Duncan Pharma - Europe Domestic

Duncan Pharma

Duncan Pharma

Hello everyone,

Today is a special day for us. After months of preparation, we are finally ready to present our project to you. Before we begin, we would like to sincerely thank the MesoRX community for providing us with this platform to share our ideas.


At Duncan Pharma, our commitment is to provide products of the highest quality. We know that trust is essential, which is why we focus on transparency and safety at every stage of our production process.


Quality is our top priority. Our GMP-compliant laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art technologies to ensure optimal production conditions. Every batch of raw materials undergoes rigorous testing to ensure the use of the purest and safest ingredients. Our products undergo strict quality controls, and we publish test results on our website for full transparency.


We understand that using steroids is a significant and personal decision. That is why we are committed to providing all necessary information to help you make informed decisions. Trust is built through transparency and integrity. We publish our test results and are always available to answer your questions. Our goal is to create a community where everyone feels safe and supported.


We are passionate about our work. MesoRX is arguably the most respected forum in this field, and that's where we started our journey. It is symbolic and relevant to share our efforts here, where the community can evaluate them.


Our business involves risks, and we do not want you to suffer from them. If your shipment is seized by customs, we will resend your order free of charge upon receipt of proof of seizure.


Each package is secure for discreet delivery. We use various courier services, including EMS and regular postal service.

We deliver throughout the EU, excluding Switzerland, the UK, Norway, Finland, and Sweden.
Our shipments come from the EU.
Estimated delivery time for the EU: 3-10 days.
Delivery costs are 20 euros.


We offer a $150 credit for quantitative testing of our finished products. We encourage you to have our products tested by Janosik or any other third-party laboratory. These tests help to strengthen trust in the quality of our products.


To ensure security, we accept payments in Bitcoin. We also offer credit card payment, and bank transfer is coming soon!


We are pleased to announce that @GiantMuscle will be our official representative. Any questions related to us can be asked to him. For large orders, please write to our email.

DU drost en.pngDU drost prop.pngDU mester.pngDU meth en.pngDU methan.pngDU nan dec.pngDU npp.pngDU turik.pngDU oxan.pngDU stan.pngDU sust.pngDU test cyp.pngDU test en.pngDU tren ace.pngDU tren en.pngDU test prop.png
Price list? Carrier oil used? Country you are shipping from? Pics from your GMP compliant factory?

For OPSEC reasons, we do not share photos. The carrier oil used is MCT oil. The price list is available on our website. We ship from Europe
No pics for OpSec reasons but easily decryptable website and accepting creditcard is okay, hmmm interesting...
and furthermore, it's not even Friday... (not to mention the tit picture)
No pics for OpSec reasons but easily decryptable website and accepting creditcard is okay, hmmm interesting...
and furthermore, it's not even Friday... (not to mention the tit picture)
I agree mate... something suspicious happening here...at least show us some tits.
I am asking which country they ship from and the rep answers Europe... No shit i can read the title. So far a bad start and lack of information for Duncan.
No pics for OpSec reasons but easily decryptable website and accepting creditcard is okay, hmmm interesting...
and furthermore, it's not even Friday... (not to mention the tit picture)

"Decryptable Website"? A website is not encryptable or decryptable. The place where its stored (in this case, Hosting Provider Server) is the one that is encrypted. And of course it is.

The only encrypted thing going to my website is the HTTPS communication you are using to access (which you can see on top-left, checking the certificate of the website)

Credit Cards, yea ! Amazing to use when people don't understand crypto. If you are scared that I am an Indian Salah trying to steal your millions from your credit card just use a disponsable one, or a one-time credit card. I thought that since you know that much about encryption and websites, you knew that this things exist.

Jokes apart, what a welcome. Lol
I am asking which country they ship from and the rep answers Europe... No shit i can read the title. So far a bad start and lack of information for Duncan.

Eastern Europe. I don't need to give you exact details about our shipping location for obvious reasons.
Hello everyone,

Just a quick reminder that we currently have a 10% discount available.

Don't miss out on this opportunity!

Best regards,

Everything You Want to Know About Anavar


Myth #1: Anavar doesn’t suppress the HPTA.
False. Anavar can suppress the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis (HPTA) at effective doses. The severity of suppression effects (like libido loss and lethargy) depends on the individual and the dosage.

Myth #2: Anavar is a weak anabolic and ineffective without more androgenic compounds.
Incorrect. At doses of 50mg per day or higher, Anavar is highly effective for achieving gains without water retention. Increased vascularity should become apparent around day 6-7 if the oxandrolone is dosed correctly, and strength gains should start by day 14. During a clean bulk, it can produce lean gains, and when cutting, it enhances vascularity and maintains performance.

Myth #3: Anavar doesn’t require any form of Post Cycle Therapy (PCT).
This myth is perplexing, as it's widely known that Anavar is suppressive. Investing in PCT, like Clomid or Nolvadex, is crucial to restore testicular function.


Anavar alone can slightly suppress libido when used at 40+mg per day.

  1. Proviron: At 25mg daily from the second week, Proviron can maintain libido and harden muscles. Avoid if hair loss is a concern.
  2. Maintenance Testosterone Dose: Using around 200mg of testosterone weekly can help maintain libido and improve gains. Keep Nolvadex handy if you are prone to gynecomastia.


Anavar offers several key benefits:

  1. Vascularity: Expect new veins to appear on forearms by day 6. If cutting, expect enhanced vascularity in the chest, shoulders, and quads by day 21, depending on body fat levels.
  2. Pump: Pumps are intense and constant. Even light activity can lead to significant muscle pump.
  3. Strength: Expect strength gains even during a cut after about 14-21 days.


Anavar, being a 17-alpha-alkylated steroid, is hepatotoxic. It’s less toxic than other orals but should be used for a maximum of 8-10 weeks.

Supplements for Liver Protection:

  • TUDCA: A liver protective compound.
  • R-ALA: A potent antioxidant.
  • NAC: Supports liver function and glutathione production.
  • Vitamin C and E: Antioxidants.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water.


Anavar can impact cholesterol levels, though less severely than some other steroids.

Supplements for Lipid Protection:

  • NAC Liver Cleanse
  • Policosanol: 20mg daily to maintain HDL levels.
  • Niacin: 1-2g daily post-cycle for HDL normalization. Use cautiously to avoid liver toxicity.
  • Krill Oil: Antioxidants to neutralize free radicals.