Doug Hepburn cycle trouble


Hi all,

I have been training 531 1000% awesome and I’m on week 6.

I’m planning a 7th week and I’ll test training maxes to assess the weight used.

With that said, I would like to set a Hepburn cycle in fullbody style ABABAB…

Squat 8x2
Bench 8x2
Rest 5’
Squat 3x6
Bench 3x6
Any vertical pull movement (chin/pull up)

Deadlift 8x2
Press 8x2
Rest 5’
Deadlift 3x6
Press 3x6
Any row movement

On the rest day I’ll do conditioning LISS or HIIT.

Time ago I read that power (8x2) and pump (3x6) workout should be split in different mesocycle.

I have just read this from CT site

What do you think about?
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