High E2


New Member
Advice needed first time estrogen this high, I pin twice weekly totaling 220mg. I don’t take anything else I don’t really have any symptoms unless joint pain is one anybody ever get near this? I’d really rather not take AI.


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It could be many factors that play here, some just are overresponders or vice versa.

Shbg plays a big role too. Hell, even half life of drugs can differ significantly from person to person, that's why some studies put out numbers with ± symbol. I know I metabolize drugs faster than normal, so for me injection frequency must be on on point, I use TU for a cruise and it's almost perfect.

It is possible that weight or lbm affects TT. But again everyone is so different it's hard to guess, since I don't change too much anymore I can't really compare it now. It would be interesting to see how (if) it changed over time.

Yeah, that's quite low. But again we don't know who that person is, maybe he accidently skipped one injection without noticing, maybe he accidently injected subq and his response is different, or mayve he needs to adjust his inj freq like yours or eod due to shbg/fast metabolizm.

For all we know, it could be anything in between or not related at all. That's why it's important to adjust and find what works for you.
Nah no missed injections I’ve been using some test/cyp from Viking medical since late October. Originally dose was 160mg twice weekly, original test reading was 268. I’ve slowly upped my dose since then and have found 220 as is high as I want to go till I’m ready for my first cycle. I don’t take hcg or anything. I’ve as of a week ago ordered from a source here I had the belief the Viking was underdosed so I shall see in a few weeks when I retest again that’s just a superstitious hypothetical thought with no evidence. I don’t know BF% but I’m roughly 245 and fairly bulky before starting test I’ve been powerlifting for years so I’m not sure how much all of that plays into everything I’m still learning and appreciating all I’m finding on here.
Me personally i haven't see it since i'm only been 4 months on juice, but if you watch closely all the magic numbers are coming from inexperienced guys with low muscle mass who start test, like 250 giving them 2800, trt dose of 150 having them on 1500 etc while buff guys with big amount of muscles may stay at 1100-1200 with their "trt" dose of 250 test.

With 210 test and everyday injection plus 500 IU x 3 HCG it gives me 1450 TT. But that's the every day number, no peaks and troughs.

So if two injections give him 770 TT with 220 that means the day after shot it reaches max like how much? 1100? Still isn't that consider low to be on the upper limit with 220?
I was originally at 268 and original dose was 160 split weekly I’ve just gotten to 220 about 3 weeks ago I’d say.
Originally dose was 160mg twice weekly, original test reading was 268. I’ve slowly upped my dose since then and have found 220
There you go, how long was that since you upped the dose from 160 to 220? If it's few weeks don't expect it to raise instantly.
I’ve as of a week ago ordered from a source here I had the belief the Viking was underdosed so I shall see in a few weeks when I retest again that’s just a superstitious hypothetical
Could very possibly be the case, I don't know about them. Even if underdose is tolerated ~10% then 250 = 225mg.

225*0.88=198mg (instead of 220).

See the pattern?
There you go, how long was that since you upped the dose from 160 to 220? If it's few weeks don't expect it to raise instantly.

Could very possibly be the case, I don't know about them. Even if underdose is tolerated ~10% then 250 = 225mg.

225*0.88=198mg (instead of 220).

See the pattern?
I was at was 160 to 180 in January, gave time to adjust I then went to 200 in February and as of roughly 3 weeks ago 220.
And yea I do again just my superstitious thoughts also kept it in the fridge because the vial stated lol I’m still figuring this all out to find my optimal dose.
Advice needed first time estrogen this high, I pin twice weekly totaling 220mg. I don’t take anything else I don’t really have any symptoms unless joint pain is one anybody ever get near this? I’d really rather not take AI.

You have some reall issues here. You have low MCV and MCH both suggesting you are low on iron. The high WBC's pointing to a possible inflammatory response, which could be the reason for low iron.

Do an iron panel (TSAT, SERUM IRON, FERRITIN), hsCRP and ESR to diagnose further potential inflammation and iron deficiency.
You have some reall issues here. You have low MCV and MCH both suggesting you are low on iron. The high WBC's pointing to a possible inflammatory response, which could be the reason for low iron.

Do an iron panel (TSAT, SERUM IRON, FERRITIN), hsCRP and ESR to diagnose further potential inflammation and iron deficiency.
Didn’t even notice those just the platelets and WBC. I’ll have to look into it appreciate that.