Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs), Pollution, Testosterone Levels, Fertility, and the Size of yo' DICK....


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We finally have had the alarmist headline: "PENISES ARE SHRINKING BECAUSE OF POLLUTION"

Honestly, it is about fucking time! I have been bitching about Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) since I learned about them way back when I was a teenager. Several years later, I remember back when America was going psycho over bisphenol A (BPA) causing endocrine disruption. I also specifically recall the massive movement to ban BPA entirely. Unfortunately, even I as a young adult at the time, knew that they were DOING IT WRONG, because nobody seemed to ask the question "what will we replace BPA with once it is banned?"

Thus, BPA was banned...and mostly just replaced with other bisphenol (BPx) chemicals, many of which are unresearched, or have very little research about them, and even are indicated to be MORE HARMFUL than BPA. Way to go people, mission failed. I don't know how nobody saw it coming: you make companies ban one thing and they will jus replace it with whatever is cheapest, even if it's probably worse for human health--they simply don't care about anything except their profits.

But that is only one miniscule little piece to the whole story. To provide some background, EDCs include a wide range of substances that are used across nearly every industry that have activity related to sex hormone receptors and pathways. The most well-studied and best known are the ones that agonize Estrogen. There are also antiandrogens

Unfortunately, and I mean seriously, really, tragically unfortunately, BPx's are not the only chemical at play here. Some of the most common EDCs, organized by type, are listed below:
- Pesticides: DDT; Chlorpyrifos; Atrazine; Glyphosate; vinclozolin (anti-androgen)
- Heavy metals: Lead; Cadmium; Arsenic
- Industrial chemicals and their byproducts: PCBs; Dioxins
- Plastics and food storage materials: Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); bisphenols (BPx's); Phthalates; Phenol
- Electronics and building materials: Brominated fire retardants (PBDEs); PCBs again
- Personal care products: phthalates; parabens; UV filter chemicals in chemical sunscreens
- Soaps: triclosan (also found in colgate total toothpaste)
- Tons of things from textiles, clothing, food wrappers, teflon cookware, popcorn bags: Perfluorochemicals (PFCs)
- AND MORE!!! Let us not forget the random chemicals, drugs, and drug metabolites, found in our water: the birth control and other hormones; the anti-depressants; anti-anxiety; birth control; beta-blockers, etc. (1) (2)

In males, these chemicals cause all kinds of issues: decreased fertility; suppressed endocrine system (low testosterone); increased prostate size; delayed puberty; decreased penis size (even the medical condition "micropenis"); genital deformations; and of course cancer. A growing number of researchers are saying that most men will be infertile between 2045 and 2065 because of EDCs.

In females, these chemicals cause all kinds of issues too! Breast abnormalities/cancer; general endocrine disruption (low estrogen, issues with estrogen/progesterone balance); premature breast enlargement; early puberty; endometriosis; reproductive tract abnormalities/malignancies; disturbed lactation; polycystic ovarian syndrome; and of course other cancers too.


In amphibians, these chemicals actually cause them to change genders and even change their sexual preferences. (1, 2) This study made waves in the headlines and both liberal and conservative media ran with it. Look, just to be clear, I am NOT one of the psychotic idiots (cough Alex Jones) saying that "the government is purposefully putting drugs in the water to make people gay." That is fucking stupid on so many levels that I won't even go into it. However, it is a fact that this is happening as a side effect of our widespread use of pesticides. Now, taking the leap from amphibians to humans is a big one, but given the laundry list of issues above that EDCs cause, some people may be comfortable making that leap. Personally, I think it makes sense, when you look at the drug therapy that trans females go through: they are given antiandrogens and estrogens. Well, the same thing is happening, albeit at much lower levels to nearly every modern human living in a developed country (and sometimes underdeveloped countries are even worse, due to less government regulations to prevent pollution).

The only additional thing I will say about this is that I have had the privilege to speak with university professors involved in these studies or follow up research who firmly believe that these EDCs are having an impact on the percentage of LGBTQ people in the overall population. These are some of the leading ecology and wildlife researchers in the world. In their mind there is no doubt about it, but unfortunately, they aren’t able to be vocal about that opinion because the liberal media will label them as anti-LGBTQ and the LGBTQ community will explode with backlash on social media about the professor’s comments, etc. It is really a shame. The far left’s desire to hamper free speech really fucking irks me—it is not healthy, but I digress. This is not about politics. It’s about the science of EDCs.

So anyway: this is obviously a really big fucking deal! But for some reason, the vast majority of the population has been happy to just ignore it. It doesn't have immediate effects on people, the effects are long term--sometimes VERY long term--and also due to the many many variables in this thing we call life, it is nearly impossible to truly pinpoint these chemicals as the cause of the issues people are having. As such, sufficient momentum to create a sustained movement around reducing EDCs in the environment has never been attained--save for the BPA scare because that was having a relatively immediate impact on people's precious little babies, so of course everyone freaked out, but again nobody thought it all the way through.

There are even more issues and chemicals that could be added to this list, but that gives you the idea of just how damaging these chemicals are. And the worst part is that we are ALL exposed to them, unwillingly, from the time we are born on a daily basis. There is nothing we can do to avoid all of them--however we can avoid SOME of them by making healthier choices in the products we buy, the places we go, and are privileged enough to be able to purchase things like fancy water filters and organic foods.

<Warning, personal anecdote>

Unfortunately, our modern American medicine system doesn't think it is important to monitor hormones AT ALL. Even females on exogenous hormones in the form of birth control don't get hormone panels. The doctor asks "how do you feel" and adjusts the dose accordingly. Young men with pubertal gyno and no motivation and emotional issues are given anti-depressants and benzos--and this strike particularly close to home for me. I had pubertal gyno (as you can read about in a recent page in the gyno megathread), I also had depression and anxiety and serious confidence issues despite being an intelligent and attractive young man.

I suspect the main factor in my issues was all due to endocrine disruption (too much E2 agonism and not enough T), but obviously can't prove it because I never had a hormone panel. Now, at the ripe young age of 31 I am on TRT (blast and cruise). It is the best thing I have ever done. My depression is gone, my anxiety is drastically reduced. Of course, body comp has gotten way better. I did have my gyno removed (again, see the gyno megathread). I really, really struggled as a teen; it was fucking awful. I came extremely close to killing myself several times. When I see other young kids struggle with similar issues and when I hear teens say they think they are a woman and all that, I just shake my head. Let me be perfectly clear: I do NOT think that gay and trans people wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for EDCs, they obviously have been around for much longer than EDCs have. However, I think the issue would be much, much smaller.

<End personal anecdote>

I feel like I am starting to go in circles here, so let me sum up my post thus far:

- EDCs are everywhere: in our water; our clothes; the air we breathe; the food we eat; the devices we touch; the upholstery we lounge or sit on; the personal care products we use; the artificial fragrances we smell; the sex products we use (yeah, check your lube for phthalates!!); they’re fucking everywhere!!!

- they have POWERFUL effects in the human body and mind. For example, "Sperm counts among men in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand declined more than 59% from 1973 to 2011, according to a meta-analysis Swan co-wrote in 2017. At the current rate, half of men in those countries would have no sperm by 2045, while many others would have very low counts" (source)

I hope that with more alarmist headlines about penises shrinking and the population becoming infertile, maybe the general population will start to pay more attention to this problem. Then maybe we can gain some momentum to make a change, regardless of the cost to big agriculture/pharma/manufacturing/chemical companies.

So, what can we do about this?

For starters, if you have kids:

- Get your kids a hormone panel when they hit puberty. Just monitor that shit yourself. Pay out of pocket if you have to, just monitor it to know. If something is off, then talk to your doctor about it. If your doctor is an idiot and doesn’t know anything about the endocrine system (like most doctors) then find a different doctor or take matters into your own hand (no, don’t start injecting your kid with TRT LOL :D).

For everyone, with or without kids:

- Make positive changes in your home to ensure that you are minimizing your and your family’s exposure to EDCs. Some of these things are easy, some are hard/expensive. This includes things like:
- opting for natural personal care products (in general avoid gels, get bar soaps and get natural organic products that either use essential oils for scents or have no scent)
- get natural toothpaste
- stop using plastic water bottles and food storage containers, glass is the only safe option (often times metal containers are coated with a BPx or similar chemical to prevent the metal from absorbing into the food/water)
- DEFINITELY NEVER heat up food in plastic - weight watchers and TV dinners = VERY BAD!!
- don’t buy fast food or junk food (including breakfast cereals and pop-tarts and toaster pancakes, etc.)
- buy organic foods to minimize your exposure to pesticides
- wear an N95 or KN95 mask if you go into the city where air pollution is always terrible
- get a high-quality under sink water filter
- don’t buy bottled water
- don’t get artificial fragrance things like those glade sprayers, candles, etc.
- don’t go swimming in nasty city lakes
- don’t use pesticides in your yard and don’t pay someone to spray your lawn!! Weeds are natural and honestly turf grass is pretty ecologically useless, let the weeds grow, it’s gonna be fine. For sidewalk cracks, etc., get a propane torch to burn that shit away!
- when painting or using volatile chemicals for home or construction or car projects, wear a high-quality respirator. I even wear an N95 mask when I go to the shooting range as the lead in the primers is not something I want to inhale while shooting (I put a little scotch tape at the top so it doesn’t fog up my glasses).
- there’s more but that’s about all I can think of right now!
- oh! And also, get enough sleep! Sleep is HUGE and even a single bad night of sleep and disrupt the hormonal balance. De-stress! Practice mindfullness meditation, go out into nature, take epsom salt baths to de-stress and lower cortisol. Avoid drugs: particularly opiates and alcohol (especially beer, the hops in beer is one of the strongest phytoesteogens on the planet), and also marijuana. Eat enough fats, studies show eating a diet with ~40% fat can increaze natty T levels, idk if it would mTter for enhanced guys though; lastly, make sure you aren't lacking in any nutrients like magnesium, boron, selenium, etc., but also don't supplement them "just because"

These are all things you can do to minimize your and your family’s exposure to EDCs. In doing so, you are drastically increasing the likelihood of being healthier into old age and raising healthy, stable kids. Hopefully you’ve found this interesting and helpful. Feel free to comment with any non-political comments you may have!
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A few more stories on the subject:

Michigan Warned The Air Force To Stop Contaminating Local Water Supplies. The Air Force Refused

US Army Base Poisoning Drinking Water Of Half a Million Japanese

PFAS Contamination of Drinking Water Far More Prevalent Than Previously Reported

PFAS are "forever chemicals" because they never break down. The simply continue to accumulate in the environment as long as they are polluted. Then they sit there, and sit there, and sit there. Forever. Literally. The get into our water supply, our food, every corner of the ecosystem from the animals and plants to us.

