Duncan Pharma - Europe Domestic

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Everything You Want to Know About Anavar


Myth #1: Anavar doesn’t suppress the HPTA.
False. Anavar can suppress the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis (HPTA) at effective doses. The severity of suppression effects (like libido loss and lethargy) depends on the individual and the dosage.

Myth #2: Anavar is a weak anabolic and ineffective without more androgenic compounds.
Incorrect. At doses of 50mg per day or higher, Anavar is highly effective for achieving gains without water retention. Increased vascularity should become apparent around day 6-7 if the oxandrolone is dosed correctly, and strength gains should start by day 14. During a clean bulk, it can produce lean gains, and when cutting, it enhances vascularity and maintains performance.

Myth #3: Anavar doesn’t require any form of Post Cycle Therapy (PCT).
This myth is perplexing, as it's widely known that Anavar is suppressive. Investing in PCT, like Clomid or Nolvadex, is crucial to restore testicular function.


Anavar alone can slightly suppress libido when used at 40+mg per day.

  1. Proviron: At 25mg daily from the second week, Proviron can maintain libido and harden muscles. Avoid if hair loss is a concern.
  2. Maintenance Testosterone Dose: Using around 200mg of testosterone weekly can help maintain libido and improve gains. Keep Nolvadex handy if you are prone to gynecomastia.


Anavar offers several key benefits:

  1. Vascularity: Expect new veins to appear on forearms by day 6. If cutting, expect enhanced vascularity in the chest, shoulders, and quads by day 21, depending on body fat levels.
  2. Pump: Pumps are intense and constant. Even light activity can lead to significant muscle pump.
  3. Strength: Expect strength gains even during a cut after about 14-21 days.


Anavar, being a 17-alpha-alkylated steroid, is hepatotoxic. It’s less toxic than other orals but should be used for a maximum of 8-10 weeks.

Supplements for Liver Protection:

  • TUDCA: A liver protective compound.
  • R-ALA: A potent antioxidant.
  • NAC: Supports liver function and glutathione production.
  • Vitamin C and E: Antioxidants.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water.


Anavar can impact cholesterol levels, though less severely than some other steroids.

Supplements for Lipid Protection:

  • NAC Liver Cleanse
  • Policosanol: 20mg daily to maintain HDL levels.
  • Niacin: 1-2g daily post-cycle for HDL normalization. Use cautiously to avoid liver toxicity.
  • Krill Oil: Antioxidants to neutralize free radicals.
Good info man share more like this one.
Who cares bro? Opsec is a joke on meso anyway....

60 year old roid users thinking bitcoin is annoymous after they scanned their ID is crazy.

Make monero standard or stop crying about opsec. :rolleyes:

And it's an option, no one is forced to take this payment method.
And it's an option, no one is forced to take this payment method.
Yea but the point was its completly the same just 1 more step.

I see alot of comments like this on meso and I find it funny.

Maybe for 3rd world countrys its not the same but its 2024.
Thank you for your first orders.
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Maintaining Gains After a Cycle

These basic approaches will help maintain a certain degree of musculature during the off-period, but they are not intended for high-dosage AAS users or those in B&C (though you can still learn from them).

If all procedures are carried out correctly during the cycle, you will achieve great gains and acquire new muscle tissue. However, you need to focus on the off-period to put yourself in the best position possible to maintain your new gains once the cycle is over.


One of the areas we focus on is the HPTA (Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testicular Axis). Recovery of the HPTA is vital for maintaining gains. Typically, on a standard 10-12 week AAS cycle, suppression or complete shutdown is almost certain, despite all the strategies we might undertake.

Natural androgen production needs to be quickly restored so that anabolic hormones are operational to help maintain the newly found muscle. This is why post-cycle therapy (PCT) is vital, and correct protocols must be followed.

Short cycles are becoming increasingly popular because, with this type of cycle, there is a significant chance of having testicular function directly or very shortly after stopping the cycle, and recovery seems much faster. This is not always the case, as it depends on the compounds used, but overall, the shorter the cycle, the quicker the recovery.

Once the cycle is stopped, we need to preserve our gains, and if measures were not taken during the cycle, we must now take steps to reduce estrogen binding in the hypothalamus. Post-cycle estrogen management is crucial for some, and it can negatively impact your HPTA recovery just as androgens can during this period.

The only way to fully restore your HPTA is to completely stop the cycle and perform a PCT for recovery; the process will be much easier. Common auxiliary drugs that support the post-cycle and recovery period include Clomid, Nolvadex, and HCG, to name a few.


