Elite Test E, Platinum Direct Black Tops


New Member
6/5 Started Elite Labs Test E at 250mg per week (pinned once per week), after switching from other brand. Analysis report from Analyzer showed concentration at about 250mg/ml

6/27 Started Platinum Direct Black Tops at 8iu per day (4iu AM, 4iu PM), after switching from other brand; vial reconstituted at 12iu per vial

- Omega Adex at 1mg per week on day of pin
- Pharma T4 at 200mcg per day

Bloods taken 49 hours after last Test E pin, and 2 hours after subq GH pin of 4iu. Also taken 3 weeks after last Tren pin, which I assume is why some of my values are still out of range (that and the higher test)

6.8X pinning once per week, usually get 5x pinning twice per week. I think I'm a slightly lower responder to GH after also testing Grey Tops and coming in a little low of the usual for others.

Either way, super happy with these results all around. Going to lower test to 175/week to keep peak levels in range, won't need to change Adex dosage this way. And continue with GH at this dosage for now to see where it goes, loving it so far.

TEST 1,689 ng/dl
ESTRADIOL 43.3 pg/ml
IGF 598 ng/ml


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@Marcus thanks for contributing. All around those are nice numbers. Where everything should be. Now you just got to lower that LDL a little by scratching out that cheese cake every night. Ha
Haha, ya my cholesterol always takes like 8 weeks to fix itself after a harsher cycle. It went up to 139 LDL and like 16 HDL when I was on. Probably worse into the Tren... but with the high test at the beginning, deca, var, winny and Tren, not too bad for only 3 weeks off
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Haha, ya my cholesterol always takes like 8 weeks to fix itself after a harsher cycle. It went up to 139 LDL and like 16 HDL when I was on. Probably worse into the Tren... but with the high test at the beginning, deca, var, winny and Tren, not too bad for only 3 weeks off
No it's not your right. 3 weeks ain't shit and I'd say it's good for where your at. That's why I always try to keep a crazy clean diet and slow the inevitable while on cycle. It knocks down the time my cholesterol is out of range. Less damage occuring while on cycle imo.
Haha, ya my cholesterol always takes like 8 weeks to fix itself after a harsher cycle. It went up to 139 LDL and like 16 HDL when I was on. Probably worse into the Tren... but with the high test at the beginning, deca, var, winny and Tren, not too bad for only 3 weeks off

thanks for posting the results -- always appreciated.

I greatly improved my lipids recently by adding Citrus Bergomot 30 mins before my last meal, and also 2.5g Niacin nightly before bed (plain nicotinic acid version -- had to work up to full dosage over time so as to tolerate the flushing).

a good 50 point drop in LDL and 10 point increase in HDL. your is not bad at all -- nothing high like I had -- but just sharing the info since lipids were mentioned
Almost 600 on IGF is pretty dam good IMO...very impressed. Can't wait to see how I test on these. What batch do u Have? Think I have 3 kits of batch #28. Have u been running a daily 8iu dose this whole time?
6/5 Started Elite Labs Test E at 250mg per week (pinned once per week), after switching from other brand. Analysis report from Analyzer showed concentration at about 250mg/ml

6/27 Started Platinum Direct Black Tops at 8iu per day (4iu AM, 4iu PM), after switching from other brand; vial reconstituted at 12iu per vial

- Omega Adex at 1mg per week on day of pin
- Pharma T4 at 200mcg per day

Bloods taken 49 hours after last Test E pin, and 2 hours after subq GH pin of 4iu. Also taken 3 weeks after last Tren pin, which I assume is why some of my values are still out of range (that and the higher test)

6.8X pinning once per week, usually get 5x pinning twice per week. I think I'm a slightly lower responder to GH after also testing Grey Tops and coming in a little low of the usual for others.

Either way, super happy with these results all around. Going to lower test to 175/week to keep peak levels in range, won't need to change Adex dosage this way. And continue with GH at this dosage for now to see where it goes, loving it so far.

TEST 1,689 ng/dl
ESTRADIOL 43.3 pg/ml
IGF 598 ng/ml
Thanks for you're contribution bro .
Looks good I haven't tried PD blacks yet probably will alot of guy's like them.
Almost 600 on IGF is pretty dam good IMO...very impressed. Can't wait to see how I test on these. What batch do u Have? Think I have 3 kits of batch #28. Have u been running a daily 8iu dose this whole time?
Yaaa buddy, 8iu daily. Batch 30
6/5 Started Elite Labs Test E at 250mg per week (pinned once per week), after switching from other brand. Analysis report from Analyzer showed concentration at about 250mg/ml

6/27 Started Platinum Direct Black Tops at 8iu per day (4iu AM, 4iu PM), after switching from other brand; vial reconstituted at 12iu per vial

- Omega Adex at 1mg per week on day of pin
- Pharma T4 at 200mcg per day

Bloods taken 49 hours after last Test E pin, and 2 hours after subq GH pin of 4iu. Also taken 3 weeks after last Tren pin, which I assume is why some of my values are still out of range (that and the higher test)

6.8X pinning once per week, usually get 5x pinning twice per week. I think I'm a slightly lower responder to GH after also testing Grey Tops and coming in a little low of the usual for others.

Either way, super happy with these results all around. Going to lower test to 175/week to keep peak levels in range, won't need to change Adex dosage this way. And continue with GH at this dosage for now to see where it goes, loving it so far.

TEST 1,689 ng/dl
ESTRADIOL 43.3 pg/ml
IGF 598 ng/ml
Thanks for your contribution brother. Let the gains begin!
Reconstituted at 12 units per vial. So 1/3 of vial in am and 1/3 vial in PM

Not trying to stir up any shit or start some huge debate but I thought the blacks were supposedly 15iu per vial? Going to be starting these in the next few days and just want to try to keep my dosing as accurate as possible for testing purposes.
Not trying to stir up any shit or start some huge debate but I thought the blacks were supposedly 15iu per vial? Going to be starting these in the next few days and just want to try to keep my dosing as accurate as possible for testing purposes.
No worries man... it's just me personally, I think all these claims are incorrect a bit. According to mands testing, I think greys came to 7-8iu per vial, black 12-13, and GT between like 16-22 maybe?

It's really just a personal choice of mine that seems logical. Based on numbers, I THINK it's accurate