@Dr. Scally -> Success Rates w/ "Power PCT"?


New Member
I've seen a bunch of mention and anecdotal evidence for Scally's "Power PCT" program. I was wondering if any of you had run it, and if so was it successful in restoring your testosterone in the long term?

If yes/no, how long did you use AAS before running powerPCT?
I didn't run the power pct but I ran a pct recently so I could make some babies and just found out I was successful.. Only been off the pin for 9weeks and she 4-5 weeks along
What was your PCT, and what where your T levels after PCT?
I ran hcg throughout my cycle so I didn't do that part of the program. I am doing four weeks of clomid and six weeks of nolva though. Was on for five months. Felt like shit the first week after everything cleared... No energy, super tired. Three weeks in now and feeling so much better.
What was your PCT, and what where your T levels after PCT?

Pct was

1000ui hcg eod for 9 pins then
Clomid 100/50/50/50
torem 90/60/60/30
Nolva 0/0/0/0/20/10
Mk-677 20mg Ed

Just got off pct a few weeks ago and will have blood pull next week or two to see my t levels... Girl is 5 weeks pregnant so that means I'm having a pct baby lol...
I've seen a bunch of mention and anecdotal evidence for Scally's "Power PCT" program. I was wondering if any of you had run it, and if so was it successful in restoring your testosterone in the long term?

If yes/no, how long did you use AAS before running powerPCT?

I'm not saying there is no benefit to PCT bc I believe there is in many instances but the "results" will be highly variable depending upon a litany of factors that influence HTPA restoration.

The point is all of those factors must be controlled for to determine a cause and effect PCT relationship.