Another area we need to focus on to help maintain new gains. After a cycle, androgen levels will be below normal, even with the above strategies. We need to maximize anabolic hormones as much as possible while our system recovers. First, we must calculate the change in new calories needed for the new tissue acquired during the cycle and support the new tissue. A person who does not eat enough for their needs will lose muscle mass very quickly.

Many studies have shown that overeating maximizes these factors. Dietary fats influence androgen secretion; monounsaturated and saturated fats increase testosterone levels, but not polyunsaturated fats. A healthy diet containing O'3 and O'6 will help during this period.

Eat clean and nourish the new tissue with an abundance of calories, but always keep in mind muscle-building foods rather than sugar-rich alternatives we might easily turn to during this period.

When testosterone levels return to normal and recovery is almost complete, calories can be reduced to maintain the new muscles gained during the cycle. Never start a diet during the recovery phase; it would strip you of your hard-earned gains.


If you trained intensely during the cycle, you can help maintain the new gains by slightly modifying your training approach. Implement more rest days to ensure your CNS (Central Nervous System) fully recovers. You might even notice additional gains sometimes.

Limit overly long training sessions and schedule longer rest days between workouts. Long workouts decrease the testosterone/cortisol ratio, so don't embark on long training sessions, even if you feel strong or fit. Short and quick sessions will aid recovery without further stressing your system.

Always focus on heavy basic movements and HIT (High-Intensity Training) workouts, and pay more attention to the eccentric part of the lift, as it causes the most damage to muscle fibers.


It’s hard to recommend which supplements will help and work for you during the recovery and maintenance period. It’s clear that quality protein powder, creatine, and essential vitamins and supplements during the rest period help considerably and aid recovery. Past experience will help in choosing which other supplements may help and suit your body.

Don't forget essential supplements like NAC, Taurine, Vitamin C, etc.


MARTEN is an artificially synthesized human growth hormone. European quality and German standards have the most positive effect on the human body, without collateral effects.

In terms of price-performance ratio, MARTEN is included in the middle price segment of HGH products. But it bypasses all competitors at this stage in terms of product quality and degree of purification.

MARTEN shows the highest level of growth hormone (somatotropic hormone) in the blood 3-4 hours after injection. Studies show that the level of growth hormone in the blood is on average one and a half times higher compared to many market giants.

MARTEN is ideal for the simultaneous creation of a lean, quality body and the growth of lean muscle mass.

Positive Effects

  • Reduces body fat – catalyzes lipolysis
  • Increases physical strength and muscle mass
  • Gives a sense of well-being
  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system
  • Has a tonic effect, rejuvenates the body
  • Improves brain activity
  • Leads to the resumption of regeneration and development of some organs that could atrophy with age
  • Improves skin condition, reduces wrinkles
  • Stimulates the production of bone marrow cells that produce red blood cells
  • Improves the condition of bone tissue
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Slows down aging

Liquid Version

Liquid HGH (Human Growth Hormone) formulations are ready-to-use solutions containing recombinant human growth hormone. They consist of HGH dissolved in sterile water, with added stabilizers (like mannitol or glycerin), buffers (to maintain pH), and sometimes preservatives (like phenol).

This format simplifies administration by eliminating the need for reconstitution and allows for precise dosing, often through prefilled injection pens. However, they require refrigeration to maintain stability.


Good day! As an inauguration sale, let's offer a 40% discount on HGH.


Acne Treatment Regimen:

  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
  • Zinc (preferably Zinc Picolinate)

Vitamin B5:
High doses of this vitamin will reduce the size of your pores. It also encourages the body to metabolize fats more effectively, leading to less sebum and oil on the skin.

Acne is often a symptom of zinc deficiency. More than 30% of the population is deficient. Zinc acts as a vehicle for vitamin A, delivering it to your skin, which promotes healthier skin. It supports the immune system and acts as an antibiotic.

Naturally, skin cells die. But they do not die and renew effectively if you have a zinc deficiency. This process is called apoptosis. Without zinc, skin cells clump together and slow down skin exfoliation, which clogs pores. Not good for acne. Even Accutane contains an ingredient (isotretinoin) that helps facilitate apoptosis. This gives you a clear idea of zinc's power.

Week 1 (if acne is not severe, skip to Week 2):
  • Vitamin B5: 14 grams (7 grams in the morning and 7 grams before bedtime)
  • Zinc: 100 mg per day (50 mg in the morning and 50 mg before bedtime)

Week 2 (start here if acne is not severe):
  • Vitamin B5: 10 grams (5 grams in the morning and 5 grams before bedtime)
  • Zinc: 50 mg per day (25 mg in the morning and 25 mg before bedtime)

Repeat Week 2 until the acne clears up.