Because they don't break down, PFAS also accumulates in our bodies!!! From the third article, "PFAS are known as “forever chemicals” because once released into the environment they do not break down, and they build up in our blood and organs. Exposure to PFAS increases the risk of cancer, harms the development of the fetus and reduces the effectiveness of vaccines. Biomonitoring studies by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that the blood of nearly all Americans is contaminated with PFAS."

When will we force these damn companies and organizations to STOP POLLUTING our planet and literally killing millions of people every year? The only way to make it stop is for governments to work together to enact international legislation banning these chemicals and enforcing massive fines for those that do emit them.

It is an egregious act against humanity and nature to allow this to continue unchecked. The evidence is 100% clear: these chemicals are extremely damaging to human health and the entire environment at every level. The only reason that we haven't enacted legislation is because our politicians are in the pocket of the organizations that would lose money if regulations were put in place. It is this sick, corrupt capitalist system that enables this to continue. We The People can't even hold our own representatives accountable, because the money comes from the big businesses and special interest groups.

Save up and buy yourself a high quality water filter. At my next house I will be installing a whole-house water filter (like this one) as well as an under sink water filter for drinking water. It's expensive, but worth it. Fuck these greedy corporations and military that can spend $80 million on an F35 and then another $35k every hour it flies, but can't fucking stop poisoning The People it is supposed to protect.

Anyway, end rant.
Those putting these chemicals in our environment are making some cash from doing so. This is WHY they do it. The only way around it is putting more pressure on them.

I like the precautions you mentioned. The only good thing I can say is that at my age it doesn’t likely matter. Wow, what an optimist I am!
Those putting these chemicals in our environment are making some cash from doing so. This is WHY they do it. The only way around it is putting more pressure on them.

I like the precautions you mentioned. The only good thing I can say is that at my age it doesn’t likely matter. Wow, what an optimist I am!
Yep. This is a great example of how the free market just doesn't work for all things. There needs to be more strict regulations or some kind of incentives to help companies WANT to not use these chemicals. I just can't think of any way to do that other than regulation. Unfortunately, regulation isn't super effective either. They ban chemical A143 by name and then companies just use chemical B146 instead--I mentioned how this happened with BPA in the original post.

So, I dunno man, in the end it's up to consumers to protect ourselves. There's where the suggestions I wrote (thanks for the kudos on those) come into play.

And quite honestly, as much as possible boycotting /stop buying from companies that use these products. Stop buying products with bullshit in them. Or if you are the social media type, post about it on reddit or twitter or whatever "I am no longer buying from @randomcompany because they use endocrine disrupting chemicals in their products!" or whatever. That sort of stuff does get their attention if enough people do it, but I personally am not cut out for that shit!
So, I dunno man, in the end it's up to consumers to protect ourselves. There's where the suggestions I wrote (thanks for the kudos on those) come into play.

And quite honestly, as much as possible boycotting /stop buying from companies that use these products. Stop buying products with bullshit in them. Or if you are the social media type, post about it on reddit or twitter or whatever "I am no longer buying from @randomcompany because they use endocrine disrupting chemicals in their products!" or whatever. That sort of stuff does get their attention if enough people do it, but I personally am not cut out for that shit!
WOW you kinda covered it all like me on a old Adderall Tyraid... I met my match... LOL

I'm pretty certain BPA is just a cover for Pthylates and to downplay that one as the real danger.

Look at the plasticizer codes on bottles and shit and then LOOK FURTHER into the various methods and analogs production products.. SCARY..

You left out 2-4D as a herbicidal death vector. They have tried to pass this one off as a replacement for Atrazine. Which I am not sure the big deal on Atrazine for certain, and question those claims. Sadly tho, I think the stuff was littered by the SHIT-TON into the environment. There's companies that go around just spraying that shit on roadsides and marshland just so they wont have to crank a mower or bushhog. Its scary. BUT I have some original 2-4d white papers and studies from early 2000's and basically they have gone from "if your children get exposed to it at all they may never procreate", to ->- they have now ok'd it's use in commercial farming. VERY SCARY...

You finally mentioned PFAS which I think started as that bastard PFOAs which dupont bought from 3M and they all knew is was instant cancer and made teflon with it and essentially wasted that town up north as demonstrated in the movie DARK WATERS which will make you soil yer shortz... Its funny how they say teflon is safe in certain conditions like under 500degrees which seems like a lot. Till you put on pan on a burner and see just how fast it hits that mark. And then not only poisons your food bot off-gasses fumes throughout your home creating and even worse exposure..

Take a look at the chemicals in two-part foam insulations and what happens if you get a hit of one of them before or not fully reacted with the other....! o_O And the off-gassing that shit does... INSTANT LUNG CANCER... This is a common retail product called "Great Stuff".. as well as commercial insulation products.

They all deserve to burn in hell.

I've said it before and I will say it again. ET does not have to outright attack to get rid of us they can do it in one century flat via exactly the 'MARVELS' which modern science is perpetuating on us thru big corporate today. Do these people have any moral compass...??? They say PFOA's are already in everything all the way down into Antarctica somehow. I think a conservative estimate would be that 20 PARTS PER BILLIONTH WILL FUK YOU UP.. These chems are essentially responsible for every common cancer today. Between that and the Fukushima Mox Fuel incident (which is an EXTINCTIN LEVEL EVENT withing itself). People are so terrified to even utter to concept of uranium blended with Plutonium as MOX FUEL which was the real travesty on that event that its disturbing. I have watched countless panels speak on the matter and nothing but FEAR. And while Yes Plutonium in somewhat inert in comparison to Cesium from Uranium. THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM IS "MOX". And there was more than one blend...

So many cunts, liars, and creeps all out there attempting to call any avg joe that talks about it crazy too. All for their shitty little piece of the pie. Fuk them all...
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WOW you kinda covered it all like me on a old Adderall Tyraid... I met my match... LOL

I'm pretty certain BPA is just a cover for Pthylates and to downplay that one as the real danger.

Look at the plasticizer codes on bottles and shit and then LOOK FURTHER into the various methods and analogs production products.. SCARY..
Fuck yeah man! I love it! Amazing post! I love meeting other people who are passionate about the chemical pollution of the world we inhabit. It's just fucking insane to me that more people don't give a shit.

Little tangent: a few months back some guy was like "hey they stopped making the shampoo I have been using for 11 years, so in order to find one that is as close as possible to it I listed out all the ingredients and am comparing other products to it." They posted the list and potential replacements.
I went through the list and was like "yeah this causes cancer, this is carcinogenic, this is a nerve toxin, these 5 are all endocrine disruptors" etc., etc. It was some Axe or Old Spice shampoo (c'mon man you are an adult now, stop using the same shampoo you used at age 12! lol). I cited everything and the guy was amazed. He was so pissed and was just baffled at how companies can get away with adding these toxic chemicals to their products, etc. So many people are just simply oblivious and unaware. They assume that if it is on the shelf, it is safe because the FDA or some consumer agency has ensured that there are no carcinogens in it and whatnot. That is where so many people are at, they just don't think about it at all.

You left out 2-4D as a herbicidal death vector. They have tried to pass this one off as a replacement for Atrazine. Which I am not sure the big deal on Atrazine for certain, and question those claims. Sadly tho, I think the stuff was littered by the SHIT-TON into the environment. There's companies that go around just spraying that shit on roadsides and marshland just so they wont have to crank a mower or bushhog. Its scary. BUT I have some original 2-4d white papers and studies from early 2000's and basically they have gone from "if your children get exposed to it at all they may never procreate", to ->- they have now ok'd it's use in commercial farming. VERY SCARY...

You finally mentioned PFAS which I think started as that bastard PFOAs which dupont bought from 3M and they all knew is was instant cancer and made teflon with it and essentially wasted that town up north as demonstrated in the movie DARK WATERS which will make you soil yer shortz... Its funny how they say teflon is safe in certain conditions like under 500degrees which seems like a lot. Till you put on pan on a burner and see just how fast it hits that mark. And then not only poisons your food bot off-gasses fumes throughout your home creating and even worse exposure..

Take a look at the chemicals in two-part foam insulations and what happens if you get a hit of one of them before or not fully reacted with the other....! o_O And the off-gassing that shit does... INSTANT LUNG CANCER... This is a common retail product called "Great Stuff".. as well as commercial insulation products.

They all deserve to burn in hell.

I've said it before and I will say it again. ET does not have to outright attack to get rid of us they can do it in one century flat via exactly the 'MARVELS' which modern science is perpetuating on us thru big corporate today. Do these people have any moral compass...??? They say PFOA's are already in everything all the way down into Antarctica somehow. I think a conservative estimate would be that 20 PARTS PER BILLIONTH WILL FUK YOU UP.. These chems are essentially responsible for every common cancer today. Between that and the Fukushima Mox Fuel incident (which is an EXTINCTIN LEVEL EVENT withing itself). People are so terrified to even utter to concept of uranium blended with Plutonium as MOX FUEL which was the real travesty on that event that its disturbing. I have watched countless panels speak on the matter and nothing but FEAR. And while Yes Plutonium in somewhat inert in comparison to Cesium from Uranium. THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM IS "MOX". And there was more than one blend...

