Extended pct

Interesting. I was just finishing my PCT as follows:

Clomid: 100/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

I was thinking about extending my Nolva for another week, since I have it on hand, and was wondering if I should bump up the dose from 20 to 40 since I finished my Clomid.

Now I'm wondering if I should extend my Nolva for another two weeks.
I just posted something related to your situation:


I'm extending my PCT for another week or two. There has been one study of long term use of Nolvadex, as far as I remember, but it was related to treating gyno.

Do you have any testicular atrophy? The catch of Clomid/Nolva is that they work only if the HP side of things is to blame. If your testes aren't sensitive to the LH, they will act like a bottleneck. Nolva seems to help prevent desensitizing of the Leydig cells to LH.
Interesting. I was just finishing my PCT as follows:

Clomid: 100/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

I was thinking about extending my Nolva for another week, since I have it on hand, and was wondering if I should bump up the dose from 20 to 40 since I finished my Clomid.

Now I'm wondering if I should extend my Nolva for another two weeks.
Here is my take on pct and how I run it.
clomid 50/50/50/25/25-0mg
Torem 120/90/90/90/90-0mg
extem throughout.

I don't like the idea of tappering much, and 4 weeks is just a short period to TRY and get you working again. Not your case, but a lot of people use RC for PCT and think they got fully dosed strong product which is bad to ever think.
Here is my take on pct and how I run it.
clomid 50/50/50/25/25-0mg
Torem 120/90/90/90/90-0mg
extem throughout.

I don't like the idea of tappering much, and 4 weeks is just a short period to TRY and get you working again. Not your case, but a lot of people use RC for PCT and think they got fully dosed strong product which is bad to ever think.

I have recovered just fine on 4 weeks of PCT... for a short, rather mild cycle where everything was on point (diet, supplementation and training, mostly "classic" lifts like deadlift/squats/etc) and no cardio. But I think considering my last "lesson" this might not be enough at all if you have cycled anything for >6 weeks that cannot be considered "mild". If LH/FSH are high and TT is correspondingly high, PCT is working. Whether you keep those levels after cessation and clearing of the meds, is a different issue, but at least you aren't left wondering if you are primary... which sucks big time.

It probably gets worse with age and the number of cycles under your belt, I guess. So 100% agreed.

How do you deal with the elevation of liver values? (since most OTC stuff except for TUDCA, is bunk and a waste of $).

How about testicular atrophy in absence of hCG? Is there such a thing as recovery "on your own" provided that you are young? I haven't found much reliable information on this out there.

PS: Cycle Assist/Cycle Support personally have done nothing for me always. And I have got blood work done and this is my take on the subject. There seems to be no proof of milk thistle being effective at all, outside of the industry, anyway. TUDCA/UDCA though are proven, but UDCA is difficult to source and very expensive.
I have recovered just fine on 4 weeks of PCT... for a short, rather mild cycle where everything was on point (diet, supplementation and training, mostly "classic" lifts like deadlift/squats/etc) and no cardio. But I think considering my last "lesson" this might not be enough at all if you have cycled anything for >6 weeks that cannot be considered "mild". If LH/FSH are high and TT is correspondingly high, PCT is working. Whether you keep those levels after cessation and clearing of the meds, is a different issue, but at least you aren't left wondering if you are primary... which sucks big time.

It probably gets worse with age and the number of cycles under your belt, I guess. So 100% agreed.

How do you deal with the elevation of liver values? (since most OTC stuff except for TUDCA, is bunk and a waste of $).

How about testicular atrophy in absence of hCG? Is there such a thing as recovery "on your own" provided that you are young? I haven't found much reliable information on this out there.

Agreed, PCT is working if all of those things are working correctly.

I simply don't trust what goes around these days for the basic users. Most are going to run the RC way, and be getting either bunk, or underdosed prodcut and come off at 4 weeks thinking they are great. This why I don't suggest tappering much,and i suggest an extra week because why not you know? extra safe.

Tudca is the only proven liver support and i agree most otc stuff is crap.
But, compared to the amount people drink daily, 5 weeks of pct combined with some OTC assit, as well as plenty of water and a healthy diet is nothing to worry about.
PS: Cycle Assist/Cycle Support personally have done nothing for me always. And I have got blood work done and this is my take on the subject. There seems to be no proof of milk thistle being effective at all, outside of the industry, anyway. TUDCA/UDCA though are proven, but UDCA is difficult to source and very expensive.
Cylce assit for me is a year round product...I run 8 pills on cycle, and 4 pills year round. I've found it to work for me just for general health over all.
Cylce assit for me is a year round product...I run 8 pills on cycle, and 4 pills year round. I've found it to work for me just for general health over all.

Replying to both your messages. Forum messed up your response quoting mine:

Cycle Assist or Cycle Support are "OK" if you don't expect them to be life savers. In my experience with my blood work, they did nothing to help my ALT/other liver values.

I don't think (unless you are smoking yourself stupid) that extending PCT slightly would be life threatening if you hydrate yourself, dont eat crap, and stay away from drinking and any meds that are stressful for the liver.

My liver values were:
ALT 99 (10-70)
AST 42 (15-45)
AFS 64 (35-105)
Bilrubin 14.1 (5-25)
Alb 47 (36-48)

So nothing too horrible yet. ALT slightly above range, but not much, and AST hovering there. Bilrubin seemed fine.

FSH was 3.2 SHBG was 9 nmol/l.

This was almost 4 weeks into PCT after a 6 week cycle that included methylated compounds.