People with high BP shouldn't use ANY steroids
probably not even lift until they get BP in control
It is debatable whether Equipoise really raises Hematocrit MORE than other steroids. At the end all steroids
Me and many other thousand BBers have safely used high doses of EQ in their first cycles.
If you read my post carefully I advise both pyramiding up and donating blood twice during the cycle.
Many newbies have successfully done 500 even 750 mg/week Testosterone, how can a milder steroid (EQ) be worse at 600?
@DedLift it sounds like you're an older guy
how old are you, just out of curiosity?
Younger guys get ample warning (headaches, palpitations, before high Hematocrit ever becomes a problem)
No offense but just because you're an older guy doesn't mean everyone is as frail as you are.