Epitalon Experiment


So, I've been nerding out on peptides to aid in recovery and sleep quality since my pectoral tendon tear at the beginning of August. I'm 2.5 months post reattachment surgery, but still haven't started PT due to the wound from catching a staph infection 2 weeks after the initial operation not being completely healed up yet. It has been a nightmare. I will say that I believe the use of TB500, BPC-157, and HGH has greatly accelerated the time it would have taken for the wound to close up, due to the wound care doctor's reaction on how much it is closing up weekly.the wound was around 5 inches long, an inch wide, and 1.5 inches deep. I'll try to get some pictures up. As of today, it's basically closed.

During this recovery period, my sleep has became erratic and heavily out of sync with my circadian rhythm. I can be having a nice conversation at one moment and be asleep mid reply the next. I do have sleep apnea and I use a CPAP which controls my apneas well, but I can't get my sleep schedule under control no matter what tricks I try. Sometimes I use sleep aids, but I want to try to get back to some semblance of a normal, drug free sleep pattern.

This is where my questions comes in. Despite google having quite a bit of "stuff" to say about how Epitalon affecting sleep quality and regulaties circadian rhythms, I can't find much in the forums on people who have actually used the stuff and had a lot to say about it. Have you or anyone you can tag here on meso actually used this stuff, and if so, can you give me a first hand account on how it affected your sleep quality as well as any other beneficial effects you may have experienced? I already have an order going to try it out and see for myself, but I would still like to get some other people's experience. Thanks in advance.
it works for me. i only inject 250mcg. i read 10mg is wrong...the real dose was 100mcg (0.1mg) but being sold in 10mg most times, a vial will last 40days at 250mcg. reasonable time.

can t say for other benefits. but sleeping only 5 or 6h on epitalon was the same as sleeping 7 or 8h withoit it. u feel more rested with less hours
it works for me. i only inject 250mcg. i read 10mg is wrong...the real dose was 100mcg (0.1mg) but being sold in 10mg most times, a vial will last 40days at 250mcg. reasonable time.

can t say for other benefits. but sleeping only 5 or 6h on epitalon was the same as sleeping 7 or 8h withoit it. u feel more rested with less hours
I'm interested in this compound but come on man. Whether you just want to throw numbers on it or not nothing is going to take 2 to 3 hours off of legitimate sleep. You sound like the single post guys that never come back guys on Reddit that report their placebo then never are heard of again
I'm interested in this compound but come on man. Whether you just want to throw numbers on it or not nothing is going to take 2 to 3 hours off of legitimate sleep.

I’m to the point right now that I would love 6 hours of good restorative sleep and welcome it with open arms. If I were to get 8 hours whole hours of sleep, shitty or not, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. I don’t know if you’ve ever worked swing shift or night shift and then had to go back on days, but that’s what I feel like right now and it’s been that way for the past few months. Just progressively getting worse.

I’ve tried some other peptide called, interestingly enough, DSIP (Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide.) It was garbage. I was into tracking my sleep and all that shit back then, but I never saw any increases in delta wave sleep.

These issues I’m having right now seem to be messing with my memory and cognition quite a bit though, and seeing as how I’be had multiple TBIs, I'm not down with losing more cognitive functioning than I already have.
it works for me. i only inject 250mcg. i read 10mg is wrong...the real dose was 100mcg (0.1mg) but being sold in 10mg most times, a vial will last 40days at 250mcg. reasonable time.

can t say for other benefits. but sleeping only 5 or 6h on epitalon was the same as sleeping 7 or 8h withoit it. u feel more rested with less hours

That’s interesting. Yes, every place I can find stated the protocol as being 10 mg per day for 10 days or 5 mg per day for 20 days. I think it was called the Russian protocol and Ukrainian protocol. You would happen to have any resources on the protocol you’re talking about, do you?
I’m to the point right now that I would love 6 hours of good restorative sleep and welcome it with open arms. If I were to get 8 hours whole hours of sleep, shitty or not, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. I don’t know if you’ve ever worked swing shift or night shift and then had to go back on days, but that’s what I feel like right now and it’s been that way for the past few months. Just progressively getting worse.

I’ve tried some other peptide called, interestingly enough, DSIP (Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide.) It was garbage. I was into tracking my sleep and all that shit back then, but I never saw any increases in delta wave sleep.

These issues I’m having right now seem to be messing with my memory and cognition quite a bit though, and seeing as how I’be had multiple TBIs, I'm not down with losing more cognitive functioning than I already have.
Fair enough. I'm just very skeptical. Lots of things you've tried don't work from your opinion, I'm in the same boat... 2 to 3 hours would be a miracle drug
Fair enough. I'm just very skeptical. Lots of things you've tried don't work from your opinion, I'm in the same boat... 2 to 3 hours would be a miracle drug

I’m right there with you on the skepticism, but maybe this paired with the right sleep environment, and some other behavior change could get something going. According to my cpap app I’m averaging around 6 hours per night, but I know its not what most of us would call quality sleep. Ya know what I mean? I’m so tired during the day that meth is starting to look like a good option. Just kidding about the meth, but being tired all day and then not being able to sleep until 1 or 2 in the morning just doesn’t make good sense when I’m checking off most of the boxes on things that should help me sleep well…..

I’m about to check off one of those boxes right now actually. Goodnight, brothers. I’m getting off this device for the evening.
if respond well to melatonin chances are epitolon will work.. it simply releases more of that which helps decrease shortening of telomeres.. it would be interesting how compares to long acting melatonin... but of course its interesting to not suppress natural pulses(not sure how suppressive melatonin is)...

possible the other peptides are messing with your sleep HGH TB BPC all can affect sleep...remember BPC act like an antidepressant (antidepressants also heal broken bones and tendons etc in animal models, its more to do with stress and movement, infact with so many rich people clinics with MRI and peptides yet to see a miracle change in MRI from BPC ie yes BPC improves PAIN but doesn't heal chronic injuries magically, antidepressants are also RX d for pain ) anyhoo, point being the tired feeling could be BPC (KNOWN to cause flat mood) or HGH (known to cause sleep issues in some)

TB can overreact your immune response ie produce HIGH inflammation by promoting cytokins (I am sure u heard of cytokines storm in covid from OVER active immune response which TB promotes, infact purposed to use WITH vaccines to up ur immune response, which of course is more likely to increase side effects (tired sore stiff carditis etc) so the TB could be causing immune response/inflammation making u more tired....

its also pretty common to be tired after major surgery and infections..... so possible combination of a couple things??

Id stop the peptides /hgh for now to get to baseline. HGH of course could be affecting blood sugar and making apnea worse too.
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