Dr advice on proper testing and treatment for Andropause.

Sean Taylor

New Member
I posted earlier about my long term steroid abuse etc. I've been having a hard time dealing with everything and my doctor has been little to no help at all. My life's gone to hell, i can barely function.

What I am wondering is if any doctors or experienced people on the board can give me proper information on what tests and physical examinations I should be getting done so I can tell my doctor or goto a walk in clinic and get properly examined. Or bone density, my liver / kidneys / adrenals checked etc. I'm at my wits end and this is basically my last shot at getting proper examination and treatment, I live in Canada so most of everything is free.

Please help and give me some type of direction and insight
Did you run the power pct? If so did it not help? Also if i remember correctly, didnt you run a short blast with test p a while back ? If so did that make you feel better ? If so then TRT may be your best option. But at your age i know that must b a liitle scary.
Sorry i have no great advice for you, hopefully doc Scally will come along and offer up some advice. I feel for you brother and i really hope your able to get some answers that point you in the right direction and towards recovery.
@Mr.B66 youre a very good person man, thank you for all the replys and such i do really appreciate it. I ran the power pct but my testosterone only went up to 11.8 after the hcg protocol, and none of my symptoms were being alleviated its been 6 months of hell man, constant depression, my skin was so dry it was peeling from my hairline and hair along with my face, my hair was falling out, my mind literally felt like soup i couldn't process or do anything I basically am a shell of what I used to be and its so fucking depressing. I started taking T shots again to just have normal test levels and alleviate my dry skin and extreme fatigue / no energy

My doctor either doesn't give a fuck or doesn't know how to properly look at these situations. I haven't even had my bone mineral density checked, in January of last year i went from weighing 170 to 150 pounds & that wasn't a flag to him to check my bone mineral density or anything, he says it doesn't matter what steroids I took or for how long I took them and says he doesn't need to check my liver or kidneys through any imaging because my blood tests are "fine" in regards to those organs.

Basically i just wanna know what the standard procedure is for someone who goes through this, what a doctor SHOULD be doing in regards to testing (not just blood tests) and examining the body to make sure there isn't any severe damage.

also i want to seriously stress any newcomers to the whole steroid concept, really really do your research, look up the pros and cons of what you can benefit from this, if you decide to do steroids. purchase EVERYTHING you need during and after the cycle to properly manage your body and WATCH YOURSELF because addiction is real and it is really unnoticeable with steroids, until you actually are completely done everything and reflect upon yourself.
At least you live in a country with a functioning health care system. For good medical care I got to fork over $250/hr just to talk with a good Dr.