Fast or Delayed Esters??


New Member
I've always ran long ester like Deca, EQ, Sust, Mast Enan, or a mix of 50%test enan and 50% test cyp, ect. in all the cycles I've done but lately a friend of mine says short esters like NPP, Test Prop, Mast Prop, ect. are better and I should try it out by doing a short ester cycle I want some more feed back though from people who have done both since a 12 week short ester cycle is more expensive than a long ester one and want as much feed back before investing in it. The only thing I would take that would last a little longer in my system but not by much is Anavar. I also think about it because I really like using EQ in my cycles because of the hunger stimulating effect it has but I can't seem to find it in a prop ester I have heard that it exists but I dont think it exists as I have not seen it till this day. But yea what are your guys opinion when it comes to short esters vs long esters?
I mean when it comes down to it its the compound and how you react to it that determines effectiveness of a cycle IMO. I prefer short ester because i prefer to pin ED keeps me in the right mindset and i guess im a pin addict.
I prefer long ester less pin and the end effect feels to me better. most prefer fast ester because it kicks in faster
Short long ester IMO boils down to personal preference. You can always run short ester test with long ester test until the long ester kicks in then drop the short ester test.

There is a bold cyp, that is the short ester form of EQ. I haven't tried it, I hear that bold cyp can carry some pip.

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I made the decision to switch to short ester a while back. I like what it does for me and how quick I can see the results. I don't have a problem with pinning, but it definitely gets old pinning eod and most of the time needing to pin 2 different eod becauae of the volume needed.

Edit: and short ester from a ugl seems to carry a little more pip than long ester. So you'll pin eod but carry a little soreness for 3 days from the previous pin. At least that was my experience.
I've always used long Ester, but I am going to try a short Ester run in the spring I think.

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Dude, what's good for some is not good for all, wtf would you want to take short esters if you only want to inject once or twice z week. They can all work the same, how detailed into the science do you want to get? Pinning every day can get old, real fast. So convenience is what it's about. My theory is...... if your an amateur, stick to one or two compounds, long esters and do your thang! Now if your talking Tren, then blast ace all day every day!

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Dude, what's good for some is not good for all, wtf would you want to take short esters if you only want to inject once or twice z week. They can all work the same, how detailed into the science do you want to get? Pinning every day can get old, real fast. So convenience is what it's about. My theory is...... if your an amateur, stick to one or two compounds, long esters and do your thang! Now if your talking Tren, then blast ace all day every day!

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Some people like using short esters for shorter, 8-10 week cycles because they kick in so quickly that you don't really need an oral kickstart.

Other people really do like pinning...ive only used long esters so far but I guess I'm weird, I like pinning so I'm looking forward to jabbing ed at some point in the future honestly.

Also, using test prop and npp can lower fluctuations in hormone levels, allow for more accurate dosing changes day to day if needed due to sides or what have you...and generally leads to lower aromatization when talking test p vs test c.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches. It's really all about what works best for the individual based on their lifestyle and specific goals.

That being said I think you make some really good points and I think your advice for amateurs is spot on. No need to complicate shit! I personally prob won't ever run any short esters besides tren ace, and that's only if I end up not liking tren e!

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I've always ran long ester like Deca, EQ, Sust, Mast Enan, or a mix of 50%test enan and 50% test cyp, ect. in all the cycles I've done but lately a friend of mine says short esters like NPP, Test Prop, Mast Prop, ect. are better and I should try it out by doing a short ester cycle I want some more feed back though from people who have done both since a 12 week short ester cycle is more expensive than a long ester one and want as much feed back before investing in it. The only thing I would take that would last a little longer in my system but not by much is Anavar. I also think about it because I really like using EQ in my cycles because of the hunger stimulating effect it has but I can't seem to find it in a prop ester I have heard that it exists but I dont think it exists as I have not seen it till this day. But yea what are your guys opinion when it comes to short esters vs long esters?
If you don't mind injecting every day or eod then you can run short esters the entire cycle. They are better for short cycles because of the short half life.
If you've never ran them, try a cycle of test prop as a kick start to a long ester cycle. If you like the kick start and all the pinning, then plan your next cycle with all short esters.

What I'm getting at is use a 4 week kick start just to see if you can handle the pins. If you do then plan a 10-12 week cycle of solely on short ester. But please make a cycle log of each so we can see how 1 member likes/dislikes the experience. Ya?
If you've never ran them, try a cycle of test prop as a kick start to a long ester cycle. If you like the kick start and all the pinning, then plan your next cycle with all short esters.

What I'm getting at is use a 4 week kick start just to see if you can handle the pins. If you do then plan a 10-12 week cycle of solely on short ester. But please make a cycle log of each so we can see how 1 member likes/dislikes the experience. Ya?

Yea I have ran them before but only as a kickstart. I decided I am going to try and see how it goes just waiting on my order. Yea, I'll be sure to post a cycle log when I do start it.
If you don't mind injecting every day or eod then you can run short esters the entire cycle. They are better for short cycles because of the short half life.

I dont mind the eod injections the only thing is that I don't likw to run short cycles. The cycles i run are usually 12-20 weeks depending on what I'm using