Both supplements are water-soluble.

Everything You Need to Know About Trenbolone

Trenbolone is an extremely versatile compound that can be used for both cutting and bulking. Contrary to popular belief, trenbolone is not just for cutting or hardening. This misconception persists despite trenbolone's capability to support muscle gains as well.


Trenbolone is an exceptionally potent compound—five times stronger than testosterone, making it the most potent conventional anabolic steroid. Trenbolone has an anabolic rating of 500 compared to testosterone's rating of 100.

Given its potency, there’s no need to take trenbolone at very high doses, especially for first-time users. People often overestimate the required dosage, leading to unnecessary side effects. A modest dose of 250 mg per week can provide excellent results, and 300-400 mg per week can yield great gains with minimal side effects. Increasing the dosage in successive cycles is unnecessary; the effectiveness of trenbolone does not require such escalation.

Characteristics and Side Effects

Trenbolone is a 19-nor steroid, placing it in the same class as nandrolone (Deca). As a progestin, trenbolone does not convert to estrogen or DHT, which means it does not cause water retention or estrogen-related gynecomastia, and it doesn't increase blood pressure due to water retention. You can expect lean gains with trenbolone, observing physical changes from week to week with a proper diet.

However, trenbolone’s progestin nature can lead to unwanted side effects:

1. Tren-Dick (Erectile Dysfunction): Due to its progestin nature and prolactin secretion, trenbolone can cause severe suppression of libido and erectile dysfunction. High prolactin levels can also lead to anorgasmia (inability to orgasm).
2. Prolactin-Related Gynecomastia: While trenbolone does not aromatize, high prolactin levels can cause gynecomastia. This is not the same as estrogen-related gynecomastia and requires control of prolactin levels.

To Manage Side Effects:
- Use a prolactin antagonist such as cabergoline, pramipexole, or bromocriptine. Vitamin B6 also has anti-prolactin properties.
- Controlling estrogen levels can reduce the sensitivity of progesterone receptors in breast tissue, indirectly reducing the risk of prolactin-induced gynecomastia. However, controlling estrogen alone does not prevent prolactin secretion, hence the need for a prolactin antagonist.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does it mean when trenbolone is described as a "hard compound"?

- Trenbolone can cause side effects like night sweats, insomnia, increased body heat, and reduced cardiovascular capacity due to its strong anabolic and androgenic nature. Aggressiveness and irritability may also increase. These side effects are dose-dependent, and moderate dosing should mitigate these issues.

2. Does trenbolone reduce cardiovascular capacity?
- Yes, trenbolone can reduce cardiovascular capacity due to increased prostaglandin F2Alpha, leading to bronchial constriction. This effect is dose-dependent and may not be significant at doses below 300 mg per week.

3. Can trenbolone be used alone?
- No. Testosterone should be used with trenbolone to maintain normal bodily functions that testosterone supports, as trenbolone suppresses natural testosterone production.

4. Should trenbolone be used in a first cycle?
- It is not recommended for beginners due to the unique side effects. Starting with testosterone alone helps assess how the body reacts before introducing trenbolone.

5. What are the different forms of trenbolone?
- Trenbolone comes mainly in three forms:
- Trenbolone Acetate: Short half-life, allowing for quick start and stop if side effects occur.
- Trenbolone Enanthate: Longer half-life, requiring more time to clear from the system.
- Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate: Longer half-life than acetate, less commonly used.

6. What is "tren cough"?
- Tren cough results from hitting a vein during injection, causing the oil to enter the bloodstream and irritate the lungs. Inject slowly to minimize the risk and severity of tren cough.

7. Is trenbolone toxic to the liver?
- Trenbolone is mildly hepatotoxic but avoids first-pass liver metabolism due to being injectable, unlike oral steroids.

8. Does trenbolone affect the kidneys?
- Trenbolone can cause dark rust-colored urine, which is due to its metabolites and not kidney damage. Trenbolone does not have a higher toxicity to kidneys compared to other anabolic steroids.

Trenbolone is a powerful anabolic steroid with significant benefits for both cutting and bulking. Proper dosing and management of side effects are crucial for safe and effective use. Always accompany trenbolone with testosterone and consider using prolactin antagonists to mitigate side effects.


MARTEN is an artificially synthesized human growth hormone. European quality and German standards have the most positive effect on the human body, without collateral effects.

In terms of price-performance ratio, MARTEN is included in the middle price segment of HGH products. But it bypasses all competitors at this stage in terms of product quality and degree of purification.

