Ex-AAS user on TRT at 46


New Member
Hey everyone. I used to be active on this forum back in the day and the advice was always tremendously valuable. I pretty much stopped cycling and lifting during COVID, but recently had a physical done and my test levels were 105. Went to the first TRT clinic that would take me (gameday) and they started me on 180mg of test e with weekly injections.

My questions are: 1) is 180mg per week sustainable for the long-term? I have been feeling much more anxious than I remember test ever making me in the past, which I am hypothesizing is due to my not lifting at all. and 2) has anyone else gotten back into the game of lifting in their late 40s and thrived?

Honestly, I am terrified of hitting the gym and seeing how poorly I perform or how difficult progress will be. At this stage, I think I am going to shoot for high rep/low weight daily routines with a personal trainer.

It's really amazing. I was 41 when covid hit NYC and I was still in god shape and had been for nearly 20 years. I'll never get back to that point, but hopefully I'll make some progress.
Hey everyone. I used to be active on this forum back in the day and the advice was always tremendously valuable. I pretty much stopped cycling and lifting during COVID, but recently had a physical done and my test levels were 105. Went to the first TRT clinic that would take me (gameday) and they started me on 180mg of test e with weekly injections.

My questions are: 1) is 180mg per week sustainable for the long-term? I have been feeling much more anxious than I remember test ever making me in the past, which I am hypothesizing is due to my not lifting at all. and 2) has anyone else gotten back into the game of lifting in their late 40s and thrived?

Honestly, I am terrified of hitting the gym and seeing how poorly I perform or how difficult progress will be. At this stage, I think I am going to shoot for high rep/low weight daily routines with a personal trainer.

It's really amazing. I was 41 when covid hit NYC and I was still in god shape and had been for nearly 20 years. I'll never get back to that point, but hopefully I'll make some progress.
Muscle memory is real, it is way easier to gain back what you have built before natural or not. You won’t get back everything but at least get close to where you were faster than gaining new muscle tissue.

I say just hit the gym without expectations, get back to following a routine and focus on consistency. Learn how to lift safely and progressively again, fix your nutrition and do the work; you’ll progress in no time.

Good luck brother, be positive and stay strong.
Muscle memory is real, it is way easier to gain back what you have built before natural or not. You won’t get back everything but at least get close to where you were faster than gaining new muscle tissue.

I say just hit the gym without expectations, get back to following a routine and focus on consistency. Learn how to lift safely and progressively again, fix your nutrition and do the work; you’ll progress in no time.

Good luck brother, be positive and stay strong.
My story is more or less the same as yours...

My advice is to get back to the gym because it is worthing and a lot.

The trip will be much slover and harder but it can be a pleasant one with lot of satisfactions.

These days I'm not into bulking as I am into metabolic enhancement, fat loss, loosing unnecesary weight, etc.

Good Luck.
I would split that single dose of 180mg to 90mg Monday and Thursday. Your levels will be more stable without the ups and down. I'm assuming it is cyp...??
I would split that single dose of 180mg to 90mg Monday and Thursday. Your levels will be more stable without the ups and down. I'm assuming it is cyp...??
No idea c or e. I've been going into their office, but can elect to have supplies shipped to me.

Honestly, outside of the anxiety, I don't have any side effects that I can identify.

But yeah, back in the day, I'd run 2x per week of long esters. I was surprised when they said 1x per week was typical.

Will be starting the gym again this week.
No idea c or e. I've been going into their office, but can elect to have supplies shipped to me.

Honestly, outside of the anxiety, I don't have any side effects that I can identify.

But yeah, back in the day, I'd run 2x per week of long esters. I was surprised when they said 1x per week was typical.

Will be starting the gym again this week.
Trt docs have archaic protocols, just for reference I am prescribed by my Urologist 80mg every two weeks lol, so it’s even worse.

Read up on trt protocols here, YouTube has tons of videos but finding out what works for yourself by trying it out is still the best to determine which gives you the best results with minimal side effects.