Dual SERMs on 1st cycle?


New Member
Thursday I'll start my first PCT. I went long on my first cycle (16wks) I just wanted to finish everything I had. Anyway I did a 500mg/wk test c. While also taking exemestane as needed. I have nolva and clomid on hand for PCT but I was wondering if I actually need to take both together or just one alone.

Side note: after the first week off, I noticed acne flaring up worse than during cycle. Now I'm 3 weeks post and it's new breakouts daily. Also, seems like I'm a lot more horny now that I'm 3 weeks off. My dck worked before thanks to the stane, but not like this
Do you have bloods planned? How often and how much aromasin were.you taking on cycle? Im pretty sure you can continue to.take it in pct.
I plan on taking bloods post pct. I had bloods around week 10 done.

Aromasin was used as needed basis, then around week 11 I was using 5mg a day with little sides.
It wouldntt take both, but thats just personal preference. My thought process is to take as little as possible to get desired effect. You could continue your aromasin during your pct, if you think the acne is estro related.
Yeah I just started back last night to see if it helps. It's just weird because now I have acne breakouts worse, but harder morning wood and random wood where as on cycle barley had either
Thursday I'll start my first PCT. I went long on my first cycle (16wks) I just wanted to finish everything I had. Anyway I did a 500mg/wk test c. While also taking exemestane as needed. I have nolva and clomid on hand for PCT but I was wondering if I actually need to take both together or just one alone.

Side note: after the first week off, I noticed acne flaring up worse than during cycle. Now I'm 3 weeks post and it's new breakouts daily. Also, seems like I'm a lot more horny now that I'm 3 weeks off. My dck worked before thanks to the stane, but not like this

A lot of people run aromasin/exemstane through pct with nolva/clomid or both. It seems like your acne is estrogen related although I'm no expert. Some people also complain that clomid makes them break out.
If you are really worried get some accutane @ 40mg per day for a couple weeks/months if needed
I plan on taking bloods post pct. I had bloods around week 10 done.

Aromasin was used as needed basis, then around week 11 I was using 5mg a day with little sides.

I did not see it in any of your posts. So just as a question. Do you have pre-cycle blood work for comparison?
I ran both nolva and clomid at 50/20 for 4 weeks but that was just based on what I've read on here. I also didn't get any acne on cycle and had bacne about a week following my last pin which subsided about 3 weeks after last pin.
Yeah I just started back last night to see if it helps. It's just weird because now I have acne breakouts worse, but harder morning wood and random wood where as on cycle barley had either
I know how you feel when it comes to the higher libido aspect. Confusing right? Everything you read and hear will scare you about your dick possibly not working during pct and off cycle. I have just came off gear after a long cycle and expected to have no libido either....but my libido has been crazy and I've haven't injected in 8 weeks. I can't remember the last time I would get random wood except for when I was a teenager and now I feel like my hormones are raging even tho I'm currently natural. I guess the younger bounce back strong. I'm sure there is a lot more to it that can't be explained

Also I never got any acne on any cycle. But the moment I come off I break out all the time 4-5 weeks post cycle the acne subsides OK sure it's due to an increase of estrogen/hormone imbalance or both. Nolva and clomid always make me break out
Hey OP, listen to me.

My first cycle was the same, but with sustanon. What shit up a red flag with me was that your acne is getting worse. Idk what type of acne it is, but man, shortly after taking nolva and then completely screwing up my pct, something went out of wack with me and I developed some VERY serious cystic acne, dark red inflamed blisters all over my upper body.

BE CAREFUL. I wish to fuck I had accutane and knew what I know now about acne. I'm still scarred up from that and I hate how it looks on my chest... if you get any type of swollen lump on your forehead/chest/shoulders and you want to pop it, just fucking don't. It'll start a chain reaction. Leave your acne alone.

I constantly post this study I'm going to link here to you, and I highly suggest you get with it if your acne is in the beginning stages and you're entering pct. You don't want these scars, and you can stop the acne in its tracks now if you so choose to. Good luck.

Efficacy of fixed daily 20 mg of isotretinoin in moderate to severe scar prone acne
I did not see it in any of your posts. So just as a question. Do you have pre-cycle blood work for comparison?
No, that's where I went wrong with a newbies 1st mistake. I didn't get pre cycle labs but got them around wk 10. So I have nothing to compare to after I'm done. Dumb I know
Hey OP, listen to me.

My first cycle was the same, but with sustanon. What shit up a red flag with me was that your acne is getting worse. Idk what type of acne it is, but man, shortly after taking nolva and then completely screwing up my pct, something went out of wack with me and I developed some VERY serious cystic acne, dark red inflamed blisters all over my upper body.

BE CAREFUL. I wish to fuck I had accutane and knew what I know now about acne. I'm still scarred up from that and I hate how it looks on my chest... if you get any type of swollen lump on your forehead/chest/shoulders and you want to pop it, just fucking don't. It'll start a chain reaction. Leave your acne alone.

I constantly post this study I'm going to link here to you, and I highly suggest you get with it if your acne is in the beginning stages and you're entering pct. You don't want these scars, and you can stop the acne in its tracks now if you so choose to. Good luck.

Efficacy of fixed daily 20 mg of isotretinoin in moderate to severe scar prone acne
Dude, getting a few of those deep boil like break outs on my lower back and one on my collar bone as we speak. I'm getting mostly smaller surface zits on my rear delts, chest and face. I kept thinking it was my hard hat, or glasses and just sweating at work, but no matter how much I clean, I wake up to new shit. But yeah I definitely have a couple of those bitches that grow from way deep.
Get on accutane now. Pill or liquid form, doesn't matter. Make sure that you take it a fatty meal, at least 30g's of fats, peanuts/peanut butter is what I used. Don't let that shit get out of hand and have some general practitioner throw months of antibiotics at you.
No, that's where I went wrong with a newbies 1st mistake. I didn't get pre cycle labs but got them around wk 10. So I have nothing to compare to after I'm done. Dumb I know

Well, live and learn. I would suggest you seriously consider @Spooby advice on the acne. Of course, you are free to do as you wish. Just try to research things before you make a decision. Good luck with everything.
Get on accutane now. Pill or liquid form, doesn't matter. Make sure that you take it a fatty meal, at least 30g's of fats, peanuts/peanut butter is what I used. Don't let that shit get out of hand and have some general practitioner throw months of antibiotics at you.

Agreed, my mate who introduced me to gear started started cycling when he was 18 and already had cystic acne all over. I told him about accutane and he said he'd try it on cycle so he got 2 boxes and was at 40mg per day. Not only does it pretty much stop acne 100% it clears up what you have at the moment. Honestly a miracle drug for most. Avoid the sun, alcohol and picking at pimples since the first week or two you might purge where it gets worse before better.
Accutane is known to cause some extent of scaring though, so keep that in mind