Exogenous HGH and natural HGH suppression


New Member
I find mixed opinions: some people say exogenous HGH suppresses natural HGH, others say it doesn't. I don't know who to trust.

As far as I know, exogenous HGH suppresses natural HGH only during the time exogenous HGH is used and is still not cleared from the blood, but natural HGH is restored as soon as the exogenous hormone is cleared, meaning I don't have to wait long periods of time without having HGH in my blood and waiting for it to be restored.

Can someone explain this to me?

I'm planning to use 4 units a day, and I want to know if I have to take breaks to avoid receptor down regulation (desensitization). The hypothalamus-pituitary axis won't be desensitized, because direct administration isn't like GHRPs and doesn't use body's pathways to elevate GH. Instead, it directly puts GH in the blood. But I'm afraid the receptors on the tissues absorbing and utilizing growth hormone may get desensitized.

Is taking 4 units for a month and taking a week for break enough to avoid receptor down regulation and suppression of natural GH (assuming down regulation and suppression actually happen)?

And if long lasting suppression of natural GH happens, how do I solve the problem? Can GHRPs or ibutamoren fix it, since they aren't exogenous HGH and use body's pathways to stimulate natural production like clomiphene does when testosterone is suppressed?
Long lasting suppression doesn’t happen. I believe hgh has essentially stopped acting in your system after 16 hours, and your pituitary back at full blast in 72 hours. Igf1 will remain high for 6-12 weeks after. For desensitization what the anti-aging doctors recommend is 5 days on 2 off. I believe this is supposed to help with stopping/slowing anti-body formation as well. That said, I’ve not seen a lot of medical literature that is convincing that this is an absolutely necessary thing. AIDS wasting patients are put on 14-18iu of hgh ed and experience a shockingly small amount of side effects from it. Growth challenged children are also usually given an every day dose, though some kids are dosed every other day (or 3 times a week). After 6 months of use there is a 15-20% igf1 down regulation that feasibly could be from desensitization. I’ve been cycling my gh use 3-4 months on and 1-2 months off in worry of this, but, again, there is scant science saying this is necessary and you’ll find bbers in here who have been using gh daily for 10-15 years and reporting no significant negatives.

Just make sure you titrate slowly up to your 4iu and you’ll likely avoid a lot of sides.
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For desensitization what the anti-aging doctors recommend is 5 days on 2 off.
This applies to exogenous HGH? I thought this rule is for HGH peptides only...
After 6 months of use there is a 15-20% igf1 down regulation that feasibly could be from desensitization.
This is a problem. I want elevated GH and IGF-1, not only elevated GH. If IGF-1 is low, GH is not gonna work and there is no point in using HGH at all...
This applies to exogenous HGH? I thought this rule is for HGH peptides only...
It’s not a rule, but if you get it from a health clinic they will likely recommend 5 on 2 off to reduce sides/reduce worry of desensitization/reduce worry of antibodies. However, I have not seen any super compelling science to support a 5 on 2 off schedule beyond knowing that for me personally 2 nights off will reduce the slight negative sides I can get at 5-6iu (numb fingers, water retention). I end up doing more like 10 on 1 off because I only get sides if I’m eating fairly shitty.

This is a problem. I want elevated GH and IGF-1, not only elevated GH
Honestly, it doesn’t seem like much of a problem. A lot of the serious builders in here have used it for years and didn’t notice much of a igf1 drop after continuous use. I just brought it up because you wondered about sensitization. Just take a break at month 4 or 5 for a month or so if you’re worried. 4iu, in terms of impact, is going to blow whatever gh peptides you’ve been doing out of the water, so I wouldn’t worry.
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brother. you don't get desensitized from hg. as soon as you stop exogenous hg. your body will start producing its own. it wont suppress your endogenous production. Unlikely as testosterone.
4iu is a cruse for a lot of people
brother. you don't get desensitized from hg. as soon as you stop exogenous hg. your body will start producing its own. it wont suppress your endogenous production. Unlikely as testosterone.
4iu is a cruse for a lot of people

I'm looking for a dose that will elevate my HGH levels to the top of the reference range or slightly above it, I'm not interested in a significant elevation.
i use 4iu in the morning and i go 3-4 times sauna a week with 105Cdegree and do 5 minutes then cold shower and repeat it activates neurons that activate gh output upto 16x times fold increase
phil heath was doing it so many great athletes are doing it you can check out andrew hubermans podcast on deliberate heat exposure he explains it all