ECLIA estrogen, NOT sensitive testing

My part of the world does not have estrogen sensitive testing. (LC/MS)

I am familiar with the differences, I have used LC/MS for a decade.
if you are unfamiliar with the differences read (I hate to cite this guy but... Sensitive Assay Estradiol Test Vs Regular Estradiol Test - Which Is Better?)

Recently i was tested at 42 pg//ml and 31 pg/ml on the ECLIA test.

Has anyone gotten an ECLIA test and a LC/MS test on the same dose/a.i etc?

what were the differences? Or is it just simply too inaccurate to even compare the two?

(I am NOT asking for advice on managing estrogen, reference ranges, estrogen side effects, feelz, ratios, why A.I is bad or how you feel great at 60pg/ml sensitive)
Yes I’ve gotten both I have to sort back through old bloodwork on cruises but the numbers are very very similar, slightly different but not enough to be significant. I think the issues come in when you’re taking 19 nors or possibly other compounds. But on testosterone only, or in my case testosterone and primo, the difference was very minimal
Just a few days ago i realised i got fukd, i searched whole town and next ones for LC/MS test and no lab does it. Now i'm gonna run EQ and later NPP without knowing what's happening exactly with my estrogen..just nice.

If someone runs test and DHT derivatives there's no urge for sensitive test, if you just see a e2 of 20-30 on a eclia test then you're might have actually crashed it since sensitive is lower in most cases (when there's no use of EQ or 19nors)
I recently got both on the same date estradiol was 52.0 & sensitive e2 was 29.8
thank you, that kind of lines up with what I've been thinking, that unsensitive just puts you a bit higher, so if youre in range on the regular , you might be low on the sensitive.
I'd like to see more about unsensitive estrogen testing but Im not on any of the european forums and the american forums just remind yo u to get sensitive.
Just a few days ago i realised i got fukd, i searched whole town and next ones for LC/MS test and no lab does it. Now i'm gonna run EQ and later NPP without knowing what's happening exactly with my estrogen..just nice.

If someone runs test and DHT derivatives there's no urge for sensitive test, if you just see a e2 of 20-30 on a eclia test then you're might have actually crashed it since sensitive is lower in most cases (when there's no use of EQ or 19nors)
yes, this is what i was thinking aswell, thank you for your comment.

when I got a the 42 result I figured I was 16-25 on the senstitive.
(which is fine, i was 21 as a natural)

now that ive lost some body fat I got a 31, i think that brought me to the low e2 side effect territory of like 9-14. Not low enough to not get out of bed and want to off myself, but low enough to cause some training injuries/interfere with growth and have a bit of anxiety in public.

I tweaked my shoulder, had some stalling of weightloss, and got a little too stressed in public all in the same week, once I realized the 8kg of fat I lost mightve lowered my aromtization i got bloods.

I'm going to increase my testosterone dosage, so I can keep my adex dosage the same.


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