:)Drugsgear.com Introduction

Don't get my words out of the text. Read the rest of the thread.
If you don't understand - ask asf members and they will explain you

Like I told you last week motherfucker, your time here is done. This thread is just beginning to get fun. You thought it was all talk right? Spotlight is now on you sunshine. You have all our undivided attention. Sit back and enjoy the ride.
I have no reasons to leave this board because I have a lot of clients from Meso and they are laughing at you because they understand your intrests and they understand how stupid you are.
Better think on new methods of advertising or ask your employer to import real gear. Homebrew gear isn't popular nowdays.
Jay, now you don't need to use two accounts to post here.
you can use your real account and delete Afguy901 one.

You now have reasons to leave meso. Our interests are removing you from this board. And you're right, certain Meso members are laughing as we defile your thread.
What is an Internet Troll/ Forum troll?

An "Internet troll" or "Forum Troll" or "Message Board Troll" is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Forum Troll delights in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. Flaming discussions usually end with name calling and a flame war.

A classic troll is trying to make us believe that he is a genuine skeptic with no hidden agenda. He is divisive and argumentative with need-to-be-right attitude, "searching for the truth", flaming discussion, and sometimes insulting people or provoking people to insult him. Troll is usually an expert in reusing the same words of its opponents and in turning it against them.

While sometimes, he may sound like a stupid, uninformed, ignorant poster, do not be deceived! Most trolls are highly intelligent people trying to hide behind a mask of stupidity and/or ignorance! They usually have an agenda!!!!

^^^^^^^^ meso people in this thread..

Shut the fuck up and speak when spoken to. You will learn your place by weeks end.
Ok MR 178lbs fuking loser hahah
God damn you're a fucking child. Calling out members, having a sources cock rammed down your throat. Who are you to put your name on a source and recommend it out to everyone? Who the fuck are you to call wrong from right? Take you little syringe of underdosed test, jab your thigh, and continue jabbing it. As fast as you can, everywhere. Aim for 80 stabs a minute for maximum muscle gained. Fuck off.
You are so bored.
Really - think of something new.
I understand your interests, but I have my own.
You can write whatever you want to write.
Your words are nothing for me and for people who come here to read about me.
After reading this topic people usually write me that you and other trolls are idiots.

You now have reasons to leave meso. Our interests are removing you from this board. And you're right, certain Meso members are laughing as we defile your thread.
Wow you guys are so heartless. Who is going to be the next piece of entertainment once this dumbass leaves Meso?

All joking aside, @Drugsgear.com do you realize that you are nothing but hot air? You been called out, so deal with the fallout ;)
Ok because I have respect for Millard,MindlessWork,Bob dole and few others I will not call the other members in this thread trolls anymore.But I have one question for the trolls where is your proof of anything wrong with DG !!!!!!!
Thank you Burr finally someone tells it like it is...
And that is the way we should all treat a UGL, or a gear reseller.
You tried him out apparently, and he worked for you. that is great. the rest of us will remain skeptic for a while.
For me his prices on most things are too high.
Much respect to you bro I have a problem with how the others trash talk like little kids.

And that is the way we should all treat a UGL, or a gear reseller.
You tried him out apparently, and he worked for you. that is great. the rest of us will remain skeptic for a while.
For me his prices on most things are too high.

