Endo has me on clomid as "TRT"

Six months is more than enough time to know if it is right for you or not.

It's time to move on.
In your experience, If someone had to come off of TRT doses because of, say, a raging case of prostatitis or psa that got too high would that person need to use both Clomid and nolva, one or the other, or maybe just hcg to restart the HPTA?

I can never speak for anyone but myself, but I'm really questioning the whole pct concept, I've had good recoveries with nothing and bad recoveries, good with pct and bad with pct. In Arnold's day nobody used pct.

I don't know, maybe pct speeds things up, but in the end when you come off the pct you need to then recover from that, test will drop again after stopping Clomid... Hcg is suppressive. I would never use it again as a pct .

I think for me if I was to do it again I might try to taper off somehow, or at least adjust to a minimal trt dose before going cold turkey, coming of a normal trt dose of 100 mg a week or so I would be inclined not to do any pct at all and I would expect my normal low testosterone levels would come back fairly quickly, of course that would leave me with all the original low testosterone way of living but that might not be all bad.

I can never speak for anyone but myself, but I'm really questioning the whole pct concept, I've had good recoveries with nothing and bad recoveries, good with pct and bad with pct. In Arnold's day nobody used pct.

I don't know, maybe pct speeds things up, but in the end when you come off the pct you need to then recover from that, test will drop again after stopping Clomid... Hcg is suppressive. I would never use it again as a pct .

I think for me if I was to do it again I might try to taper off somehow, or at least adjust to a minimal trt dose before going cold turkey, coming of a normal trt dose of 100 mg a week or so I would be inclined not to do any pct at all and I would expect my normal low testosterone levels would come back fairly quickly, of course that would leave me with all the original low testosterone way of living but that might not be all bad.
My issue is I was on androgel for about 2.5 years and got a raging case of bph/prostatitis, my first endo wouldn't do anything about it so I went to a second endo who told me she didn't think I needed to be on TRT in the first place and she had me go off it. Going off androgel cleared up my prostatitis but I felt like complete shit for months while,I assume, my HPTA tried to restart. Now it's been about 5 years since I've been off androgel and my hormone levels are in the can so I'm faced with going back on TRT. If I get that nasty case of prostatitis again or my psa gets too high I'm going to have to come off again or see about an AI or dht blocker. If I come off it again there's no way I can deal with going through that natural restart, sleeping all day and being totally weak is just not an option. So what would I do then? Just Nolva?
My issue is I was on androgel for about 2.5 years and got a raging case of bph/prostatitis, my first endo wouldn't do anything about it so I went to a second endo who told me she didn't think I needed to be on TRT in the first place and she had me go off it. Going off androgel cleared up my prostatitis but I felt like complete shit for months while,I assume, my HPTA tried to restart. Now it's been about 5 years since I've been off androgel and my hormone levels are in the can so I'm faced with going back on TRT. If I get that nasty case of prostatitis again or my psa gets too high I'm going to have to come off again or see about an AI or dht blocker. If I come off it again there's no way I can deal with going through that natural restart, sleeping all day and being totally weak is just not an option. So what would I do then? Just Nolva?

Your posts are starting to make my head spin.

You don't need to be on TRT but you want to be and if that causes problems then you'll take more drugs for it that reduce your ability to make bone, cause sore joints, reduce libido, or maybe even give you ED.

Where are you with the psych evaluation?
Your posts are starting to make my head spin.

You don't need to be on TRT but you want to be and if that causes problems then you'll take more drugs for it that reduce your ability to make bone, cause sore joints, reduce libido, or maybe even give you ED.

Where are you with the psych evaluation?
I think you're mis remembering. My most recent labs from last week, which I haven't posted, were even worse than the ones from a few weeks ago that I did post-the one where my FT was below low and my SHBG was almost topped out. Yeah, these new ones are even worse. I really don't want to go on TRT again because I simply fear getting prostatitis again. It would take me ten minutes to empty my bladder, sitting was impossible, and I was ejaculating blood. So you'll have to forgive me if I am trying to glean as much possible information from people on how to deal with a potential problem before committing to TRT again. You have an endo or uro who is incredibly proactive, you've been able to try anything and everything, I have doctors who are so rigid they look at a TT of 289ng, yes 289, and say "weeeeelllllll, I don't know". And drop the snark LW, we already have one Dr. Jim for that.
You stated I don't need to be on TRT. What's your justification for such a claim?

