
I genuinely feel sorry for anyone that gets depression from Nandrolone's! I can't imagine not having a cycle with some type in it, only thing that seems to help my joints!

One thing I've gotten into the habit of doing over the years in the quest to keep stable blood levels, regardless the compounds I'm using, is having frequent injections. So if I'm running 1000mg Test E, 500mg Nand Deca and 500mg EQ per week, I calculate how much I need to take each 3rd day and pin every 3 days. If I'm using any short acting in the mix, I pin every 2nd day.

I've just found that's always kept me feeling and growing the best, not sure if it can be of help with your depression but thought I'd put it out there.
I pin ED for reason you have explained, i totally agree the fluctuatiins of hormones is worse.

This is the first time i experiencing this, that said.
Yea it got pretty shit for me. I heard all DHTs can help but most use proviron or mast. I wouldn’t know if 1 works better then the other but proviron was recommended most to me.
Ok cool, i know i have epistane, tren, mast, on hand. Will look soon, as i may have anavar too. I may just throw in mast at like 200-300 mg a week with it. And hope my hair doesnt get too bad.
Also would Epistane work? Instead of something like mast? I am a bit worried about hairloss but hair doesnt matter when i depressed mess. I still get things done but a cloud is over the head.
Epistane was amazing but I haven't seen it in years. It's kind of like var, with more fullness, and less harsh on lipids.

I would 100% run epi if I could find it again. The results were amazing and it does dry you out and make you more vascular
Epistane was amazing but I haven't seen it in years. It's kind of like var, with more fullness, and less harsh on lipids.

I would 100% run epi if I could find it again. The results were amazing and it does dry you out and make you more vascular
Ok cool as i have some raws of it i got a bit ago
I have no idea why some prefer to fuck with 19 nors even after having bad experience with it. They're nothing special anyways. Do what makes you feel good, not shit. Enjoy the process.

There are many different steroids to achieve the same end goal. No reason to take something you can't handle well.
I pin ED for reason you have explained, i totally agree the fluctuatiins of hormones is worse.

This is the first time i experiencing this, that said.
Fluctuations are always definitely worse than mg, at least in my experience. The tren train for example is never fun, but if I can hold onto it until I’m steady it gets maybe half as bad as the ride to get there. Or maybe I just get used to being an insomniac narcissistic mentally ill sociopath, dunno.