MARTEN shows the highest level of growth hormone (somatotropic hormone) in the blood 3-4 hours after injection. Studies show that the level of growth hormone in the blood is on average one and a half times higher compared to many market giants.

MARTEN is ideal for the simultaneous creation of a lean, quality body and the growth of lean muscle mass.

Positive Effects

  • Reduces body fat – catalyzes lipolysis
  • Increases physical strength and muscle mass
  • Gives a sense of well-being
  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system
  • Has a tonic effect, rejuvenates the body
  • Improves brain activity
  • Leads to the resumption of regeneration and development of some organs that could atrophy with age
  • Improves skin condition, reduces wrinkles
  • Stimulates the production of bone marrow cells that produce red blood cells
  • Improves the condition of bone tissue
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Slows down aging

Liquid Version

Liquid HGH (Human Growth Hormone) formulations are ready-to-use solutions containing recombinant human growth hormone. They consist of HGH dissolved in sterile water, with added stabilizers (like mannitol or glycerin), buffers (to maintain pH), and sometimes preservatives (like phenol).

This format simplifies administration by eliminating the need for reconstitution and allows for precise dosing, often through prefilled injection pens. However, they require refrigeration to maintain stability.


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We're offering a 40% discount on the GH Marten.

This deal is available now, so grab yours while stocks last!
View attachment 286391

Everything You Need to Know About Trenbolone

Trenbolone is an extremely versatile compound that can be used for both cutting and bulking. Contrary to popular belief, trenbolone is not just for cutting or hardening. This misconception persists despite trenbolone's capability to support muscle gains as well.


Trenbolone is an exceptionally potent compound—five times stronger than testosterone, making it the most potent conventional anabolic steroid. Trenbolone has an anabolic rating of 500 compared to testosterone's rating of 100.

Given its potency, there’s no need to take trenbolone at very high doses, especially for first-time users. People often overestimate the required dosage, leading to unnecessary side effects. A modest dose of 250 mg per week can provide excellent results, and 300-400 mg per week can yield great gains with minimal side effects. Increasing the dosage in successive cycles is unnecessary; the effectiveness of trenbolone does not require such escalation.

Characteristics and Side Effects

Trenbolone is a 19-nor steroid, placing it in the same class as nandrolone (Deca). As a progestin, trenbolone does not convert to estrogen or DHT, which means it does not cause water retention or estrogen-related gynecomastia, and it doesn't increase blood pressure due to water retention. You can expect lean gains with trenbolone, observing physical changes from week to week with a proper diet.

However, trenbolone’s progestin nature can lead to unwanted side effects:

1. Tren-Dick (Erectile Dysfunction): Due to its progestin nature and prolactin secretion, trenbolone can cause severe suppression of libido and erectile dysfunction. High prolactin levels can also lead to anorgasmia (inability to orgasm).
2. Prolactin-Related Gynecomastia: While trenbolone does not aromatize, high prolactin levels can cause gynecomastia. This is not the same as estrogen-related gynecomastia and requires control of prolactin levels.

To Manage Side Effects:
- Use a prolactin antagonist such as cabergoline, pramipexole, or bromocriptine. Vitamin B6 also has anti-prolactin properties.
- Controlling estrogen levels can reduce the sensitivity of progesterone receptors in breast tissue, indirectly reducing the risk of prolactin-induced gynecomastia. However, controlling estrogen alone does not prevent prolactin secretion, hence the need for a prolactin antagonist.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does it mean when trenbolone is described as a "hard compound"?

- Trenbolone can cause side effects like night sweats, insomnia, increased body heat, and reduced cardiovascular capacity due to its strong anabolic and androgenic nature. Aggressiveness and irritability may also increase. These side effects are dose-dependent, and moderate dosing should mitigate these issues.

2. Does trenbolone reduce cardiovascular capacity?
- Yes, trenbolone can reduce cardiovascular capacity due to increased prostaglandin F2Alpha, leading to bronchial constriction. This effect is dose-dependent and may not be significant at doses below 300 mg per week.

3. Can trenbolone be used alone?
- No. Testosterone should be used with trenbolone to maintain normal bodily functions that testosterone supports, as trenbolone suppresses natural testosterone production.

4. Should trenbolone be used in a first cycle?
- It is not recommended for beginners due to the unique side effects. Starting with testosterone alone helps assess how the body reacts before introducing trenbolone.

5. What are the different forms of trenbolone?
- Trenbolone comes mainly in three forms:
- Trenbolone Acetate: Short half-life, allowing for quick start and stop if side effects occur.
- Trenbolone Enanthate: Longer half-life, requiring more time to clear from the system.
- Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate: Longer half-life than acetate, less commonly used.