So many cunts, liars, and creeps all out there attempting to call any avg joe that talks about it crazy too. All for their shitty little piece of the pie. Fuk them all...
Yeah I wasn't aware of 2-4D before. Looks like you can buy it off Amazon though...fucking hell man that shit is so fucked up. My girlfriend is a wildlife ecologist, I am sure she's heard of it. We don't use any pesticides at all in our yard or habitat restoration efforts unless absolutely necessary. We have a tiny bottle of stuff we will brush on to a stump after cutting something down to poison it. We wear vinyl gloves, glasses, an n95 mask or a respirator, pants and long sleeves no matter the heat, and we NEVER, EVER do it on a windy day. Also, like I said we BRUSH it on with a cheap 75 cent foam paintbrush dedicated for this purpose. Spraying and aerosolizing that shit is the last thing I want to do. There should be MASSIVE black box warnings on these products. Hell, the whole product should be forced to be black, then in massive red bold letters it says "KNOWN CARCINOGEN, THIS PRODUCT IS TOXIC TO HUMANS AND ANIMALS." Then in smaller letters underneath it says "Round up" lol

What's really fucking upsetting is that I have lived near farms my whole life (Midwest suburbs--I can't fucking wait to move soon!). The farmers spray their pesticides whenever they please and the fucking fumes and aerosolized chemicals drift over into the neighborhoods next to them. Once I was riding my bike and some fucking asshole was spraying his crops and the wind happened to be blowing my way. I still remember the smell. I tried to hold my breath the best I could but I was biking up a bigass hill and there was no other way home...to date that is for sure my largest exposure. I wish I could fucking sue that motherfucker for the genetic/epigenetic damage he inflicted.

I only use ceramic pots and pans. Cast iron: I don't need extra oxidized iron in my diet. Teflon: fuck that shit. Plus the coating scrapes away and gets in your food! Ceramic lasts way longer and works just as well if you get a good quality pan and treat it right. By and large PFAS isn't even banned fully. A handful of chemical manufacturers stopped using it, but they still use other similar chemicals. It is fucking BANANAS that in fucking 2021 we STILL don't have a ban on PFAS. Plus products, including food products and packaging, made internationally can still have PFAS and legally be imported and have no warning label on them. It's FUCKED!

From the EPA website: "Although PFOA and PFOS are no longer manufactured in the United States, they are still produced internationally and can be imported into the United States in consumer goods such as carpet, leather and apparel, textiles, paper and packaging, coatings, rubber and plastics."

Their website also says "There is evidence that exposure to PFAS can lead to adverse human health effects." LOL. "evidence"?!? There's fucking COLD HARD PROOF. God damn I hate the fucking EPA. Yes, they do some good things, but for the most part they are so corrupted by the chemical industry that they might as well just not do anything anyway...

Do these people have any moral compass...???

Uh, no, they don't. They don't give a fucking shit because they are getting rich. Power is the ultimate corrupter and in our economy/system, money is power. So they don't give a shit about the downstream health effects. If a class action lawsuit hits their company claiming the chemicals they make caused cancer for hundreds or thousands of people, they will just look at it as a fucking nuisance and ask why the people can't just lay down and die. I don't think they see themselves as evil, but they are fucking evil.

That was one more thing that was REALLY upsetting when fucking trump was in office. He and his cronies consistently pulled back on legislation for multiple toxic chemicals PROVEN to have horrible health impacts (article from Yale University). Now, the dilemma with the EPA started before Trump, so it's not all on him, but his EPA electives pulled some extremely corrupt maneuvers to ensure that these toxic chemicals did not get banned--because that would cause those big chemical companies to lose out on some profits...

- TCE can fucking kill you and has been the direct cause of thousands of US Military personnel losing their children to stillbirths and heart defects. used in dry cleaning, and household products like cleaning wipes, paint removers, degreasers, adhesives, carpet cleaners, and more. The blatant corruption of the review process for TCE got a good amount of press, but not enough. It is also in our drinking water (here is an interactive TCE groundwater contamination map). This has also has a massive impact to our military servicemen and women due to it's use in machinery cleaning and degreasing. The gov't don't give no fucks.
- NMP causes birth defects too and is another one they blocked from ban.
- They also rejected a ban on chlorpyrifos, which has been blamed for making farm workers sick and causing disabilities in their children

The only thing you can do is just disengage and live your own life. It is a massive privilege. The only way to be remotely safe is to buy enough land that you can be isolated and far away from any kind of military bases, farms, factories, etc. Then live off your own land the old fashioned way, growing organic and eating your own food. That's what I would like to do anyway because that's the lifestyle I want to live, but the reduction in toxic chemical exposure definitely is a huge benefit that calls to me.

The lesson to everyone here is: Read the fucking ingredients on every product you buy! Both active and inactive ingredients matter!!! The only thing we can do is take it into our own hands. The government is too corrupt to protect us and these big businesses are too powerful to bend to our desire to live in a safe, non-toxic environment. Boycott toxic products and chemicals and even the companies that make them. Stop buying fast food and garbage processed bullshit and cook for yourself.

Again, unfortunately all of that is a massive privilege. So many people don't have the money to do take the measures to protect themselves. It is an investment, you can either spend the money on higher quality products throughout your life, or you can spend it on expensive cancer treatment when you're older.

All I can say as a self-professed misanthropist is that I fucking hate humans. We are a garbage species and don't deserve to make it off Earth to any other worlds as we can't even take care of this one. We can't even stop using proven toxic chemicals that are literally killing babies and causing mental disabilities in children! So I say: fuck humans! lol

Anyway, I have to go do other stuff now so I am done with this post. I hope you enjoy!
Just bouncing a couple of things back you may not have picked up on.

1. Be sure you are aware that PESITCIDES and HERBICIDES (2-4d) are two different animals. Herbicides are going to be your pancreatic and liver cancer. Longer & slower acting and more insidiously hidden in action. Pesticides can be less noxious to humans up front, yet kill your cats dead if they walk thru the lawn just once within a couple of days of a Terminix bug treatment. Dummbshit folks saying "yea the cat just came in and laid down and never got up"/ Not even realizing they killed his ass with their need to poison all the bugs in the lawn for whatever stupid reason. Certain pesticides like COPPER for example will kill yer ass quick if you get too much on your skill even.

As far as POLITICAL SAFETY - none - DDT is a great example of a pesticide what was banned but guess what we sold it all to Mexico so they can grow the fruit with it and sell it back to us with even higher concentrations :oops: .

-Pesticides kill the bee's and work the AIR & DRY LIFE CHAINs destroying ON-LAND life via insect death.
-Herbicides kill the aquatic life more directly working on all the critters that maintain those environments ultimately trickling down to the poisoned plankton beds that produce much of the O2 we breathe..
- DISTURBING.... As they synergize for a double whammy.

2. Be aware that the only security when handling these chems is an outside air source pumped into a mask or suit via POS pressure.

- N95 respirators are mostly PARICULATE CAPTURING in action and DO NOT work all that well in preventing exposure to "ORGANICS". No mask-type air filtration system that you can use is going to capture FUMES and GASSES unless they are organic. Hexavalent Chromium offput when welding stainless is a good example of a long chain carbon NASTY which requires outside air source to be protected....

For many PAINT applications for example, you will need an organic respirator. They dont look like much but that N95 does not work well for that application. And dont get me started on paint chems and I have never seen a primer stick like KILZ-2 and its water based for freaks sake... Serious toxins bleeding out of these paints FOR EVER...

- Many noxious chemicals will go right thru NITRYL, LATEX, "Rubber gloves" within a certain amount of time used. Sometimes minutes depending on the glove.

3. If you use an axe body wash product, or any for that matter YOU ARE CRAZY. They are basically treating your skin like a lawn and PRE-EMERGING chems in there so they stick around longer and kill your healthy bacteria off. You will wind up with a staph infection within 90 days of starting regular use of these every time guaranteed.
- And yes its sad that shit is in every skin product on the market. And then my wife would buy my daughters all these fucking Amazon make up kits with all the colors & stuff under the rainbow I would call them POISON STATIONS...

4. Don't think that ceramic cookware is safe/ there is an issue I don't recall off hand. And folks don't even realize that "New car smell is PFOAs" I wonder do they bottle it and put in in Xmas tree air fresheners. LOL
- New car smell
- New carpet off-gassing
- They put it in couch cushions and for a brief period CHILDRENS PAJAMAS as a "Flame retardant". :oops::mad: Fukkin REALLY???!?!
- Speaking of household poisons tangenting what about the recent onslaught of all this shitty formaldehyde off gassing Chinese cheapass laminate flooring around the country.?!? Lets not forget US Corporations DESIGNED AND SPEC'd it out...
- Did you know there is enough formaldehyde off-gassing from the glue in a classic luan hollow core door to poison a damn house.
- All you have to do is break one of those squiggly mercury gas filled light bulbs and the EPA says you must evacuate the room and air it our for 4-6 hours due to mercury content.

*** Its "innocence or lack of malfeasance - by compartmentalization and physical disconnection". In short, we design it and then assign a foreign country to do the dirty work and therefore we don't have to feel bad about ourselves and our poor moral decisions. Just tune down management expense at the foreign manufacturing plant and look the other way. Shit, even the Chinese used to say "Rearee!?!?!? You want us to make THIS and for YOU?!?!?"... Hell, they cloned everything we ever produced so why is it not a safe bet they cloned our business behavior model as well. ZERO MORAL CODE... Yea we agreed on that..

5. I'm guilty myself of just going with it - to some degree. There is no escape from it. The PFOA families are basically in ANY FOOD CONTAINER made of paper and treated with it to keep the paper from turning to mush with the hot/wet food. That's my cheeseburger wrappers, french-fry containers, and pizza boxes. That latter REALLY PISSES ME OFF AS I LIKE MY PIZZA.. Pizza joints should be required to use wax paper.. I feel sorry for the children. While the body is astute at least it protecting reproductive function in the past, I am not even sure if if can stand off these chems today simple because they are in everything. But we have made some progress as I have not doubt that back in the 1970's when I grew up, anything new that came along was just thrown into production big time. Right down to that preservative that used to make that fruity popsicle taste so fukkin good, or the original banana flavor the CRACK that it was. LOL. And my DAD would literally sit there using PAINT STRIPPERS (the TCE's and worse), Rinse his hands in GASOLINE, all while drinking a beer/smoking a sig/ and CHEWING ON STYROFOAM CUPS IN BETWEEN.. No shit...

