Extragonadal FSHR Expression and Function—Is It Real?

Michael Scally MD

Doctor of Medicine
10+ Year Member
[OA] Extragonadal FSHR Expression and Function—Is It Real?

Expression of the follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR), besides gonadal tissues, has recently been detected in several extragonadal normal and tumorous tissues, including different types of primary and metastatic cancer and tumor vessel endothelial cells (TVEC).

The suggested FSH actions in extragonadal tissues include promotion of angiogenesis, myometrial contractility, skeletal integrity and adipose tissue accumulation.

Non-malignant cells within cancer tissue have been shown to be devoid of FSHR expression, which implies a potential role of FSHR as a diagnostic, prognostic or even a therapeutic tool.

There are shared issues between several of the published reports question the validity of some of the conclusion.

Firstly, protein expression of FSHR was performed solely with immunohistochemistry (IHC) using either an unavailable “in house” FSHR323 monoclonal antibody or poorly validated polyclonal antibodies, usually without additional methodological quality control and confirmations.

Secondly, there is discrepancy between the hardly traceable or absent FSHR gene amplification/transcript data and non-reciprocal strong FSHR protein immunoreactivity.

Thirdly, the pharmacological high doses of recombinant FSH used in in vitro studies also jeopardizes the physiological or pathophysiological meaning of the findings.

We performed in this review a critical analysis of the results presenting extragonadal expression of FSHR and FSH action, and provide a rationale for the validation of the reported results using additional more accurate and sensitive supplemental methods, including in vivo models and proper positive and negative controls.

Chrusciel M, Ponikwicka-Tyszko D, Wolczynski S, Huhtaniemi I, Rahman NA. Extragonadal FSHR Expression and Function—Is It Real? Frontiers in Endocrinology 2019;10:32. Extragonadal FSHR Expression and Function—Is It Real?