The middle paragraph in that post was me paraphrasing you. I should have put quotes on the first third of it. My bad.

We have talked about this before and last I remember you were going to see a psych. I dont read every post on the board, nor do I want to. What happened?
I am seeing a psych. Saw him once, have to wait a month for the second appt. He's actually a big proponent of trt, he stated that doctors are very quick to diagnose depression as the cause of fatigue and libido issues even in the face of lab values that point to all the classic symptoms of low T. He stated that depression in men can be caused by the way they feel because of low test. And in his 30 years of practice he has seen men diagnosed with depression do a complete 180 once TRT was administered. Of course, that's not always the case.
I informed my endo of what he said about TRT-doing TRT concomitantly with therapy-and she was receptive. I brought up the idea of trying Clomid or hcg-two options you tried before going on shots alone- to raise my T levels before going on androgel and she shot those ideas down completely. Btw, this is the same endo who wouldn't do anything for me when I had that raging case of prostatitis. So in preparation for me going on TRT again and anticipating that she again won't try to find the cause of prostatitis (probably high E2 or dht) or anything to restart a shut down HPTA I am asking these questions.

You really do need to find an endo or uro who has experience with Clomid and HCG.

Where in the US do you live?

You really do need to find an endo or uro who has experience with Clomid and HCG.

Where in the US do you live?
I'm in the northern half of California.
I think I've stated it before, but I have only three endo's in my group and I don't know of any uro's that deal with TRT. It's been very, very frustrating.
My endo has me on 12.5mg ED clomid for TRT for the past 6 months and by the numbers it works. As of my last blood work, almost 2 months ago, My Total T, Free T, E2 are all in good places. But I just don't feel great on it. For about a 6 week period I felt great, Surplus of energy, high sex drive, general feeling of well being. but it's gone the last 2 months. Sex drive nil, energy is better than before i started, but not fantastic. No ED, I just don't desire sex. I have 2 fuck buddies who both have to practically beg me to see them because I'm just not into it. I rarely take matters into my own hands.

Anyways, he wants to keep me on comid because i'm relatively young 30M and the numbers look good. I'm seeing him again in a few days to discuss. I want to do trt at this point, I want to feel good also want to start gear and Blast/Cruise with trt will make things easier.

So what can I do? I'm thinking start skipping doses of meds so my numbers are lower for my next set of bloods. Maybe 12.5mg EoD? And Explain everything i just wrote above to him... minus the b/c part... From previous discussions I know he'll push hcg instead of TRT if i get him to switch to something other than clomid, any arguments I can make to get him to trt?

EDIT: Don't people get less sensitive to clmid in time as well? develop a tolerance if you will?

Why in the heck are you even screwing w HTPA restoration if the next step is "blast cruise"!

But let's see here your numbers are "good" but your not into sex, going out w friends, lowered energy. Hmm now what does that sound like, DEPRESSION!

And if such is the case it's something TRT or "blast cruise" won't help fella.

Some people never learn!
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Would you just use nolva?

Nolva gave me a vicious pounding sensation behind my eyeball. Aside from that I didn't have any other notable issues, but that was enough to keep me away from it for good. The issue didn't subside for many weeks after I stopped taking it.
But let's see here your numbers are "good" but your not into sex, going out w friends, lowered energy. Hmm now what does that sound like, DEPRESSION!

And if such is the case it's something TRT or "blast cruise" won't help fella.

Some people never learn!

My numbers are good on clomid, but prior to starting it they were shit.

It's possible i'm depressed, i have nothing to be depressed about, but sure. And isn't it possible that the clomid is causing the depression?