I honestly DO NOT THINK our fathers are really behind all this. They are either demons in action, or a malevolent ET manipulating men's minds, or ET disguised to look like man. There is just no way that people would do this to themselves or humanity. Something is going on...

Alright, well I just wanted to touch up that volley just a tad. Because my 1970's chemical induced brain disease called ADD and God Knows what is kicking in again. I guess at least my generation did not get the modern AUTISM causing poisons they are using today... Getting back out of this one for a while before the internet police lock-in on me...:oops::)
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Just bouncing a couple of things back you may not have picked up on.

1. Be sure you are aware that PESITCIDES and HERBICIDES (2-4d) are two different animals. Herbicides are going to be your pancreatic and liver cancer. Longer & slower acting and more insidiously hidden in action. Pesticides can be less noxious to humans up front, yet kill your cats dead if they walk thru the lawn just once within a couple of days of a Terminix bug treatment. Dummbshit folks saying "yea the cat just came in and laid down and never got up"/ Not even realizing they killed his ass with their need to poison all the bugs in the lawn for whatever stupid reason. Certain pesticides like COPPER for example will kill yer ass quick if you get too much on your skill even.

As far as POLITICAL SAFETY - none - DDT is a great example of a pesticide what was banned but guess what we sold it all to Mexico so they can grow the fruit with it and sell it back to us with even higher concentrations :oops: .

-Pesticides kill the bee's and work the AIR & DRY LIFE CHAINs destroying ON-LAND life via insect death.
-Herbicides kill the aquatic life more directly working on all the critters that maintain those environments ultimately trickling down to the poisoned plankton beds that produce much of the O2 we breathe..
- DISTURBING.... As they synergize for a double whammy.
Yeah, from the ecological perspective though, herbicides are a type of pesticide. I am well aware of the difference, I just use the umbrella of pesticides to cover everything: pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, humanicides (kidding :D)

Most insecticides are nerve toxins that are marketed as safe for humans because the levels they are so low. High enough to kill bugs but not people. Well, they sure as hell still do damage to the human body ESPECIALLY with chronic exposure over time.

2. Be aware that the only security when handling these chems is an outside air source pumped into a mask or suit via POS pressure.

- N95 respirators are mostly PARICULATE CAPTURING in action and DO NOT work all that well in preventing exposure to "ORGANICS". No mask-type air filtration system that you can use is going to capture FUMES and GASSES unless they are organic. Hexavalent Chromium offput when welding stainless is a good example of a long chain carbon NASTY which requires outside air source to be protected....

For many PAINT applications for example, you will need an organic respirator. They dont look like much but that N95 does not work well for that application. And dont get me started on paint chems and I have never seen a primer stick like KILZ-2 and its water based for freaks sake... Serious toxins bleeding out of these paints FOR EVER...

- Many noxious chemicals will go right thru NITRYL, LATEX, "Rubber gloves" within a certain amount of time used. Sometimes minutes depending on the glove.
Yeah for sure agree on all of that. Thankfully we brush on some herbicide like twice per year so it's not something I am that concerned about. We usually do use respirators

3. If you use an axe body wash product, or any for that matter YOU ARE CRAZY. They are basically treating your skin like a lawn and PRE-EMERGING chems in there so they stick around longer and kill your healthy bacteria off. You will wind up with a staph infection within 90 days of starting regular use of these every time guaranteed.
- And yes its sad that shit is in every skin product on the market. And then my wife would buy my daughters all these fucking Amazon make up kits with all the colors & stuff under the rainbow I would call them POISON STATIONS...
Yeah man it's fucking retarded idk what the hell that person on reddit was thinking. I definitely had to inform them of the dangers of those garbage products though. Use a fucking bar of soap lol
4. Don't think that ceramic cookware is safe/ there is an issue I don't recall off hand. And folks don't even realize that "New car smell is PFOAs" I wonder do they bottle it and put in in Xmas tree air fresheners. LOL
- New car smell
- New carpet off-gassing
- They put it in couch cushions and for a brief period CHILDRENS PAJAMAS as a "Flame retardant". :oops::mad: Fukkin REALLY???!?!
- Speaking of household poisons tangenting what about the recent onslaught of all this shitty formaldehyde off gassing Chinese cheapass laminate flooring around the country.?!? Lets not forget US Corporations DESIGNED AND SPEC'd it out...
- Did you know there is enough formaldehyde off-gassing from the glue in a classic luan hollow core door to poison a damn house.
- All you have to do is break one of those squiggly mercury gas filled light bulbs and the EPA says you must evacuate the room and air it our for 4-6 hours due to mercury content.

*** Its "innocence or lack of malfeasance - by compartmentalization and physical disconnection". In short, we design it and then assign a foreign country to do the dirty work and therefore we don't have to feel bad about ourselves and our poor moral decisions. Just tune down management expense at the foreign manufacturing plant and look the other way. Shit, even the Chinese used to say "Rearee!?!?!? You want us to make THIS and for YOU?!?!?"... Hell, they cloned everything we ever produced so why is it not a safe bet they cloned our business behavior model as well. ZERO MORAL CODE... Yea we agreed on that..

5. I'm guilty myself of just going with it - to some degree. There is no escape from it. The PFOA families are basically in ANY FOOD CONTAINER made of paper and treated with it to keep the paper from turning to mush with the hot/wet food. That's my cheeseburger wrappers, french-fry containers, and pizza boxes. That latter REALLY PISSES ME OFF AS I LIKE MY PIZZA.. Pizza joints should be required to use wax paper.. I feel sorry for the children. While the body is astute at least it protecting reproductive function in the past, I am not even sure if if can stand off these chems today simple because they are in everything. But we have made some progress as I have not doubt that back in the 1970's when I grew up, anything new that came along was just thrown into production big time. Right down to that preservative that used to make that fruity popsicle taste so fukkin good, or the original banana flavor the CRACK that it was. LOL. And my DAD would literally sit there using PAINT STRIPPERS (the TCE's and worse), Rinse his hands in GASOLINE, all while drinking a beer/smoking a sig/ and CHEWING ON STYROFOAM CUPS IN BETWEEN.. No shit...

I honestly DO NOT THINK our fathers are really behind all this. They are either demons in action, or a malevolent ET manipulating men's minds, or ET disguised to look like man. There is just no way that people would do this to themselves or humanity. Something is going on...

Alright, well I just wanted to touch up that volley just a tad. Because my 1970's chemical induced brain disease called ADD and God Knows what is kicking in again. I guess at least my generation did not get the modern AUTISM causing poisons they are using today... Getting back out of this one for a while before the internet police lock-in on me...:oops::)

I definitely think humans are all behind this and definitely don't think there's some outside entity manipulating the minds of tens of thousands or millions or people around the world to get them to add toxic chemicals to their products. That is just too fanciful a conspiracy with no apparent motive. The much, much simpler explanation is far more likely: the vast majority of people just don't give a fuck about people's health in the name of profits and will do whatever they can go make the most money. This has been shown time and time again: money will make people do crazy, awful, horrible things. It has nothing to do with anyone purposefully wanting to poison people. When it comes down to it, there is the bottom line. They see additive A costs this much and additive B can save them 5 cents per product unit and increase their profits by 15% over 3 years.

We have DEFINITELY made a ton of progress. In the 1920s people who (particularly those who lived in cities away from food sources) were literally being sold rotten meat from butchers because there was no refrigeration, nor were there really any food safety laws. Companies would put shit like borax, formaldehyde, arsenic, lead, plus much, much more! You would buy a bottle of whiskey and you'd get methanol. It was brutal. Fun fact, Henry Heinz (founder of Heinz) was one of the key people to get food safety laws made. He made his high quality tomato ketchup with good ingredients and his competitors were cutting theirs with toxic shit. So in 1906 he was the only food manufacturer to support food safety laws (The Pure Food and Drug Act), which paved the way for the FDA.

Unfortunately, we take an ass backwards approach to these things. Instead of proving the safety of the food additive FIRST, we basically let manufacturers use what they want and only once people start getting sick or dying do we move to legislate against it. As best I can tell, this is primarily just to prevent companies from having to spend billions of dollars on extensive safety studies for every ingredient they want to add to their food. There is also the big conundrum of LONG TERM safety. Obviously tons of the ingredients used in food that we know to be toxic, carcinogenic, etc., is acutely perfectly safe. So what, are we to expect these companies to spend billions on multi-decade safety studies? And of course, with how complex our human lives are, there still wouldn't be any way to actually prove causation in a long term study--which is why lawsuits against these companies for the chemicals they use so rarely happen.

It's not aliens. It's not demons or the devil or any supernatural beings. It is just the human mind being itself. The human mind is just fucking way too easily manipulated, even by itself. Given the proper incentives, humans are capable of truly evil things. We are MASTERS at ignoring the consequences of our actions ESPECIALLY when they are long term consequences that are far off in the future. There's no need to get aliens involved, it's just humans being shitty people with low quality morals and no conviction. They do whatever it takes to claw their way to the top.

