FAQ for Older Guys

During the year if TRT @125-150, What did you do for AI?
None. that's why I busted my ass (and used Tirz/GH with the Test) to burn off my gut and love handles so I don't aromatize.

@120/wk my E2 was 36
@150/wk my E2 was 42

FWIW, the TRT provider I was using wanted me to dose @180/wk and take .5 Arimidex twice a week. I did my research and started at 120 and then titrated the dose up to 150. Everyone is different, but my opinion is to use as much as you can without an AI (and still feel good). Some people can't do this, but I'm glad I can. I'll def need an AI if I up the dose without the primo tho.
We need a 40+ sub forum or something on here. And then maybe a 50 and above.

I think we start experiencing more significant changes in our 40s with gear. Or late 30s. Can’t speak for after 45 though.

I’ve recently lessened my overall gear intake significantly. Kinda enjoying being super lean more than all beefed out like I have been for 17 years or so now. It’s not exciting but I feel it’s necessary for me to stay healthy.
Totally agree. TRT is my first experience with any of this. Even though I’m not diving in on a cycle (yet), at 40 I obviously need to be more diligent about labs, BP etc. I am excited to see where it goes, hope to experiment and slowly ramp it up (safely) to see what kind of benefits I can get. Looking for longevity and maximizing as many summers as I can outta this body
None. that's why I busted my ass (and used Tirz/GH with the Test) to burn off my gut and love handles so I don't aromatize.

@120/wk my E2 was 36
@150/wk my E2 was 42

FWIW, the TRT provider I was using wanted me to dose @180/wk and take .5 Arimidex twice a week. I did my research and started at 120 and then titrated the dose up to 150. Everyone is different, but my opinion is to use as much as you can without an AI (and still feel good). Some people can't do this, but I'm glad I can. I'll def need an AI if I up the dose without the primo tho.
I’ve read various opinions around E2, and I know the number doesn’t always match the symptoms. But what is considered a “dangerous” or “bad” level for your e2 to get to?
I’ve read various opinions around E2, and I know the number doesn’t always match the symptoms. But what is considered a “dangerous” or “bad” level for your e2 to get to?
The higher your test levels the higher your E2, labs and side affects only way to tell and everyone is different so there isn’t a specific number. If you have 3000 total test level your will be higher than 30-40 unless your taking an AI or Primo. But it’s not a bad thing to have elevated E2 on a higher test dose