EO-based AAS and ETG urine test for alcohol


New Member
Could the use of EO-based testosterone products result in a false positive on an ETG test? EthylOleate metabolizes to ethanol, but does it do so at a level significant enough to produce a positive ETG test result?

I understand that there in no concern when using testosterone products where BA is used as a solvent, as Benzyl Alcohol does not metabolize to Ethanol. But what about EO-based products?
I really need an answer to the same question. Though not many bbers understand the etg. I kno GH won't show but I'm wondering if shot is taken right after an etg is the methanol will subside before the next etg 7 days later? Or just stick to grapeseed oil bases??
What amount of weekly alcohol consumption is supposed to be permissible under the test?

Or some other value, such as how many days after 1 drink?

Or is this a test that is supposed to be used when drinking is impermissible at all?
Yes it's impermissible at all but isn't a problem really since I don't drink but after reading that eo metabolizes into ethanol and that ethanol will throw a false positive my question is will it like any other alcohol be untraceable after the 80hr or so mark? I like to cruise but if any of this is true I guess I'll be using grapeseed ba based gear for a while
No, it's going to be slow release, and so if using for example 1 mL of ethyl oleate per day, this is going to release about 0.13 grams of ethanol per day.

This is very little: "a drink:" in terms of alcohol is I think considered to be 1/2 fluid ounce of ethanol, which is about 11.7 grams.

So this is less than 1% of one drink.

But if the test is designed to fail a person for having one drink several days ago, then perhaps it might be just that sensitive. I've never looked into it.
Thx for looking into that. I think that precautiously speaking that a single ml of test right after the specimen is taken most likely wouldn't have enough ethanol left to test positive but I may stick to BA based since it doesn't metabolize into ethanol. What u think about that
You're exactly correct, BA doesn't metabolize to ethanol.

The EO would be replaced by vegetable oil though. Perhaps you mention the BA because hypothetically you might need a little more BA to get the same concentration as you can with EO/BB and a lesser amount of BA. But in general plenty of concentration can be achieved with 78/20/2 vegetable oil/BB/BA.
Any type of vegetable oil, including those.

Or another way of putting it, anything but ethyl oleate. While out of all the compounds that exist it's by no means the only one with ethanol as a metabolite, it's the only such compound that I know of that's used for injectables.