Dr prescribed me hydrochlorothiazide

Currently on 20 mg Lisinopril. BP still wasn't where she wanted it to be. Upped the Lisinopril with not much change so she said to keep it at 20 mgs and prescribed me hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg.

Anyone use this. Looks like it's a dieretic. Always get worried about sides when I hear that. I'm on 150 mgs test and not trying to lose too much weight. Heard guys can drop a few lbs of water. Should I up my trt to 175 mgs? I get high e2 sides if I raise it such as bloat but if this combats that would that be a good idea?
I take the exact same dosage and have for years. It's a pretty mild diuretic. I wouldn't expect to drop a lot of weight or a big bp drop at that dose but everyone responds differently. You may just need a different drug besides lisinopril. My blood pressure barely budged when I was on 40mg lisinopril. Telmisartan or nebivolol were much more effective for me. Good luck.
hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg is a mild dose, no worries. The first 6hours after taking you pee some more than you did before. You can also take Cialis 5mg.
instead of raise, you can drop your Test to 100-125mg
I take the exact same dosage and have for years. It's a pretty mild diuretic. I wouldn't expect to drop a lot of weight or a big bp drop at that dose but everyone responds differently. You may just need a different drug besides lisinopril. My blood pressure barely budged when I was on 40mg lisinopril. Telmisartan or nebivolol were much more effective for me. Good luck.
Yea I asked her about telmisartan because I read a lot of good things about it on here. She said to try this combo first and if no better we can switch the Lisinopril to telmisartan. You know what the added benefits are with using telmisartan over lisinopril
My doc did the same thing. Very mild diuretic l. When I added 12.5 to my telmisartan 80mg. By blood pressure dropped about 15-20 points in average
Yea I asked her about telmisartan because I read a lot of good things about it on here. She said to try this combo first and if no better we can switch the Lisinopril to telmisartan. You know what the added benefits are with using telmisartan over lisinopril
I believe telmisartan may possibly help prevent left ventricular hypertrophy in ped users and help a little with weight loss at higher dosages. Honestly the fact that it lowered my blood pressure was the only thing I cared about. Any other benefits are just icing on the cake. Maybe some people that are more knowledgeable than me can chime in on other benefits of telmisartan.
It can give you erectile dysfunction. Especially if you increase the dosage. I'm on telmisartan + ramipril myself. Had to add ramipril in when i started blasting.
hctz is super weak.

but im with juicebro, diuretics can mess with your penile function

instead of telmisartan+diuretic i would try telmisartan+eplerenone theres some synergy between the two