- real one

Hi, Meso members
My name is Gregory. I am the real owner of website.
You can check it on WHOIS

I had the manager who worked for me and communicate with you. his email is
In the end of November we had a conflict and I decided to fire him. After that he changed passwords from hosting, changed password from all our forums accounts and stole all clients emails.
After that he destroyed our website and copy it to his own domain - and wrote everywhere that our website moved to another domain. Also he has stolen part of our goods and now sell them on his website. It was my fault - I contacted him with one of my re-mailers in Ohio. They conspired against me and decided create their own online shop. That's why currently we have in stock only two brands. They stole all Alpha Pharma products, Bayer Testoviron and Proviron, Watson Testosterone Cypionate, and many other. But soon we will have Alpha Pharma back in stock and we will be official re-seller of it in the USA. And even more - we will have the best domestic prices for all our products!
I created new account here because my business was stolen, my reputation now is under suspicion, but I won't give up ! I will show everybody that he is just a thief!
Beware of that scammer!

I hope you will help me to solve this problem.
Sincerely Yours, Gregory
Hi, Meso members
My name is Gregory. I am the real owner of website.
You can check it on WHOIS

I had the manager who worked for me and communicate with you. his email is
In the end of November we had a conflict and I decided to fire him. After that he changed passwords from hosting, changed password from all our forums accounts and stole all clients emails.
After that he destroyed our website and copy it to his own domain - and wrote everywhere that our website moved to another domain. Also he has stolen part of our goods and now sell them on his website. It was my fault - I contacted him with one of my re-mailers in Ohio. They conspired against me and decided create their own online shop. That's why currently we have in stock only two brands. They stole all Alpha Pharma products, Bayer Testoviron and Proviron, Watson Testosterone Cypionate, and many other. But soon we will have Alpha Pharma back in stock and we will be official re-seller of it in the USA. And even more - we will have the best domestic prices for all our products!
I created new account here because my business was stolen, my reputation now is under suspicion, but I won't give up ! I will show everybody that he is just a thief!
Beware of that scammer!

I hope you will help me to solve this problem.
Sincerely Yours, Gregory

Who cares! You're too stupid to run a business without your letting employees rob you blind. You sure as hell are too stupid to be selling steroids. What a fucking joke. GTFO.
Hi, Meso members
My name is Gregory. I am the real owner of website.
You can check it on WHOIS

I had the manager who worked for me and communicate with you. his email is
In the end of November we had a conflict and I decided to fire him. After that he changed passwords from hosting, changed password from all our forums accounts and stole all clients emails.
After that he destroyed our website and copy it to his own domain - and wrote everywhere that our website moved to another domain. Also he has stolen part of our goods and now sell them on his website. It was my fault - I contacted him with one of my re-mailers in Ohio. They conspired against me and decided create their own online shop. That's why currently we have in stock only two brands. They stole all Alpha Pharma products, Bayer Testoviron and Proviron, Watson Testosterone Cypionate, and many other. But soon we will have Alpha Pharma back in stock and we will be official re-seller of it in the USA. And even more - we will have the best domestic prices for all our products!
I created new account here because my business was stolen, my reputation now is under suspicion, but I won't give up ! I will show everybody that he is just a thief!
Beware of that scammer!

I hope you will help me to solve this problem.
Sincerely Yours, Gregory

Aside from all the other bullshit you typed in your post, based on my established blood work with prescription testosterone, your "Watson" is fake.
I've had plenty of email conversations back and forth with the guy who ran the original

He was always professional and well spoken via email. You don't sound anything like him...then again, that was three years ago - a lot could have changed.
I've had plenty of email conversations back and forth with the guy who ran the original

He was always professional and well spoken via email. You don't sound anything like him...then again, that was three years ago - a lot could have changed.
I am very sorry, but my original was created in the end of 2014 ...
I am the real owner, you can contact me via email in whois information, or via website.
Not that I think this will be needed, but I can dig up some "evidence" after you get bent over by the rest of the members :)
This is what the REAL DS wrote yesterday.

Customers reported they are getting mass e-mails from
Original was blocked by ICANN 1st of january. Dirty competition tricks.
Now seems like someone took over my old domain. They put a warning on that web site saying they are the only www.domestic-supply shop
Well, really not that funny.
Looks like they are offering ZPHC brand and Canada peptides GH but I doubt they deliver. They are using my name to sell you something or simply scam you.
Basically its a scam and I cant believe it happened

Ignore all e-mails from
I never had such an e-mail address.
My e-mail address is
I never send mass e-mail, only individual e-mails to each customer. is a scam.
I just e-mailed my web master. If domain was blocked then I dont understand how could someone took control over my web site in such a short period of time.