FAQ for Older Guys

During the year if TRT @125-150, What did you do for AI?
None. that's why I busted my ass (and used Tirz/GH with the Test) to burn off my gut and love handles so I don't aromatize.

@120/wk my E2 was 36
@150/wk my E2 was 42

FWIW, the TRT provider I was using wanted me to dose @180/wk and take .5 Arimidex twice a week. I did my research and started at 120 and then titrated the dose up to 150. Everyone is different, but my opinion is to use as much as you can without an AI (and still feel good). Some people can't do this, but I'm glad I can. I'll def need an AI if I up the dose without the primo tho.
We need a 40+ sub forum or something on here. And then maybe a 50 and above.

I think we start experiencing more significant changes in our 40s with gear. Or late 30s. Can’t speak for after 45 though.

I’ve recently lessened my overall gear intake significantly. Kinda enjoying being super lean more than all beefed out like I have been for 17 years or so now. It’s not exciting but I feel it’s necessary for me to stay healthy.
Totally agree. TRT is my first experience with any of this. Even though I’m not diving in on a cycle (yet), at 40 I obviously need to be more diligent about labs, BP etc. I am excited to see where it goes, hope to experiment and slowly ramp it up (safely) to see what kind of benefits I can get. Looking for longevity and maximizing as many summers as I can outta this body
None. that's why I busted my ass (and used Tirz/GH with the Test) to burn off my gut and love handles so I don't aromatize.

@120/wk my E2 was 36
@150/wk my E2 was 42

FWIW, the TRT provider I was using wanted me to dose @180/wk and take .5 Arimidex twice a week. I did my research and started at 120 and then titrated the dose up to 150. Everyone is different, but my opinion is to use as much as you can without an AI (and still feel good). Some people can't do this, but I'm glad I can. I'll def need an AI if I up the dose without the primo tho.
I’ve read various opinions around E2, and I know the number doesn’t always match the symptoms. But what is considered a “dangerous” or “bad” level for your e2 to get to?
I’ve read various opinions around E2, and I know the number doesn’t always match the symptoms. But what is considered a “dangerous” or “bad” level for your e2 to get to?
The higher your test levels the higher your E2, labs and side affects only way to tell and everyone is different so there isn’t a specific number. If you have 3000 total test level your will be higher than 30-40 unless your taking an AI or Primo. But it’s not a bad thing to have elevated E2 on a higher test dose
None. that's why I busted my ass (and used Tirz/GH with the Test) to burn off my gut and love handles so I don't aromatize.

@120/wk my E2 was 36
@150/wk my E2 was 42

FWIW, the TRT provider I was using wanted me to dose @180/wk and take .5 Arimidex twice a week. I did my research and started at 120 and then titrated the dose up to 150. Everyone is different, but my opinion is to use as much as you can without an AI (and still feel good). Some people can't do this, but I'm glad I can. I'll def need an AI if I up the dose without the primo tho.
My E2 is almost identical at those levels, pinning every 3rd day, no AI. I also need an AI once I get above 200, although much smaller doses than normally used. Planning to try the Primo approach for the first time this winter.
My E2 is almost identical at those levels, pinning every 3rd day, no AI. I also need an AI once I get above 200, although much smaller doses than normally used. Planning to try the Primo approach for the first time this winter.

I haven't been following you for very long but sounds like you did better on high/normal E2? I only paid attention because I also feel better on high/normal E2 (bias).

There's a few other guys here who feel the same, and I'm always seeing people complain about crashing E2.

Edit: this is about feelz, not bitch tits
I haven't been following you for very long but sounds like you did better on high/normal E2? I only paid attention because I also feel better on high/normal E2 (bias).

There's a few other guys here who feel the same, and I'm always seeing people complain about crashing E2.

Edit: this is about feelz, not bitch tits
Yes. Libido, joints appetite and even mood for me are all improved at normal/slightly high E2 (I've never had bitch tits so I think I'm one of the lucky non-predisposed. I also am a high responder to AAS and GH so my doses happen to be much less than many others with same/similar effect, so maybe I've just never taken high enough doses).

I monitor both bloodwork and feel. For me, the feel aspect of high E2 comes down to water retention (I'm fairly stable emotionally at my age and libido for me basically gets higher as E2 increases). When I see the water coming on in the face and in the lack of definition, defined lines where my socks were AND the BP starts to bump up from carrying the extra water, it's time to adjust E2.

The feel indicator of low E2 for me is always libido. It's an easy indicator and always dead on verified by bloodwork. And crunchy joints if I dont then correct rather quickly.

