Does your hair come back when you stop gear?


New Member
Experienced minor but noticeably hair loss and thinning since beginning steroids. Massive difference over the span of the past year. Just wondering does it partially recover when you stop juicing or are you perma-fcked.
Haha I’m sorry for your loss. If you’re prone to male pattern baldness AAS will accelerate recession and balding. There are common offenders that people complain of more than others such as masteron, primo, and tren. A lot of the orals will do a number on you as well. The bread and butter of every cycle, test, also will shit on you hair. None of this is friendly pretty boy.

You can recover some of your hair loss and thinning but it’s not guaranteed. You need to isolate what compounds are doing this to you…. For example primo thinned me out at 600mg a week.

Also, if you care about retaining your hair there is a sticky up top about hair loss. I take finasteride daily, use minoxidil twice daily, and ru-58841 once a day. I also just started microneedling my scalp. That regiment brought my crown back. However, I just got a hair transplant because I could not get the results I wanted on my hairline.

In the future I’m only sticking with certain compounds. You can’t just pin and ingest whatever the fk is out there if you care about retaining your hair and you are prone to hairloss. This is one of the reasons I’ll never touch tren.
Hair transplants are making a comeback in this community. Because I don't think that shit grows back and not everyone is ready to shave it all off.
My hair never came back but wishful thinking I guess Lol.

I just started shaving it anyway.. Way better, less maintenance.
option 1: stop gear and be referred to as the balding guy

option 2: continue gear and be referred to as the jacked bald guy

option 3: continue gear and start saving for a hair transplant
option 1: stop gear and be referred to as the balding guy

option 2: continue gear and be referred to as the jacked bald guy

option 3: continue gear and start saving for a hair transplant

omg :D

plus also start topical minox & RU daily. Microneedling weekly. Don't use topicals the same day you microneedle... but it's too late like @primojuju said.

Thank you for attending my Ted Talk.
Haha I’m sorry for your loss. If you’re prone to male pattern baldness AAS will accelerate recession and balding. There are common offenders that people complain of more than others such as masteron, primo, and tren. A lot of the orals will do a number on you as well. The bread and butter of every cycle, test, also will shit on you hair. None of this is friendly pretty boy.

You can recover some of your hair loss and thinning but it’s not guaranteed. You need to isolate what compounds are doing this to you…. For example primo thinned me out at 600mg a week.

Also, if you care about retaining your hair there is a sticky up top about hair loss. I take finasteride daily, use minoxidil twice daily, and ru-58841 once a day. I also just started microneedling my scalp. That regiment brought my crown back. However, I just got a hair transplant because I could not get the results I wanted on my hairline.

In the future I’m only sticking with certain compounds. You can’t just pin and ingest whatever the fk is out there if you care about retaining your hair and you are prone to hairloss. This is one of the reasons I’ll never touch tren.
It’s just receding hairline, currently got the John Cena trim but I was seriously contemplating a blade all around. Doesn’t bother me, I quickly got over it.
Hair comes back with a vengeance in every place you don't wanna grow hair. I've just started primo along with the test and i'm praying RU and minoxidil twice a day will just postpone the bald head.
It depends. Ill tell you how you can usually tell. So if you notice a bald spot and a receding hair line happening then you most likley will not get much of it back as this is a sign of MPB. but if you just notice thinning on the top and the hairline pretty much is the same most of that will grow back because that is just shedding for the most part. I have shed a ton of gear but my hairline doesnt recede at all and when I come off it goes back to being thick. Just my opinion.
It depends. Ill tell you how you can usually tell. So if you notice a bald spot and a receding hair line happening then you most likley will not get much of it back as this is a sign of MPB. but if you just notice thinning on the top and the hairline pretty much is the same most of that will grow back because that is just shedding for the most part. I have shed a ton of gear but my hairline doesnt recede at all and when I come off it goes back to being thick. Just my opinion.
I can’t even tell tbh. Only one way to find out, cruising on 125mg for the foreseeable.