It's not aliens manipulating people, it is just all the incentives of doing these things that are awful long term:
1. Money and greed: in this capitalistic system, you cut costs and you get a big fat bonus check. Your stock price goes up. You get promoted. Whatever it may be, money is there at the forefront of the incentives for why people do the things they do.
2. The fallible human mind: we all suffer from positivity bias and other biases and the ability to ignore information we don't like, and can make totally crazy excuses to maintain our view of our Self (ego) and the world around us. If someone encounters evidence of long term safety issues, many people will just disregard it. "It's only one or two studies." "We've been using this for 20 years and people are fine." "There's no way that it's OUR product, people are exposed to so much stuff, it's gotta be something else." Until the evidence is SO insurmountable and impossible to ignore, people WILL ignore it. Almost nobody wants to be a bad person, they don't want to have to confront the idea that they caused cancer by using fucking fake food colorings instead of natural ones derived from plants, etc.
3. Fear of punishment: nowadays people expect ENDLESS growth from the stock market, they expect every quarter/fiscal year to have less overhead costs and more profits than the last. Nobody wants to sit in the hot seat in front of the board because they didn't cut costs when they could've. They don't want to get roasted (or even voted out!) by the shareholders of the company they work for because they didn't use a product simply because of possible long term health consequences (which brings us back to #2, as it's not just the decision makers that suffer from this, it's everyone involved in any decision of these companies, and the companies answer to the shareholders).
4. All of the above: most people want more money, more cars, more stuff. They don't want to be in the hot seat, they want a comfortable, luxurious life with vacations and private jets and dinner parties. They want to be in circles with the rich and powerful. Or they just want to scrape by and getting a bonus for cutting costs on this product would REALLY help pay down their mortgage or get them out of debt or send THEIR kid to college. Or hell, there's been plenty of times when a scientist HAS come forth with concerns about a product/ingredient, management shuts it down real quick, because again it would hurt the bottom line. Then what, are they going to become a whistleblower and possibly go to jail? For what? Suspected long term health impacts? No way! People aren't going to risk that 99% of the time. It's all about me me me and mine whether you are the richest of the rich or the poorest of the poor. We live in these artificial constructs of cities where nobody knows or even really gives a shit about on another. There are way too many humans on this planet, to the point where competition is no longer healthy, but instead detrimental to our overall progress.

It's not aliens, it's just humans being humans. We are so primitive and our greed and psychological need to maintain our Ego is so strong that we can EASILY justify using these toxic chemicals in our products. We don't need any external influence to destroy ourselves. The same goes for our ability to ignore the effects of Climate Change. You've got fucking idiot senators walking into the senate chambers saying, "THIS IS A SNOWBALL, OBVIOUSLY GLOBAL WARMING ISN'T REAL!! I AM A CERTIFIED RETARD!" It still all comes down to profit and competition. "America can't spend all this money to mitigate climate change and pollution, because CHina and India and Russia aren't doing anything! They will beat us at this game of global chess (China is already winning anyway). Our GDP will go down! Company profits will go down! The stock market will suffer! ANYTHING BUT THE STOCK MARKET, THAT IS THE LIFEBLOOD OF THIS COUNTRY!" Except that it's not, really. The same thing goes with the pandemic, with social media use/addiction among teens, kids, AND adults, the manipulation of political opinions of people through fake news and fucking memes on facebook and twitter that people somehow believe more than actual published research or expert opinions... It's all a massive shitshow and nobody will hardly do a damn thing about it because it's hard to move the status quo, people don't want to do that much work, and the rich and powerful will get pissed of if you do try to change the status quo.

But in the end, most people don't even try to change the status quo. They don't ask why things are the way they are or if there's a better way, because the system is built to make us individually feel powerless and spend every bit of effort just keeping ourselves and our families afloat.

So yeah. Humans kinda just...really are a low quality species. We have gone too far, too fast. We don't need aliens to destroy ourselves. If anything, IMO they wouldn't intervene at all, but instead just sit back and study us as we fuck ourselves in the ass with a fucking horse dildo.
I DO NOT DIATRIBE OFF TOPIC. I attempt to relate and understand the WHY's of all the poor behavior. We can talk about WHAT is wrong all day long. But to avoid trying to figure out the WHY would be the real crime which continues to ensue daily on this Earth and is indeed the primary reason these things continue to happen...

And while I agree -WE ARE masters of ignoring consequence for our behavior, this is a side effect of the plight to endeavor to adventure onward and forward. In short its a consequence of evolution. E.G. If you are too scared to get up off the couch and open the door, then how will you know what is going on outside? Or if it even exists anymore for that matter.? The real question is WHERE is the BEHAVIORAL TEMPERING lost along the way. The operating code written between the lines. This is where your holy scriptures apply. They provide the working guidelines that govern how one should adventure out in exploration and test new hypothesis, and return successfully. SCIENCE fails us here in an odd conundrum of refusal to acknowledge the very fundamental sub-codes which the individual players operate by. Yet they share these values which without they would be unsuccessful. If you question this then question why those same scientist don't just go around murdering their colleagues and stealing their intellectual construct. We are in a time period where we have strayed too far too fast- as you pointed out... So we are cutting corners that will come back to haunt. And once you cut too many yer irrecoverably fukked...

Pretty much agreed on everything. A buddy of mine used to use an analogy more like "Just throw yerself down on a 12 inch razor barbed Throbber".. LOL And I know for a FACT that the reason the moon does not spin is because there is a big neon sign on the backside that reads "DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS"..... As far as ET I have little doubt we are little more than a science experiment that never fails to again amuse just before the slate was going to be wiped... We sing and dance real well after all.:oops:

Yes, its amazing what people will do for money (SURVIVAL INSTINCT).
- I know a "Good Christian" that routinely sprays toxins all over the green Earth poisoning everything for PROFIT.
- I know "Good People" who routinely engage in poor business practices that financially abuse their customer as "as accepted business practice"..
- I know "folks" that have simply BRIEFLY lost control of their emotions and done things in their jobs and lives that they would not normally do.

The obstacles to morality and self-control are increasing. The pace quickens as the race for survival intensifies amongst expediting technology and a decreasing demand for human employment. The relationship between intellectual advancement and biological procreation is inverted and poor.. AND WHAT BLOWS ME AWAY IS THAT THEY HAVE CONVINCED PEOPLE TO CHOOSE SUICIDE OVER FUKKING. my money is on DARK POWERS INDEED. Because accomplishing these conditions is a difficult feat.

I honestly have higher hopes for Humanity. Call me a "romantic". While, I hear your negative take on this one, I can't help but hope for more and the only way this is going to happen is to be proactive about it. Honestly, I have been seeing people being better to each other since Covid-19 began. Especially in terms of race relations. A little common courtesy goes a long way.

It's just not that difficult to be kind when possible, and that really does trickle UP in a multi-pronged cascade. You would be surprised the POWER that elicits to onlookers when one person is helpful to another person and witnessed. It's equally as powerful to stop and take the time to help a turtle cross the road. Its like a chain reaction that takes place where the witness REALIZES the positive of that moment, realizes they can do the same, and then becomes more active themselves. Then it synergizes as once you begin being actively positive as you want to do it more and you get better at it.

I'm not implying that you paint that there is only evil (poor value, your preference, etc..) out there, only that you acknowledge this. Which is a fundamental base we must all acquaint with as we must FIRST learn to see the evil for what it is, know it and understand it, in order to combat and destroy it. HOW DOES THIS ALL APPLY.?? Poor values, greed, gluttony, lust - these drugs are blinding. When people see evil for what it is and start becoming better folks in their private lives it can not help but translate to their business lives.

Word of Mouth is a powerful thing. We do not have to be sacrificial martyred "whistle blowers" to elicit change. We should be INFORMED AND EDUCATED to the best that we can be. ACKNOWLEDGE that we may not have all of our facts straight. And encourage others to pay more attention to where and HOW their time and assets are spent, and educate themselves. It's also the way we learn new things with the most relevance to our lives via locality. To be effective we need to begin where at our home level to understand what is affecting us most directly. Which is the information that is important to us.. None of this can happen without good old face to face interaction. Getting out there and being kind and polite to folks is the ticket to new avenues and new discussions which SHARE and SPREAD the MOST VALUABLE COMMODITY there is. - I.N.F.O.R.M.A.T.I.O.N.

And while I AGREE that there are MANY who are just lost. Even Darth Vader still had it in him. It just took persistence. MAKE NO MISTAKE AND DO NOT UNDER-ESTIMATE THE POWER OF THE ONE... All the negativity is trickling down from somewhere. People are too acquainted with and easily succumbed to SLOTH. It makes life a little easier when there is someone above to look to for direction. And RESPONSIBILITY IS A REAL MOFO. No one wants that job. This is like rolling out the red carpet for evil. Or corrupted code.. One principle, one entity, one ideal, one message, one directive, one way. ITS A PYRAMID EFFECT all day long. And I am not talking about all the various vectors and variances of ALLLL the different aspects of life. I am talking about PRINCIPLES that have no boundaries and reach across everything. MORALITY. And you can trace every sociological negative and failure back to one place this I guarantee...


You seem to approach it more scientifically as to what it is. But I see SIN. Its just too coincidental how well is spelled out in scripture. WHO AUTHORED the religious doctrines is the million dollar question that we may never know the answer to. I tend to prefer to go biblical. And regardless of the author the writings hold water. GOD and Jesus are obviously Extra-Terrestrial by the very nature of the descriptions. Their appearance if manifested or as described is a moot point truly. Where many folks fail is that just because MAN sins, does not make him EVIL. It just means that evil influenced him, if just for a moment. I find this distinction very important sociologically as how on Earth could it be possible that this concept is not better clarified. And when entire societies operate based on this code. Its almost like the powers that be WANT US to feel like we are broken. And they do and as a control vector.! Its important to make this understanding to AVOID MORAL SELF-JUDGEMENT & CONVICTION. People only see us for what we are TODAY AND NOW. Which is why its never too late for change... And if you are walking around with the belief that your are INHERENTLY EVIL, you are walking around with the belief that there is no way to be good. That can't work.

We are saying the same shit with a flavor twist no doubt. So we both apparently love to hear our own keyboards click..:):):)
Unfortunately I think that if your dick is already abnormally large, you won't see any acute shrinkage. To do that you'd have to watch all the episodes of the golden girls back to back while drinking cosmos and reading the twilight series, all at the same time. Your dick will easily go from the current 20 inches it is at to a nice, perfect 2 inches (clinical micropenis)! Good luck to you my friend!
No my friend you misunderstood me. Right now the competition around is massive with all those big penis swinging and my small cock being depressed BUT SOON I'll not have to move to China anymore to feel I have a worthy dick! The average size will come down and I'll feel normal once and for all!
Unfortunately I think that if your dick is already abnormally large, you won't see any acute shrinkage. To do that you'd have to watch all the episodes of the golden girls back to back while drinking cosmos and reading the twilight series, all at the same time. Your dick will easily go from the current 20 inches it is at to a nice, perfect 2 inches (clinical micropenis)! Good luck to you my friend!
To do that you'd have to watch all the episodes of the golden girls back to back while drinking cosmos and reading the twilight series, all at the same time.
Wow, so your wife does that too... If you notice 2 of the cast are straight up Trannies... Its just a mind-fuck-show and I have no doubt negatively fed my wife's mother and warped my wife too... Just right in the face of America as Hollywood just kept on engaging their dementia on us all...

