Elite Labs

You're right sir, I will reevaluate the pricing and void the 25% off the first order. That way there will be overall better pricing.

You never answered my question elite. why do you need an autoclave? Do you not add benzyl alcohol and filter your gear? heating gear under pressure makes no sense and potentially damages hormones.
You never answered my question elite. why do you need an autoclave? Do you not add benzyl alcohol and filter your gear? heating gear under pressure makes no sense and potentially damages hormones.
Why give a shit now ya fraud ?

Does this guy deserve any of this criticism? Jesus Christ. Why are you giving him shit anyway? Meso is a joke.Elite, don't sell here this place is chalkful of idiots. And selling steroids to little children who live with their mommies isn't right anyway. Go join Reddit and sell there
Own it and suck it up chump. You screwed the pooch on this one.

Shut the fuck up you bandwagon jumping bitch. You think it makes you cool or accepted to jump in witg everyone? Youre part of the team?

No matter how much you try you will always be you. CTPump. MindlessWork. Sector51. No matter what name you go by you will be a loser who no one likes. People just put up with you, like a fly, or a misquito.
I just lol'd so hard hahaha

24k was at least half way decent but goddamn did we put him through some hoops lmfaoo
Still have half a bottle of his test e I use it for when I cruse I'd say 24 k was good a smart man knows when to pull out he counted his wins before he counted his losses
Still have half a bottle of his test e I use it for when I cruse I'd say 24 k was good a smart man knows when to pull out he counted his wins before he counted his losses
I kept a souvenir or two lol

He was a good guy for sure, and he was so close to me that i would get my order the next day. Even sent me a few extra vials one time. 1493874904438.jpeg
@Weston what's up with the silence lately?!?! You were awfully out spoken in the Tsl thread when you had backup. Did that stop me ? Who looks silly now " turtle boy" wait next time before suckin source dick. But who am I kidding you're a source "cockaholic"!!

I agree that the "vetting" is a bit silly.
With the amount of times he says sir im fucking sure he is. Some sketchy shit going on at meso lately.

Okay I'm gonna get real for a sec.

Are you serious or are you joking? because, I don't understand.

1. buying raws is cheap. test can be bought for about 60 cents a gram--why would there be concerns about a new source selling bunk or underdosed testosterone? where does that belief come from?
2. all this shit about sterility...I don't get. I have probably ordered from 10 different UGL's and never had any issues, and never heard of anyone getting any infections. most infections come from poor injection technique. you do realize that a filter and a little BA takes care of all sterility concerns? the filter isn't even necessary ffs.
3. why would this be a scam? that's a lot of effort for a shitty scam. He doesn't even stand to make any money. if one person pays him and he doesn't ship it's game over and what he reaps all of like 150 dollars in profit? da fuq. it's waaaaaay more profitable to actually sell real gear.
4. he's a cop? how does that make sense? cops go after money. why would they entrap buyers? that doesn't make any sense. that never happens. show me documented cases of that happening.

I mean, don't you know this shit?