Generic first cycle log

Week 5 of 12 coming to an end. Up about 15-16 pounds right now, which is honestly more than I expected. That's averaging out to 3+ a week which would equal nearly a 40lb gain over the 12 week cycle.

So planning to pull back on food a little but and remove the PB that was added two weeks ago. Only a modest 200 cal drop, but it'll be enough of a fats reduction for my body to starting burning up carbs faster again and hopefully stick to cleaner weight

Planning to get mid-cycle bloods next week. Does it matter at all which day I get blood pulled regarding pinning schedule (monday and thursday) to ensure numbers are as accurate as possible?
Week 5 of 12 coming to an end. Up about 15-16 pounds right now, which is honestly more than I expected. That's averaging out to 3+ a week which would equal nearly a 40lb gain over the 12 week cycle.

So planning to pull back on food a little but and remove the PB that was added two weeks ago. Only a modest 200 cal drop, but it'll be enough of a fats reduction for my body to starting burning up carbs faster again and hopefully stick to cleaner weight

Planning to get mid-cycle bloods next week. Does it matter at all which day I get blood pulled regarding pinning schedule (monday and thursday) to ensure numbers are as accurate as possible?
So how much weight have you put on since starting this cycle ?
Week 5 of 12 coming to an end. Up about 15-16 pounds right now, which is honestly more than I expected. That's averaging out to 3+ a week which would equal nearly a 40lb gain over the 12 week cycle.

So planning to pull back on food a little but and remove the PB that was added two weeks ago. Only a modest 200 cal drop, but it'll be enough of a fats reduction for my body to starting burning up carbs faster again and hopefully stick to cleaner weight

Planning to get mid-cycle bloods next week. Does it matter at all which day I get blood pulled regarding pinning schedule (monday and thursday) to ensure numbers are as accurate as possible?

Looks like your fats were kinda high, 6 whole eggs is already too much. Usually for enhanced guys carbs is No1 priority, keep fats low and add extra fats if you ever come to a point when you can't eat more carbs.

What have you done with the aromasin, do you take some or not? If you're not, probably much of this weight could be from water retention. I think it's silly to start a 500mg first cycle and not take any AI, especially if HCG is involved. Usually you can get it away without AI if you're some cycles in already, most first timers need some kind of estrogen management even with 200mg. You were lean enough when you started and possibly you would not need an AI for 200mg but 500 is enough.

I'd suggest to draw blood on the day you pin, before you pin. If that's not possible then Sunday if the clinic is open.
Looks like your fats were kinda high, 6 whole eggs is already too much. Usually for enhanced guys carbs is No1 priority, keep fats low and add extra fats if you ever come to a point when you can't eat more carbs.

What have you done with the aromasin, do you take some or not? If you're not, probably much of this weight could be from water retention. I think it's silly to start a 500mg first cycle and not take any AI, especially if HCG is involved. Usually you can get it away without AI if you're some cycles in already, most first timers need some kind of estrogen management even with 200mg. You were lean enough when you started and possibly you would not need an AI for 200mg but 500 is enough.

I'd suggest to draw blood on the day you pin, before you pin. If that's not possible then Sunday if the clinic is open.
Fats are just those eggs and then 1TBS of olive oil. Yeah honestly simply lowering the fats by that little bit via the PB made my digestion already feeling so much better

So I decided to not use hcg during cycle. I do have Aromasin, but haven't even opened it yet.

I don't feel or recognize any noticeable sides. Virtually no acne to speak of, no noticeable crazy bloat or anything like that (to my eye at least), no back pumps, zero nip issues. I'd say some crazy calf pumps are what I really notice and that's it from a side perspective.

Was waiting to see what bloods say before using my AI because there wasn't any noticeable sides
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Some recent photos from this morning. Despite my bitching about a little PB and weight gain ( the whole fucking point of this), everything is going great. Lifts are climbing every day, body shaking pumps after some hard sets and loving life

North of 200lbs and the milestone of 18” arms


Some recent photos from this morning. Despite my bitching about a little PB and weight gain ( the whole fucking point of this), everything is going great. Lifts are climbing every day, body shaking pumps after some hard sets and loving life

North of 200lbs and the milestone of 18” arms

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Damn dude blowing up!! Nice work