BTW - The antidote for Lifetime is The Hallmark Channel. If you can swap her over to that you can still save yerself from a completely hellish existence..
We finally have had the alarmist headline: "PENISES ARE SHRINKING BECAUSE OF POLLUTION"

Honestly, it is about fucking time! I have been bitching about Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) since I learned about them way back when I was a teenager. Several years later, I remember back when America was going psycho over bisphenol A (BPA) causing endocrine disruption. I also specifically recall the massive movement to ban BPA entirely. Unfortunately, even I as a young adult at the time, knew that they were DOING IT WRONG, because nobody seemed to ask the question "what will we replace BPA with once it is banned?"

Thus, BPA was banned...and mostly just replaced with other bisphenol (BPx) chemicals, many of which are unresearched, or have very little research about them, and even are indicated to be MORE HARMFUL than BPA. Way to go people, mission failed. I don't know how nobody saw it coming: you make companies ban one thing and they will jus replace it with whatever is cheapest, even if it's probably worse for human health--they simply don't care about anything except their profits.

But that is only one miniscule little piece to the whole story. To provide some background, EDCs include a wide range of substances that are used across nearly every industry that have activity related to sex hormone receptors and pathways. The most well-studied and best known are the ones that agonize Estrogen. There are also antiandrogens

Unfortunately, and I mean seriously, really, tragically unfortunately, BPx's are not the only chemical at play here. Some of the most common EDCs, organized by type, are listed below:
- Pesticides: DDT; Chlorpyrifos; Atrazine; Glyphosate; vinclozolin (anti-androgen)
- Heavy metals: Lead; Cadmium; Arsenic
- Industrial chemicals and their byproducts: PCBs; Dioxins
- Plastics and food storage materials: Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); bisphenols (BPx's); Phthalates; Phenol
- Electronics and building materials: Brominated fire retardants (PBDEs); PCBs again
- Personal care products: phthalates; parabens; UV filter chemicals in chemical sunscreens
- Soaps: triclosan (also found in colgate total toothpaste)
- Tons of things from textiles, clothing, food wrappers, teflon cookware, popcorn bags: Perfluorochemicals (PFCs)
- AND MORE!!! Let us not forget the random chemicals, drugs, and drug metabolites, found in our water: the birth control and other hormones; the anti-depressants; anti-anxiety; birth control; beta-blockers, etc. (1) (2)

In males, these chemicals cause all kinds of issues: decreased fertility; suppressed endocrine system (low testosterone); increased prostate size; delayed puberty; decreased penis size (even the medical condition "micropenis"); genital deformations; and of course cancer. A growing number of researchers are saying that most men will be infertile between 2045 and 2065 because of EDCs.

In females, these chemicals cause all kinds of issues too! Breast abnormalities/cancer; general endocrine disruption (low estrogen, issues with estrogen/progesterone balance); premature breast enlargement; early puberty; endometriosis; reproductive tract abnormalities/malignancies; disturbed lactation; polycystic ovarian syndrome; and of course other cancers too.


In amphibians, these chemicals actually cause them to change genders and even change their sexual preferences. (1, 2) This study made waves in the headlines and both liberal and conservative media ran with it. Look, just to be clear, I am NOT one of the psychotic idiots (cough Alex Jones) saying that "the government is purposefully putting drugs in the water to make people gay." That is fucking stupid on so many levels that I won't even go into it. However, it is a fact that this is happening as a side effect of our widespread use of pesticides. Now, taking the leap from amphibians to humans is a big one, but given the laundry list of issues above that EDCs cause, some people may be comfortable making that leap. Personally, I think it makes sense, when you look at the drug therapy that trans females go through: they are given antiandrogens and estrogens. Well, the same thing is happening, albeit at much lower levels to nearly every modern human living in a developed country (and sometimes underdeveloped countries are even worse, due to less government regulations to prevent pollution).

The only additional thing I will say about this is that I have had the privilege to speak with university professors involved in these studies or follow up research who firmly believe that these EDCs are having an impact on the percentage of LGBTQ people in the overall population. These are some of the leading ecology and wildlife researchers in the world. In their mind there is no doubt about it, but unfortunately, they aren’t able to be vocal about that opinion because the liberal media will label them as anti-LGBTQ and the LGBTQ community will explode with backlash on social media about the professor’s comments, etc. It is really a shame. The far left’s desire to hamper free speech really fucking irks me—it is not healthy, but I digress. This is not about politics. It’s about the science of EDCs.

So anyway: this is obviously a really big fucking deal! But for some reason, the vast majority of the population has been happy to just ignore it. It doesn't have immediate effects on people, the effects are long term--sometimes VERY long term--and also due to the many many variables in this thing we call life, it is nearly impossible to truly pinpoint these chemicals as the cause of the issues people are having. As such, sufficient momentum to create a sustained movement around reducing EDCs in the environment has never been attained--save for the BPA scare because that was having a relatively immediate impact on people's precious little babies, so of course everyone freaked out, but again nobody thought it all the way through.

There are even more issues and chemicals that could be added to this list, but that gives you the idea of just how damaging these chemicals are. And the worst part is that we are ALL exposed to them, unwillingly, from the time we are born on a daily basis. There is nothing we can do to avoid all of them--however we can avoid SOME of them by making healthier choices in the products we buy, the places we go, and are privileged enough to be able to purchase things like fancy water filters and organic foods.

<Warning, personal anecdote>

Unfortunately, our modern American medicine system doesn't think it is important to monitor hormones AT ALL. Even females on exogenous hormones in the form of birth control don't get hormone panels. The doctor asks "how do you feel" and adjusts the dose accordingly. Young men with pubertal gyno and no motivation and emotional issues are given anti-depressants and benzos--and this strike particularly close to home for me. I had pubertal gyno (as you can read about in a recent page in the gyno megathread), I also had depression and anxiety and serious confidence issues despite being an intelligent and attractive young man.

I suspect the main factor in my issues was all due to endocrine disruption (too much E2 agonism and not enough T), but obviously can't prove it because I never had a hormone panel. Now, at the ripe young age of 31 I am on TRT (blast and cruise). It is the best thing I have ever done. My depression is gone, my anxiety is drastically reduced. Of course, body comp has gotten way better. I did have my gyno removed (again, see the gyno megathread). I really, really struggled as a teen; it was fucking awful. I came extremely close to killing myself several times. When I see other young kids struggle with similar issues and when I hear teens say they think they are a woman and all that, I just shake my head. Let me be perfectly clear: I do NOT think that gay and trans people wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for EDCs, they obviously have been around for much longer than EDCs have. However, I think the issue would be much, much smaller.

<End personal anecdote>

I feel like I am starting to go in circles here, so let me sum up my post thus far:

- EDCs are everywhere: in our water; our clothes; the air we breathe; the food we eat; the devices we touch; the upholstery we lounge or sit on; the personal care products we use; the artificial fragrances we smell; the sex products we use (yeah, check your lube for phthalates!!); they’re fucking everywhere!!!

- they have POWERFUL effects in the human body and mind. For example, "Sperm counts among men in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand declined more than 59% from 1973 to 2011, according to a meta-analysis Swan co-wrote in 2017. At the current rate, half of men in those countries would have no sperm by 2045, while many others would have very low counts" (source)

I hope that with more alarmist headlines about penises shrinking and the population becoming infertile, maybe the general population will start to pay more attention to this problem. Then maybe we can gain some momentum to make a change, regardless of the cost to big agriculture/pharma/manufacturing/chemical companies.

So, what can we do about this?

For starters, if you have kids:

- Get your kids a hormone panel when they hit puberty. Just monitor that shit yourself. Pay out of pocket if you have to, just monitor it to know. If something is off, then talk to your doctor about it. If your doctor is an idiot and doesn’t know anything about the endocrine system (like most doctors) then find a different doctor or take matters into your own hand (no, don’t start injecting your kid with TRT LOL :D).

For everyone, with or without kids:

- Make positive changes in your home to ensure that you are minimizing your and your family’s exposure to EDCs. Some of these things are easy, some are hard/expensive. This includes things like:
- opting for natural personal care products (in general avoid gels, get bar soaps and get natural organic products that either use essential oils for scents or have no scent)
- get natural toothpaste
- stop using plastic water bottles and food storage containers, glass is the only safe option (often times metal containers are coated with a BPx or similar chemical to prevent the metal from absorbing into the food/water)
- DEFINITELY NEVER heat up food in plastic - weight watchers and TV dinners = VERY BAD!!
- don’t buy fast food or junk food (including breakfast cereals and pop-tarts and toaster pancakes, etc.)
- buy organic foods to minimize your exposure to pesticides
- wear an N95 or KN95 mask if you go into the city where air pollution is always terrible
- get a high-quality under sink water filter
- don’t buy bottled water
- don’t get artificial fragrance things like those glade sprayers, candles, etc.
- don’t go swimming in nasty city lakes
- don’t use pesticides in your yard and don’t pay someone to spray your lawn!! Weeds are natural and honestly turf grass is pretty ecologically useless, let the weeds grow, it’s gonna be fine. For sidewalk cracks, etc., get a propane torch to burn that shit away!
- when painting or using volatile chemicals for home or construction or car projects, wear a high-quality respirator. I even wear an N95 mask when I go to the shooting range as the lead in the primers is not something I want to inhale while shooting (I put a little scotch tape at the top so it doesn’t fog up my glasses).
- there’s more but that’s about all I can think of right now!
- oh! And also, get enough sleep! Sleep is HUGE and even a single bad night of sleep and disrupt the hormonal balance. De-stress! Practice mindfullness meditation, go out into nature, take epsom salt baths to de-stress and lower cortisol. Avoid drugs: particularly opiates and alcohol (especially beer, the hops in beer is one of the strongest phytoesteogens on the planet), and also marijuana. Eat enough fats, studies show eating a diet with ~40% fat can increaze natty T levels, idk if it would mTter for enhanced guys though; lastly, make sure you aren't lacking in any nutrients like magnesium, boron, selenium, etc., but also don't supplement them "just because"

These are all things you can do to minimize your and your family’s exposure to EDCs. In doing so, you are drastically increasing the likelihood of being healthier into old age and raising healthy, stable kids. Hopefully you’ve found this interesting and helpful. Feel free to comment with any non-political comments you may have!
You know its amazing isn't it. There should almost be a thread entitled "Find the products withOUT endocrine disruptors".. You may have mentioned these but I dont think so.

