Dr Tony Huge deposition

I'll sum these up for everyone:

"I plead the 5th"

Tony is another slick snake oil salesmen like Meathead, and he belongs in jail with him. Too bad they can't be cell mates. Without coach Trevor (or whatever TF his name is) to intervene, they'd have to wrestle to see who gets to be the top. My money is on Tony - if for no other reason than I think Meathead would let him win.
Was any of the shit they sold a controlled substance?
Is there a criminal case in the works?
Was any of the shit they sold a controlled substance?
Is there a criminal case in the works?


I'm not aware of his direct involvement in any illegal activities other than what Rob already mentioned, and I think he was openly selling trestolone too, but I'd be surprised if he didn't have a full-scale underground AAS operation going. He's reckless, sleezy, and greedy af, but probably smart enough to distance himself from any illegal operations that could get him in real trouble. I don't watch his videos so I don't know if he's pushing a particular lab, but that would be a pretty good indication.