Elite Labs

Goddam @Weston - you got knocked the fuck out!!!!!!!
I just grow tired of all the "what LE will or won't do" theoretics, the "I know a guy who knew a guy" BS.
Been around here for a while and I had never seen anyone's tracking number get posted to a public forum until Elite showed up.
Maybe it's not much of a concern for some people, rock on brothers!
But trying to minimize the protection of anonymity with some theoretical LE-Bro-Science doesn't change the subject.

The subject of:
Would YOU risk making illegal transactions with an AAS UGL source who has proven to be incompetent in protecting YOUR anonymity?
Ain't no "drift" to be caught.....
Just got blood work back today. They were pulled @ exactly 6weeks running @Elite_Labs gear and 48hrs after last pin of test. I'm running test e @ 250mg/week and tren ace @ 100mg/ed. Didn't get test uncapped so it shows levels are greater then 1500 and free test they couldn't read bc it was too high. I also included prolactin results to see tren ace raised it as well.


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Just got blood work back today. They were pulled @ exactly 6weeks running @Elite_Labs gear and 48hrs after last pin of test. I'm running test e @ 250mg/week and tren ace @ 100mg/ed. Didn't get test uncapped so it shows levels are greater then 1500 and free test they couldn't read bc it was too high. I also included prolactin results to see tren ace raised it as well.
Why did you do capped?
@Marcus im not sure what else you want me to tell you bud. like I said for running test @250mg that # is great.
I'm just not understanding, you said you forgot to tell them due to having a busy day yesterday so I'm confused. You ordered the labs yesterday and forgot to ask for it uncapped, is that correct? It's very simple question man, just trying to get a clear pic
@Marcus im not sure what else you want me to tell you bud. like I said for running test @250mg that # is great.
His questions were fairly simple to answer IMO. Nice deflection with the "#'s look good"
Who would you tell anyway? You have to order it how you want. I hand the printed sheet to labcorp...thats it...it explains itself...
Edit: only question i answer is if i fasted or not...
His questions were fairly simple to answer IMO. Nice deflection with the "#'s look good"
Who would you tell anyway? You have to order it how you want. I hand the printed sheet to labcorp...thats it...it explains itself...
@DrinkFlintWater @Marcus I don't order test I get a script and go get it done. Like I said when I was there I forget to ask the guy if he could run it uncapped. Are you guys serious what more of an answer do you want. If you don't like what you see go get yours pulled.
@DrinkFlintWater @Marcus I don't order test I get a script and go get it done. Like I said when I was there I forget to ask the guy if he could run it uncapped. Are you guys serious what more of an answer do you want. If you don't like what you see go get yours pulled.
I have mine scheduled for next week on the same dose of his.
So your bloods came back within 24 hours? No reason to get defensive or offended with our questions, just a little clarification is needed
@DrinkFlintWater @Marcus I don't order test I get a script and go get it done. Like I said when I was there I forget to ask the guy if he could run it uncapped. Are you guys serious what more of an answer do you want. If you don't like what you see go get yours pulled.
Running his tren now only on day 2 will let you know.
Considering this was your first post...in this thread of course and you have literally lived in this thread since joining...(every post you have is in here;))
Im sure you can understand that people may be a little skeptic?
What do i know tho? Thanks for sharing your bloods tho bro..:)