So I started out on a search to see if PFOAs were in my dental teeth sealers that I got 40 years ago, and if they use them today. I never got to the bottom of that one as I got side tracked by all the emerging data on BPAs in dentistry... A recent study which in fact appears to be challenging all the flaws in past toxicity determinations and positions taken by the FDA. There seems to be an increasing push to bring this to light.

So in my search I was side-tracked by the point that..:
1. my mouth was filled with BPA emitting sealers way back,

2. ORAL B Dental floss contains PFO(x)'s and in fact shows up in folks blood from flossing.
(Note the advertise this right in your face like look at the modern miracle!!!)

3. Finally I was shocked to see how prevalent these chemicals are becoming in our clothing and other textiles. Here's one whos sole purpose is to help you out with all that 'friction".. It just seems to me people were running and active long before we all of the sudden developed this strange demand for "Chaff-free" and "sweat-wicking" apparel... :eek: :rolleyes:



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I want to add the following to this post:

- Everyone should check out the EWG Annual Report, which contains the 12 dirtiest foods and the 15 cleanest foods. That is, the ones with the MOST and the LEAST pesticides:

- Dirty Dozen
- Clean 15
- As an addition, I would add cereals/grains and oats to the dirty dozen (now it's a baker's dozen! lol) because it is super common for farmers to spray oats and grains with glyphosate to desiccate the plant, which speeds up the harvest time for oats and cereals. (As an aside: cornucopia.org is an INCREDIBLE resource for finding food brands that are high quality, humane, and non-toxic). It is disgusting and so common that many companies have a hard time sourcing grains that HAVEN'T been sprayed with glyphosate prior to harvest. This also reduces the nutrition value of the plant because it isn't allowed to mature on its own. Then literally a couple weeks later it is made into cereal or flour or oats for oatmeal and packaged up for you to consume, chock-full of cancer-causing glyphosate. This practice is actually unregulated and is performed on at least 70 different crops.
- EWG finds glyphosate in all cheerios and quaker oats cereals

So if you can't afford ALL organic food (believe me, I know it is expensive because I do it 99% of the time), then at least look to go organic for the dirty dozen :)

First off, pesticide and herbicide are the same thing. The definition of pesticide is: A substance or agent used to kill pests, such as unwanted or harmful insects, rodents, or weeds. Plants can be considered pests too. There is no REAL delineation between pesticide and herbicide, it is just something people say to ensure laypeople are on the same page as the writer/speaker.

There is a plethora of research out there showing these pesticides cause severe endocrine disruption in men and women as well as in other animals (y'all may be aware of the "chemicals causing frogs to change gender" thing that unfortunately the liberals shot down because Alex Jones latched onto it--it is true though). There are studies showing structural changes in the brain, showing these pesticides are carcinogenic and cause cancer (there's been many lawsuits over this as well where companies have had to payout to people who got cancer due to exposure to these chemicals).

Anyway, EWG is a really excellent organization. I personally STRONGLY believe in organic eating.

Some might find it contradictory that I generally don't really give a shit about GMO. The reason being that the gene alterations in the plants aren't causing these plants to secrete toxic chemicals. If an alteration is made to increase yield, make something taste sweeter, make it more drought resistant, etc., I don't care. However, there is a big problem with GMO crops that are treated with pesticides, because they are usually altered to cause the plant to be resistant to the pesticide so the farmer can use MORE of the chemicals without harming the plant....(fucking disgusting). This is mostly mitigated by buying organic--the only issue remaining is that organic crop fields can be adjacent to non-organic. This means that the pesticides sprayed on non-organic crops CAN drift over to the organic fields, tainting them with small amounts of pesticide (especially on a windy day).

Regardless, buying organic still DRASTICALLY HELPS--but we won't be 100% safe from glyphosate or other pesticides. They are in our air, water, food, in the soil. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that it will be going away very soon. The extremely corrupt EPA says there's "not enough evidence" that these chemicals cause cancer or health issues. Well, the EPA is a fucking JOKE. They are corporate puppets and they won't publish anything that upsets the corporate overlords/oligarchy...it is up to us, the consumers, to make our own decisions on what we buy, based off what we can afford and what our options are.

As I have said many times in various threads: the best way to change your diet is to change what you buy. Go to the store and just buy a bunch of produce and protein and entirely skip over the aisles that have the ice cream, candy, frozen pizzas/chicken nuggets, cereals, etc. Just buy healthy shit and that's what you'll eat.

Good luck. Anyone feel free to post here or PM me with questions on this topic!
I want to add the following to this post:

- Everyone should check out the EWG Annual Report, which contains the 12 dirtiest foods and the 15 cleanest foods. That is, the ones with the MOST and the LEAST pesticides:

- Dirty Dozen
- Clean 15
- As an addition, I would add cereals/grains and oats to the dirty dozen (now it's a baker's dozen! lol) because it is super common for farmers to spray oats and grains with glyphosate to desiccate the plant, which speeds up the harvest time for oats and cereals. (As an aside: cornucopia.org is an INCREDIBLE resource for finding food brands that are high quality, humane, and non-toxic). It is disgusting and so common that many companies have a hard time sourcing grains that HAVEN'T been sprayed with glyphosate prior to harvest. This also reduces the nutrition value of the plant because it isn't allowed to mature on its own. Then literally a couple weeks later it is made into cereal or flour or oats for oatmeal and packaged up for you to consume, chock-full of cancer-causing glyphosate. This practice is actually unregulated and is performed on at least 70 different crops.
- EWG finds glyphosate in all cheerios and quaker oats cereals

So if you can't afford ALL organic food (believe me, I know it is expensive because I do it 99% of the time), then at least look to go organic for the dirty dozen :)

First off, pesticide and herbicide are the same thing. The definition of pesticide is: A substance or agent used to kill pests, such as unwanted or harmful insects, rodents, or weeds. Plants can be considered pests too. There is no REAL delineation between pesticide and herbicide, it is just something people say to ensure laypeople are on the same page as the writer/speaker.

There is a plethora of research out there showing these pesticides cause severe endocrine disruption in men and women as well as in other animals (y'all may be aware of the "chemicals causing frogs to change gender" thing that unfortunately the liberals shot down because Alex Jones latched onto it--it is true though). There are studies showing structural changes in the brain, showing these pesticides are carcinogenic and cause cancer (there's been many lawsuits over this as well where companies have had to payout to people who got cancer due to exposure to these chemicals).

Anyway, EWG is a really excellent organization. I personally STRONGLY believe in organic eating.

Some might find it contradictory that I generally don't really give a shit about GMO. The reason being that the gene alterations in the plants aren't causing these plants to secrete toxic chemicals. If an alteration is made to increase yield, make something taste sweeter, make it more drought resistant, etc., I don't care. However, there is a big problem with GMO crops that are treated with pesticides, because they are usually altered to cause the plant to be resistant to the pesticide so the farmer can use MORE of the chemicals without harming the plant....(fucking disgusting). This is mostly mitigated by buying organic--the only issue remaining is that organic crop fields can be adjacent to non-organic. This means that the pesticides sprayed on non-organic crops CAN drift over to the organic fields, tainting them with small amounts of pesticide (especially on a windy day).

Regardless, buying organic still DRASTICALLY HELPS--but we won't be 100% safe from glyphosate or other pesticides. They are in our air, water, food, in the soil. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that it will be going away very soon. The extremely corrupt EPA says there's "not enough evidence" that these chemicals cause cancer or health issues. Well, the EPA is a fucking JOKE. They are corporate puppets and they won't publish anything that upsets the corporate overlords/oligarchy...it is up to us, the consumers, to make our own decisions on what we buy, based off what we can afford and what our options are.

As I have said many times in various threads: the best way to change your diet is to change what you buy. Go to the store and just buy a bunch of produce and protein and entirely skip over the aisles that have the ice cream, candy, frozen pizzas/chicken nuggets, cereals, etc. Just buy healthy shit and that's what you'll eat.

Good luck. Anyone feel free to post here or PM me with questions on this topic!
I would only suggest that to group pesticides and herbicides together simply must be incorrect. There are too many different chemicals with too many different actions. Unless you care to educate me on where I am missing. They are entirely different classes of chemicals. And there are stronger and weaker actors in each catagory. Herbicides also tend to be more insidious and drawn out to cancer, whereas many pesticides can kill you instantly. I think you should re-qualify that statement for the purpose of technical credibility. SImply put, the Difference between spraying herbicide on your legs till you one day come down with pancreatic cancer, and your child accidentally ingesting rat poison(pesticide) which kills in hours with no antidote - are simply two different things... Further, whether your crops are sprayed with Pesticides to keep bugs from eating them, or the earth is pre-emerged with herbicides to keep unwanted vegetation from crowding out crop growth.... Pesticides for commercial and home crop use can range from SEVIN powder to DDT/ which we unloaded on Mexico in the 90's/ so they can spray in on the oranges and then sell it back to us. But our hands are clean now right...

(GMO's and the term is a far cry from the expression 'Hybrid') .. Some of this is almost MOOT as the kind folks at Monsanto, Dupont, Bayer and Glaxo are working diligently to modify the molecular structures of our foods so that the Round Up and Pesticide MOLECULE are built right into the food's molecular structure. But nothing wrong with that right....

It should finally be noted that it is stated that there are NO GMO seeds in the Rothschild/Bill Gates founded seed vaults set up around the world for when we finally manage to blow it up...