Again, this is all ME and my tried and true process and experience. Can and will be different for others.
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55 years old, more precisely, but I don't like to indicate the exact age. Experience with test , vin , deca and others 25 years, then a break due to injuries for 10 years. Now I have started recovery again with Test and EQ. Then there will be Test and Primo.
How do you take care of your joints? Pain in the elbows and hand interferes with training. What kind of prevention do you use?
And just in case, growth hormone of course helps the body to recover and slow down aging. But still, it increases the likelihood of the appearance of benign neoplasms and not only. To be more precise, it does not so much stimulate the emergence of new ones, as it can cause the growth of existing ones and those in remission, for example.
And one more question. When I started using Mounjaro, my appetite disappeared completely. I couldn't bring myself to eat more than 1 time a day. Of course, I want to lose weight, but I don't want to lose muscle mass, but on the contrary, I want to add it. How did you deal with it?
55 years old, more precisely, but I don't like to indicate the exact age. Experience with test , vin , deca and others 25 years, then a break due to injuries for 10 years. Now I have started recovery again with Test and EQ. Then there will be Test and Primo.
How do you take care of your joints? Pain in the elbows and hand interferes with training. What kind of prevention do you use?
And just in case, growth hormone of course helps the body to recover and slow down aging. But still, it increases the likelihood of the appearance of benign neoplasms and not only. To be more precise, it does not so much stimulate the emergence of new ones, as it can cause the growth of existing ones and those in remission, for example.
Joints to me comes down to E2 in the correct range, smart training and rest, and I do attribute my constant GH use year round to many positive attributes, including youthful joints. 2.4 IU on a 5/2 schedule on cruise/TRT and 7/7 when I am "blasting", which at my age is basically 2x cruise/TRT + an occasional excursion adding Var or Deca.
Not an older guy but I'm getting there. Also waiting on blood work to see if I'm going to start dabbling in aas. Got pretty big in to peptides a year and a half ago ish. I was a fat fucking slob at almost 440 and did IF to drop 140 and got sloppy again. First pep was tirz and it's helped an insane amount with what I thibk is insulin resistance and definitely the amount I eat. Great starter for sure.

The wife and I decided play around with more and grabbed bpc157, tb500 and ipamorellin. All great peptides. Bpc157 and tb500 together (separate vials to control dosing) has helped with my wife's back pain and my overall body pain from the abuse I've given it, recently screwed up my shoulder and upped my doses pretty heavy and I'm lifting again within a week and probably could have started even sooner. Ipamorelin I never had a chance to really see any benefits but it helps with your natural gh pulse especially when taken before bed, it made me extremely hungry even in the tirz and my main goal is weight loss so I now have 3 kits in my freezer just sitting there but the sleep was incredibly good. I would fall asleep quicker, slept harder, and woke up fresh even with less sleep than normal.

We really enjoy semax and selank IN to relieve some extra stress and clear our brains a bit, first dose had me feeling a little strange but was probably in my head. Definitely a big help for brain fog. Plus side between the bpc, selank, and semax my wife has been able to taper off of kratom which has been impossible to this point.

My next round of orders include dsip (delta sleep inducing peptide) for better sleep, gh, and some longer lasting semax subq to test if it can help with long term mood regulation and seratonin to activity improvement.

There are some seriously interesting peps out there but tons of digging and reading is needed. Ones like cerebrolysin that is shown to help with tbi and is promising for alzheimers. Telemorase has been shown to add length of telomeres which in animal studies has shown to extend lifespan. Follistatin has been shown to inhibit myostatin allowing your muscles to grow past their regular possibility of growth even further than achieved aas composition.

The list goes on. I nerd out a little but know very little about the world in itself. Then you get in to bioregulators which are nutty and tissue specific with oral tablets to protect certain parts of your body.

It's a whole world brother have fun and enjoy it haven't found anything bad YET!
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Thanks a lot! I’m going to read and order.
The wife and I decided play around with more and grabbed bpc157, tb500 and ipamorellin. All great peptides. Bpc157 and tb500 together (separate vials to control dosing) has helped with my wife's back pain and my overall body pain from the abuse I've given it, recently screwed up my shoulder and upped my doses pretty heavy and I'm lifting again within a week and probably could have started even sooner. Ipamorelin I never had a chance to really see any benefits but it helps with your natural gh pulse especially when taken before bed, it made me extremely hungry even in the tirz and my main goal is weight loss so I now have 3 kits in my freezer just sitting there but the sleep was incredibly good. I would fall asleep quicker, slept harder, and woke up fresh even with less sleep than normal.
When I started using Mounjaro, my appetite disappeared completely. I couldn't bring myself to eat more than 1 time a day. Of course, I want to lose weight, but I don't want to lose muscle mass, but on the contrary, I want to add it. How did you deal with it?

I have a couple of whey protein shakes each day which are filling, but digest pretty quickly, relatively speaking, while on tirzepatide. I might have one or two small meals besides.

Earlier in the thread, I wrote:

52yo here, currently running test and primo, coming off a blast of 750mg each. Was 25% bf a year ago. Presently sitting around 10% both numbers from DEXA. HGH daily around 5iu. I can run primo 1:1 and my e2 is just fine.

Recent bloodwork came back with e2 being a bit low, 19pg/mL so I guess I'm aromatizing less being leaner. Guess I'll dial back the primo.
And one more question. When I started using Mounjaro, my appetite disappeared completely. I couldn't bring myself to eat more than 1 time a day. Of course, I want to lose weight, but I don't want to lose muscle mass, but on the contrary, I want to add it. How did you deal with it?
I hit the gym every morning before work and go as hard as I can. Within 2 hrs I consume 2 scoops of whey which is 60g protein and only 350cal, same deal at lunch leaving me at 120g protein 700cal (mixed with ice water) get home, get a few berries and nuts in for fats, carbs and sugars, dinners a free range usually with a brown rice. Recently I was able to come up with a decent curry chicken and veg on top of brown rice. I've lost 150 so far but only 50 on tirz very little if any muscle lost I'm stronger and filling out where I've lost so far. Make sure not to skip cal counting on everything including condiments. Stay in your cal deficit and you'll lose. Work muscles and eat enough protein and you'll keep muscle. Make sure you get your carbs I. For energy bc you get pretty tired on tirz especially day after shot. Also get your fats in through fish nuts ect. Good luck!!