Dropping weight post PCT


New Member
I was going to wait to start this convo until I got my blood test back but I got anxious. I'm dropping weight like crazy after PCT. At the peak of my first cycle I was up to 195, started at 178. Ran a 12 week cycle test only 600mg/wk.
4 weeks PCT Nolva/clomid (40/40/20/20 and 50/50/25/25, respectively).
During PCT I dropped to 185 which I mostly expected, but now 2 weeks post PCT I've dropped more weight, I'm 177.
I've been eating pretty clean and also tried a 3500 calorie diet as was still dropping weight.
I stared GH about 6weeks ago at 4iu, 5x week so I suspect im losing some body fat now due to that. I went to get bloodwork done this morning to see how my test levels are, they were low to begin with (245). I'm mostly concerned that my test levels are in the shitter and that's why I'm losing weight.
I know it hard to say without the current blood work results but does anyone have any advice on how the hell I should proceed. I need to get back up to 185+. I'll post blood results as soon as I get them, should be fast usually 24hr turn around.
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It's either water and glycogen weight you're dropping or you're in a calorie deficit and losing fat mass or lean mass. What's your maintenance calorie needs?
I need about 2800-3000 to maintain and that was at 185lbs. I was really surprised to see me continue to lose weight when bumped to 3500+ again. I've since backed down a bit, mostly out of frustration.. I know not good but I was getting discouraged
I would definitely keep the eating up furious, that's the number 1 most important thing... I'm sure you know that. Also, the more LBM compared to BF you carry around, the easier faster your body will burn through calories.

It also couldn't hurt to get your thyroid checked out, it's possible that it could be hyper-active
You may have other health issues at the moment but you're clearly not eating enough. Eating over maintained during PCT is critical in most cases to support newly developed muscle tissue.

Did you establish your TDEE, then develop a diet to reflect these numbers and your specific goals? Did you recalculate TDEE/cals and increase after cycle?
Test results came back everything looks great. In fact my test is better than before at 403. Must just be an eating thing, I'll iust keep shoveling food in my face. Thanks for the input guys