So you are saying that every generation before you were idiots? Because racism was publicly accepted and rampant? Societal norms change with the times. Progressiveness is not always best or positive. Also were there more laws restricting your rights under greatest generation or currently under this generation? That point alone contradicts your arguement. So every generation after you can say the same about you then correct?This virus is 100% bullshit. The media pumped this up. Yes it kills older people, but if you're under 50 it's gonna be flu like and you're done.
As for the country turning to chaos and anarchy. That will never happen, the people still have to pay their local and state taxes and 50% of that goes into some forum of LE, legislation, judges, prosecutors, cops, jails state and federal prisons. You will never shut down the police state no matter how bad it gets. And I trust criminals a thousand times more than cops, no one steals more money an assets from people, robs them of their freedom stopping them on the streets to harass than LE. You are eight times more likely to get shot and killed by a cop than a terrorist.
And "little", all generations have had their mindless assholes. There is no "greatest generation". I'm probably older than anyone on this forum. The greatest generation were dumbasses, most of them were mindless racist fuckheads, I know because I grew up with them, it was booze in one hand and nigger this and nigger that. This younger generation is dumb as well, but at least they're a little more aware of their behavior, and by far they're the most educated generation, seems like everyone under 25 these days has a masters degree, something unheard of by previous generations from GenX to Silent Generation.
Seems like if you don't go to church or believe in the magical sky daddy and aren't involved in world wars dropping bombs on people than you're worthless. How about a generation that doesn't give a shit, even George Carlin said it's important not to give a shit, it can really help you in life.
Also, how can you make the statement that chaos or anarchy will never happen? Huh, really, ok. Let's hope that never happens but everything can happen. Denying such is ignorant.
Lastly you make claim you trust criminals more then cops, that may be. But follow up that statement comparing police shootings to terrorists? Apples to pineapples? You are far more likely to be robbed or shot by s criminal.