Epistane and Tbol Experiences?

I got these two available to me locally,

I've done them both a long time ago,
epi up to 80mg didn't run long enough to remember how it was
Tbol gave me high BP from just 20mg but felt great mentally.

I want to be a little tighter on 420mg test and get some extra anabolism
Type-iix loves epistane. I would never pass up the chance to get some just on his recommendation alone. It's going to be part of his series of Unique Characteristics of AAS
Epistane is very slept on. I like it at 75mg but can sometimes have me go hypo and a large deficit
sounds strong, sdrol makes me go hypo and that shit is effective.

my dry compounds are limited so im hoping i can take a little of this and a little of that to stay a little drier, maybe with some trest .

When I try it ill get ast/alt/ggt and post the results here.

considering something retarded like 25mg epi 25mg var 25mg tbol