does steroids affect chlesterol and hdl levels?

dodah said:
specifically anadrol and deca?

Oral steroids in particular can increase the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and decrease the level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL). High LDL and low HDL levels increase the risk of atherosclerosis, a condition in which fatty substances are deposited inside arteries and disrupt blood flow. If blood is prevented from reaching the heart, the result can be a heart attack. If blood is prevented from reaching the brain, the result can be a stroke.

Steroids also increase the risk of blood clots forming in blood vessels, potentially disrupting blood flow and damaging the heart muscle so that it does not pump blood effectively.
Arimidex will only do it if you take enough to stop all aromatisation,,,Some estrogen is needed for fat management,,,Also the body uses Cholesterol to make all steroids in the body(including the non-anabolic ones, estrogen, cortisol),,,If the body doesn't make Test theres extra cholesterol floating about so cut back on fats while on,,,The blood clots probably come from too many red blood cells,,,VDC
that doesnt make sense if ur on hrt your body isnt making test!

im on 40mg of var only will that fuck my hdl up?
VDC said:
Arimidex will only do it if you take enough to stop all aromatisation,,,Some estrogen is needed for fat management,,,Also the body uses Cholesterol to make all steroids in the body(including the non-anabolic ones, estrogen, cortisol),,,If the body doesn't make Test theres extra cholesterol floating about so cut back on fats while on,,,The blood clots probably come from too many red blood cells,,,VDC

Should you cut back on good fats too? Like flax and hemp oil?
The risk for bloodclots increases directly following a cycle.Not only do you have a high RBC but your circulatory volume decreases at this time.Not a bad idea to take a baby aspirin qday for a couple of weeks following a cycle.
Blood Testing.....

Is there a sponsor of this board that has blood testing available?

I'd love to have some blood work done especially cholesterol.....


A baby aspirin is accurately dosed at 81mg and its all you need to take.
Of course taking an adult aspirin won't hurt you and neither will breaking one in half, so break on bro..............

I don't think good fats will ever be bad for I think it is safe to say you do not need to lower your good fats.

Anyone else have an opinion on that?
arimidex issues can be partly countered by coarministration of nolvadex 20mg ED throughout the cycle - nolva has healthy estrogenic effects in the liver and antiestro in tits and fat.

stay safe bros - remember the risk you take now will stay with you the rest of your life.

Yes orals are worst espcecially winny which reduces the good HDL cholesterol which is perhaps the most important indicator of heart attack and stroke risk. Iv seen bros get nearly 75% loss of HDL. dangerous.


Keep getting good fats, but cut back on the amount,,,

You only need to get 82mg of aspirin in your body a day,,,The more aspirin you take the greater the risk of bad sides(stomach ulcers and such),,,I split regular aspirin into quarters using a pill splitter,,,you can get pill splitters at most drugstores for like $5,,,Oh and if aspirin makes your ears ring then your allergic to it,,,You might consider using Fish oils to thin your blood,,,but you have to take some a couple of times a day(Not sure on the amounts so someone else please give any info on the dose,,,I just know that fish oil thins the blood),,,

Clomid can have lots of strange effects,,,Some get cranky on it,,,others get over emotional on it,,,,I used to get trails when I used it,,,

For the guy that said if your on HRT that doesn't make sense,,,What doesn't make sense,,,Who are you talking to???VDC
They do make enteric coated 81mg asa for people with stomach issues.I take one EOD...if I take one ED I'll bleed for 20minutes after shaving, sux!