The POINT is taken and you again provide some good information...
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I think you're totally right about these endocrine disruptors causing widespread gayness. I'm really not joking. I believe it happens from birth, and the historically low testosterone rates among modern men are proof of it.
I would only suggest that to group pesticides and herbicides together simply must be incorrect. There are too many different chemicals with too many different actions. Unless you care to educate me on where I am missing. They are entirely different classes of chemicals. And there are stronger and weaker actors in each catagory. Herbicides also tend to be more insidious and drawn out to cancer, whereas many pesticides can kill you instantly. I think you should re-qualify that statement for the purpose of technical credibility. SImply put, the Difference between spraying herbicide on your legs till you one day come down with pancreatic cancer, and your child accidentally ingesting rat poison(pesticide) which kills in hours with no antidote - are simply two different things... Further, whether your crops are sprayed with Pesticides to keep bugs from eating them, or the earth is pre-emerged with herbicides to keep unwanted vegetation from crowding out crop growth.... Pesticides for commercial and home crop use can range from SEVIN powder to DDT/ which we unloaded on Mexico in the 90's/ so they can spray in on the oranges and then sell it back to us. But our hands are clean now right...
I agree with you, I'm just stating how the industry uses the terms. I agree so much that the custom signs I made for my yard specify both herbicide and pesticides are not to be sprayed anywhere on the property. However, if you ask professionals who manage habitats, pesticide is the overarching term for all of these chemicals. A "pest" can be either a plant, mold, or a bug/some kind of animal. Herbicide is a subtype of pesticide that only acts on plants.

Hopefully that is clarifying enough. I unfortunately can't state that my claim above about them being the same is wrong, because from an industry standpoint they are not. I've known too many people who work on habitats, even chemists working at these chemical companies (my best friends dad works at Monsanto as one of these guys I used to debate with him about these chemicals all the time--he is just now finally coming around to the fact of how awful they are).

(GMO's and the term is a far cry from the expression 'Hybrid') .. Some of this is almost MOOT as the kind folks at Monsanto, Dupont, Bayer and Glaxo are working diligently to modify the molecular structures of our foods so that the Round Up and Pesticide MOLECULE are built right into the food's molecular structure. But nothing wrong with that right....
Haha yeah of course not!

I am not personally super aware of this topic. I haven't heard of them trying to build the glyphosate or an glyphosate derivative into plants. I have heard of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crops though. In this regard, Bacillus thuringiensis is a bacterium that is classified as safe of use in organic farming. There are thousands of types of Bt. Btk is used for catarpillars, Btt is used against beetles, Bti is used against mosquitoes, black flies, and fungus gnats too.

I personally use a couple types of Bt on my plants around the house and in the garden along with Kaolin Clay. These two things together work extremely well against everything except molds--which, if you have mold, just don't water for a bit and it'll die. Bti (Mosquito bits) works EXTREMELY well and best of all it does not harm amphibians, which are particularly sensitive to the chemicals we humans douse the entire fucking planet in!

Bt is actually really cool, essentially the way it works is that the bacterium contains these toxic crystals inside of it. The bugs or their larvae eat it. The crystals then enter the stomach cells and cause them to explode. Now the bug can't feed on your crops anymore and it dies of starvation. Yeah, it's fucking brutal, but hey man I gotta eat sooo.....

The nice thing about this is that the likelihood of pests developing resistance against it is insanely small. The only case I could find is the Diamondback Moth. It required mutations within two separate genes to be able to resist the toxin that Bt uses to eat them: Resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin requires mutations in two Plutella xylostella ATP-binding cassette transporter paralogs - PubMed

So, I personally am not very concerned about Bt crops OTHER than the fact that it is EXTREMELY unlikely the farmers that use them are growing organic--which, in that case, I wouldn't buy their shit anyway because I buy 99% organic food. However, if a crop came out that contained some other herbicide or pesticide producing gene built into it, I absolutely would not be buying it. Studies have demonstrated that Bt is nontoxic in mammals, even long term in rats fed high doses for 2 years there was no cancer detected. Now, there is one caveat which I do keep an eye on: the reason that this is so is because the human immune system destroys Bt easily. There have been no issues found in human populations living near Bt spraying operations, however there were increased antibody levels following Bt exposure--but no increased occurrences of asthma or anything else. Regardless, I am personally not spraying Bt from an airplane and nobody around me is either. Apparently it requires an explosure of >10^11 colony forming units (cfu) to cause any kind of damage to a human.

It should finally be noted that it is stated that there are NO GMO seeds in the Rothschild/Bill Gates founded seed vaults set up around the world for when we finally manage to blow it up...

The POINT is taken and you again provide some good information...
That is very interesting. I know I saw a few years ago the Svalbard Global Seed Vault had just passed over 1,000,000 unique crop varieties! Looking it up again, "The vault can store up to 4.5 million varieties of crops. Each variety contains an average of 500 seeds, which amounts to a maximum capacity of 2.5 billion seeds." That seems like a lot, but 500 seeds of corn isn't much (although they may have like 2000 types of corn lol, who knows). I wonder if they have hand pollination tools? Since during an apocalyptic event, surely there wouldn't be enough bees and insects to pollenate these crops. We'd have to be like China is now, hand pollenating everything!!! That right there is the REAL danger of pesticides. The death of the bees.

It is really fucked. The EPA is supposed to be the ones to protect us against these chemicals. It is literally their job to determine the safety of pesticides and such before they are approved for use. They have failed us MISERABLY. Pathetically so. This is what happens you have ex-industry people and even fucking lobbyists going from private sector into consumer protection agencies like the FDA (cough FUCK Scott Gottlieb) and the EPA.
I think you're totally right about these endocrine disruptors causing widespread gayness. I'm really not joking. I believe it happens from birth, and the historically low testosterone rates among modern men are proof of it.
Yeah I am not joking either. It is unfortunate that Alex Jones latched onto that idea and started screaming about it like a fucking madman in his patented manner, because that caused the entire left to immediately dismiss it. Don't you love identity politics? I sure as hell don't.

The thing is, when a gay or trans person or whatever non-binary person hears someone say this, they automatically take it personally. Obviously because nowadays everything is about ME ME ME ME ME ME. People are so damn self-centered it is fucking bonkers.

Regardless, when I say that, it is not faulting anyone. It is not a moral statement. There truly is nothing wrong with being gay or trans or anything. There is something wrong with trying to ruin someone's career because they expressed an opinion you don't agree with...but there isn't anything wrong with someone being non-binary. Here's the thing: these chemicals cause endocrine disruption. We know that endocrine levels and the hormonal balance is critical to developing children all the way from the womb through puberty. It isn't JUST about people being gay or trans or whatever. It is about human health. There is nothing wrong with being gay. I couldn't care less if someone is gay/lesbian/trans as long as they act like a decent human being. However, if my kid is going to end up being gay, I want it to be because that's just how they ended up--not because I exposed them to a bunch of chemicals in the womb by eating a bunch of non-organic foods and sprayed round up all over my yard because I'm one of those idiots that cares way too much about having the "perfect lawn".

Also, endocrine disruption isn't just the reduction of testosterone, many EDCs have anti-estrogen activity too, among other things. On top of this, many EDCs also seem to exert neurotoxic effects. ESPECIALLY in fetuses or in developing children. These chemicals are affecting everything!!!
- It is affecting mental health issues like depression and anxiety and weight gain. There are also links to ADHD and autism (autism is especially prevalent with prenatal exposure to EDCs--vaccines DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM...however EDCs and the neurotoxic chemicals the GenPop ingests regularly does)!!
- At shown above, it is affecting men's penis sizes!
- It affects angogenital distance in both women and in men! (this is the distance between the vagina and anus in women, or the posterior aspect of the scrotum to the anus in men).
- It reduces fertility drastically
- It increases risk of various types of cancer
- It causes breast growth in men, and lack of breast growth in women
- It can cause early puberty in both genders
Finding the studies for these is very easy. There is a plethora of research papers out there on the subject--use the DuckDuckGo or the Google Scholar or the PubMed to learn more. I got other stuff ta do than hyperlinking studies within this post lol :P

A few notes:

- many drugs are endocrine disruptors. Everything from marijuana, alcohol, benzodiazepenes, and most obviously opioids are among the most powerful (including kratom. These generally increase prolactin and decrease testosterone.
- Even some essential oils may be endocrine disruptors. There is conflicting data about oils such as lavender oil as well as tea tree oil!
- I'll link to my other post about hops/beer and flax and the estrogenic activity there: Soybeans and phytoestrogens? Why does nobody talk about beer? Or Flax?

Endocrine disruptors are EVERYWHERE. They are in your clothes made of synthetic fibers. Bisphenol S (BPS) (which is purported to be 10x more potent of an EDC than BPA) is used to coat receipt paper--80% of people's exposure to BPS is from touching receipts! I never touch receipts unless I have a glove on. I tell them I don't want the receipt or I say just put it in the bag then I throw it away when I get ho Fuck that shit. Obviously pesticides and herbicides are a huge issue. Plastics, lotions/shampoos/soaps/cosmetics, certain foods, drugs, scents (make no mistake, when you smell something it often crosses the blood brain barrier (BBB) and acts upon receptors within your brain), and even various illnesses/viruses can all cause endocrine disruption, both acute and chronic, depending on exposure.

Anyway, I am done now. If people have questions or comments, feel free to ask/chime in. I am a huge nerd about this topic and I am extremely passionate about it because I think it is a HUGE deal that very few people talk about and even fewer people even know about.

To me, the reduced fertility is actually a good thing. We have too many humans....waaaaay too many humans! This is our punishment for being so stupid and reckless with these chemicals and substances. We have inflicted it upon ourselves and thanks to lobbying and big business money in politics, the practice will not change anytime soon.

So, with that, the only option we have as individuals is to inform ourselves, avoid these chemicals at all costs, and partake in activities that re-balance the endocrine system. Exercise is one of those things (as long as you don't over-train). Stress management. Sex. Snuggling/hugging. Reducing exposure to certain EDCs could even reduce your required AI dosage while on cycle/TRT! :)