Elite Labs

Yes we are in the works of that. All orals will be in liquid suspension from now on to avoid capping 10,000 caps

You were going to make some caps of 25mg Dbol. Is this still in the works, or are you selling the 50mg caps until you start bottling liquid orals?
Pulled tigger so how's elite tren if anyone has tried yet I know none has been sent in for testing yet so more of what someone has felt or veins popping or tren sweats I know that doesn't mean shit to some people without testing
There are more tests to come. It's great to post testing but only a bunch of testing will tell the real story about a labs consistency.
Its inexpensive enough that I hope people will take advantage of it. If one out of five people that order from here send off something, it'll be great. Hell, one out of ten would be great.
Its inexpensive enough that I hope people will take advantage of it. If one out of five people that order from here send off something, it'll be great. Hell, one out of ten would be great.
@Weston how much of a sample did you send in a vial or in test tube?
.2 ml but he only needs .1 ml.
So 20 units is what you sent correct? What did you send it in I'm thinking of sending something off but I honestly don't know how to read the test results lol but I'm sure if I posted them I would get feedback