6. What is "tren cough"?
- Tren cough results from hitting a vein during injection, causing the oil to enter the bloodstream and irritate the lungs. Inject slowly to minimize the risk and severity of tren cough.

7. Is trenbolone toxic to the liver?
- Trenbolone is mildly hepatotoxic but avoids first-pass liver metabolism due to being injectable, unlike oral steroids.

8. Does trenbolone affect the kidneys?
- Trenbolone can cause dark rust-colored urine, which is due to its metabolites and not kidney damage. Trenbolone does not have a higher toxicity to kidneys compared to other anabolic steroids.

Trenbolone is a powerful anabolic steroid with significant benefits for both cutting and bulking. Proper dosing and management of side effects are crucial for safe and effective use. Always accompany trenbolone with testosterone and consider using prolactin antagonists to mitigate side effects.
Well done sir!!!
Blasting and Cruising: Why & How!

Blasting & Cruising (B&C) involves maintaining a Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) dose between steroid cycles (blasts) instead of stopping completely and undergoing Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) to restore natural testosterone production.

This method is favored by most experienced bodybuilders because it simplifies the process by avoiding the hormonal and emotional fluctuations associated with stopping steroids and doing a PCT. B&C also makes it easier to retain muscle gains after a cycle.

However, B&C typically means a lifetime commitment to using exogenous testosterone. Users who opt for this method understand that they may never restore their natural testosterone levels if they decide to stop and do a PCT after years of B&C.

Therefore, beginners are advised to do a PCT after their first few cycles and only consider B&C once they have significant experience and are comfortable with the idea of lifelong testosterone injections.

How to B&C

B&C is simpler than PCT. After a cycle, the user needs to reduce their weekly testosterone dose to a healthier range. The appropriate dose varies by individual, but most bodybuilders use between 150 and 250 mg of testosterone per week.

A general guideline is to use about 1 mg of testosterone per pound of body weight per week. For example, someone weighing between 150 and 200 pounds can cruise on 150 to 200 mg to feel good and maintain muscle mass, while someone weighing between 200 and 250 pounds can do the same on 200 to 250 mg per week.

Some may experience excess aromatization with over 200 mg of testosterone per week. If this occurs, it's better to reduce the dose rather than use Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) long-term, as AIs can be very unhealthy.

Note: Those planning to eventually come off B&C or have children should use HCG to maintain fertility and testicular function.

Nandrolone and Joint Health: Mechanisms, Benefits, and Risks

Nandrolone, a synthetic anabolic steroid, is widely recognized for its muscle-building properties. Beyond its use in bodybuilding and treating muscle-wasting conditions, nandrolone has potential benefits for joint health. This article explores how nandrolone affects joint health, examining clinical and anecdotal evidence.

Nandrolone decanoate (Deca-Durabolin) and nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP) are derivatives of testosterone. Their modified chemical structure reduces androgenic effects while maintaining anabolic benefits, making nandrolone popular for promoting muscle growth with fewer side effects compared to testosterone.

Potential Benefits:

- Collagen Synthesis: Nandrolone stimulates collagen production, a key component of connective tissues such as tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Enhanced collagen production strengthens these tissues, improving joint support and health.

- Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Nandrolone may exhibit anti-inflammatory properties by binding to cortisol receptors, which can help reduce joint pain and swelling. This effect is particularly beneficial for joint-related conditions like arthritis.

- Synovial Fluid Production: Synovial fluid lubricates joints, reducing friction and wear. Some studies suggest that nandrolone can increase synovial fluid production, enhancing joint lubrication and reducing pain during movement.

- Bone Density: Although not directly related to joints, nandrolone’s positive effect on bone density can indirectly support joint health by providing a stronger structural foundation for joints, potentially reducing the risk of joint injuries.

Studies and reports from athletes suggest that nandrolone can improve joint health and alleviate pain. For example, a study published in “Arthritis & Rheumatism” found that nandrolone treatment significantly improved joint pain and physical function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Bodybuilders often report reduced joint pain and enhanced recovery when using nandrolone, especially during heavy lifting cycles. These perceived benefits are attributed to nandrolone’s ability to enhance collagen synthesis and reduce inflammation.

Nandrolone exhibits properties that may benefit joint health, including increased collagen synthesis, anti-inflammatory effects, enhanced synovial fluid production, and improved bone density. Clinical studies and anecdotal evidence support its potential to alleviate joint pain and improve joint function. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advisable to evaluate the suitability of nandrolone based on individual health status and medical history. Exploring safer alternatives such as physical therapy, proper nutrition, and non-steroidal treatments is also recommended to support joint health.
