HGH related side effects - long term users experiences

This is it. I was previously getting very bad sleep on BOTH pharma and chinese gh when dosing it pre bed.

A few weeks ago, I started splitting the dosage AM/PM, and now I'm having the best sleep of my life. There is such a huge difference, also in terms of side effects. No water retention, no CTS, no sleep disturbance, no fatigue etc.
What about blood glucose? Are you monitoring?
What about blood glucose? Are you monitoring?
No, but i really should...

I try to keep my injections 1.5 hours away from my meals and have also reduced the overall carbs I consume this time. Things feel much better now.

Which blood glucose monitor do you recommend from Amazon?
Hey. It’s not a long history of use but: 2-3 IUs daily of Chinese generics for 1.5+ years… coming from history of Tesa/Ipamorelin use for about 8 months prior, for me, was dosing 350 mcg - 500mcg Ipamorelin 1x at wake and 1x at bed, and dosing Tesa 1mg before bed. This combo I felt *did* contribute to leaner physique, improved sleep and so forth. Finding that 2-3 IU GH before bed is seemingly cheaper if not close to same cost with better ‘results’ I’d argue in my specific case. This was not in the presence of AAS / TRT. Bloodwork with Tesa/Ipa yielded cortisol outside of reference range (not that ‘felt it’ but it was there.) bloods on just GH no issues with cortisol. I only made the switch for less injection frequency and connivence really, as I’ll be going to 4-5 units soon with next cycle.

No blood glucose issues ever. (28 yo Male, 190 LB, ~15% BF, good aerobic shape + resistance training.) Blood glucose ~75-90 tested spatially at wake, before bed, during day, all random times… with meals maybe 120-140 max about 30-45 min after etc.

Started 210mg Test P / week last week and after 4 weeks and blood work to follow. Will be going to 4 IU after 4 week mark.

Hope this helps.
I haven't ever tried hgh, but I have tried ipamorelin alone and with mod grf 1-29 (aka cjc no dac). At the low end of things (100mcg 2x per day) I didn't really notice much, but I did get an out of range (high) cortisol reading during that time that I just attributed to the generic "work stress" excuse. Blood glucose actually decreased a little for me (more gym + stricter food), and my blood pressure tends to run mildly low.

After reading others' experience here going higher with ipamorelin, I tried a week at 250mcg 2x per day and definitely got the awful tingly hands feeling from back when I had carpal tunnel symptoms regularly. I didn't really notice water retention other than that (no weight gain), but the problem with my hands was really impacting the quality of my video gaming! hah

I've been thinking I'll try splitting the difference and finding some dosage between 100mcg and 250mcg where my hands don't go crazy but I still get good sleep and potential health benefits, but now I'm wondering if that cortisol issue was related..... I'll have to keep a closer eye on stress & cortisol markers as I continue to experiment. I appreciate the info, @simcity4, as I never would have connected those dots otherwise!
No, but i really should...

I try to keep my injections 1.5 hours away from my meals and have also reduced the overall carbs I consume this time. Things feel much better now.

Which blood glucose monitor do you recommend from Amazon?
If you are in the US contour next one if you are in Europe it's called contour plus one. Same device but they use different names and the test strips are not compatible for whatever reason ....
This is the way to get the best results out of hgh imo. It sucks, I hate keto personally, but the recomp effect is much more pronounced on low/no carbs.

Been on keto then "higher protein than real keto" about last 10 years. Keep BF low year round. Figured it was time to try the GH after squeezing all I could out of modest AAS use. Igf-1 has gone from 200 to 100 over last 7 years since introducing TRT/AAS.

You using testing to see how many iu come in each vial? Most generics are overdosed these days, some much more so than others. Could be part of the issue maybe?

Starting with phama Zomacton. Then will have baseline to compare with generics if I get that far.

Just for kicks ordered my first Zomacton 5 mg vial for 450 usd shipped. Found a pharmacy that will provide at 95 usd plus shipping so may try that next. Price is so good I am leary of its authenticity so will need to confirm. Obviously all this still way more $$/IU than UG.

Starting at 1IU per day 5 days a week and will ramp up to 2 IU/day in 0.5 IU increments every month. Monitor BP, etc. Very slow. That is the plan. Baby steps.

Thanks for the tips.
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No, but i really should...

I try to keep my injections 1.5 hours away from my meals and have also reduced the overall carbs I consume this time. Things feel much better now.

Which blood glucose monitor do you recommend from Amazon?
Just buy a Libre patch - or I’ll send you one.
i would be helpful, but Ridiculous questions get a ridiculous response,,,,
well I'm a complete newb to this. I don't even understand why it would be considered a ridiculous question so pardon my ignorance and maybe educate me. Or don't say anything if you're not going to be constructive.
Thank you for all your input guys!
I will take my time going through all this massive input of personal experiences, this is golden! Highly appreciate!
well I'm a complete newb to this. I don't even understand why it would be considered a ridiculous question so pardon my ignorance and maybe educate me. Or don't say anything if you're not going to be constructive.
stfu! hows that for being constructive ,,, Before asking Questions do some research , your question is in fact ridiculous "anybody notice any acromegaly on 2-4 ius day" Seriously 2-4 ius is hardly a significant dose of hgh in the first place that would cause that "rare" condition,,, And 2-4 ius likely ISNT going to cause that , unless you have underlying issues,,,,


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well I'm a complete newb to this. I don't even understand why it would be considered a ridiculous question so pardon my ignorance and maybe educate me. Or don't say anything if you're not going to be constructive.
Hey there. I’m a total beginner to HGH. There is a ton of good info in this forum on HGH. It took me a while to figure out my initial starting doses, splitting vs one-shot, possible sides, and markers.

One thing I’ve noticed is that anecdotal info on HGH can be all over the place for a lot of different reasons (pharma v. ugl, genetics, dosing, administration, etc…).

I picked up Type-IIx’s book on GH and read it over the weekend. He literally consolidated everything about how GH works and gives a great overview of the practical use of GH, including markers and sides. I think it was very thorough covering all of the reasons above while being to the point with everything in one spot.

It’s an excellent reference guide and may be a way for you to build a foundation for your questions. Also, I’m certain if I had something like his book when I started, I’d have done things differently. I certainly would not have wasted all those low dose pinnings and been less afraid of going higher.

Good luck on your journey.
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