Favorite PCT protocol


New Member
I did couple of cycles with 500 Test P + 300 NPP. I prefer Prop due to low water retention, don`t mind pinning EOD. As a PCT I usually do the following:

Throughout cycle I use 250 IU of HCG to prevent precious jewels from shrinking.
On last pin I used Letro to completely kill conversion to estrogen so once Test is out, I have 0T and 0E floating around.
After last pin, I wait 2 weeks to clear out.
Then I start with PCT:

Day 1: 100mg Clomid (kickstart)
Week 1-2: 50mg Clomid
Weel 3-4: 25mg Clomid, 25 Nolva
Week 5: 12.5 Clomid, 12.5 Nolva

So far this worked great, no mood swings, libido and erections on the level, no loss in strength.
Any improvement you could suggest?

Thanks in advance.
I did couple of cycles with 500 Test P + 300 NPP. I prefer Prop due to low water retention, don`t mind pinning EOD. As a PCT I usually do the following:

Throughout cycle I use 250 IU of HCG to prevent precious jewels from shrinking.
On last pin I used Letro to completely kill conversion to estrogen so once Test is out, I have 0T and 0E floating around.
After last pin, I wait 2 weeks to clear out.
Then I start with PCT:

Day 1: 100mg Clomid (kickstart)
Week 1-2: 50mg Clomid
Weel 3-4: 25mg Clomid, 25 Nolva
Week 5: 12.5 Clomid, 12.5 Nolva

So far this worked great, no mood swings, libido and erections on the level, no loss in strength.
Any improvement you could suggest?

Thanks in advance.

It's a little atypical in terms of the Letro.
May I ask why you want to kill your e2 on last pin of it isnt a problem?
I hate having low e2... much worse" IMHO than having high e2
I've seen information leading to/saying that an Aromatase inhibitor when taken on the shock day/front end of the PCT can be beneficial, but I've never heard of crushing e2 after last pin leading up to PCT

I'd say your saving grace is always using Hcg,
Always a smart move, wether it be in TRT or blast.

No front load on Nolva?
this seems to be coming up a lot, so I'll see where I can find the explanation @Old gave me on shocking the HPTA, but it is apparently beneficial to do so with both compounds... too bad I'm not smarter lol

There is also potentially benefit to increasing HCG after last pin, leading up to Clomid/Nolva therapy.

Something to look into

Did you take before and after bloods to confirm recovery.

I ask because there is always more than one way to skin a cat and I'm truly interested in your results!

Looks decent, but I have a few suggestions:

I don't typically find any benefit to going over 50mg with clomid, especially using it for only one day. Taking it at that dose for one day isn't going to accomplish anything.

I'd typically run nolva the entire time, too. There's not really any reason not to and it helps a lot with recovery.

Using the letro to "get rid of estrogen" doesn't make much sense. Your E2 is going to be back in range by the time you start PCT anyway. If not, you're starting PCT too early. Crashing it before you let the test and NPP clear your system is pointless and low E2 is not a fun time.

I used to use HCG for the last 4 weeks of the cycle at 500IU twice a week to help get things rolling again, then do 40/20/20/20/20 nolva and 50/25/25/25/25 clomid.

Are your PCT meds pharma? Because 25mg is a weird dose for nolvadex.
It's a little atypical in terms of the Letro.
May I ask why you want to kill your e2 on last pin of it isnt a problem?
I hate having low e2... much worse" IMHO than having high e2
I've seen information leading to/saying that an Aromatase inhibitor when taken on the shock day/front end of the PCT can be beneficial, but I've never heard of crushing e2 after last pin leading up to PCT

I'd say your saving grace is always using Hcg,
Always a smart move, wether it be in TRT or blast.

No front load on Nolva?
this seems to be coming up a lot, so I'll see where I can find the explanation @Old gave me on shocking the HPTA, but it is apparently beneficial to do so with both compounds... too bad I'm not smarter lol

There is also potentially benefit to increasing HCG after last pin, leading up to Clomid/Nolva therapy.

Something to look into

Did you take before and after bloods to confirm recovery.

I ask because there is always more than one way to skin a cat and I'm truly interested in your results!


Regarding Letro and killing E2, the theory is to have 0 of both to speed up the restart of HPTA. E2 is a feedback loop telling the body there`s too much T and thus slowing recovery. Plus, once system is restarting, it allows T and E to raise in parallel. Low E was never an issue for me, except if I`m in the middle of cycle with full T + NPP and kill my E2 completely (don`t ask, I was stupid and wanted to see what will happen, it was miserable experience. :D).

- High T, low E is an issue for me.
- 0T and 0E, and I feel perfect.
- 0T and some E - makes me not want to do anything.

HCG - yep, it`s a life saver, the less body has to do to restart, the better. So why not keep them functioning, not a big deal to add it on cycle.

I never front loaded Nolva, where would that fit in? During last weeks of cycle or once test is cleared and then high dose it? What`s the reasoning behind it? From my readings, even small amounts of exo test will keep HPTA suppressed, so how would Nolva overcome that, should be some very high dosage? I`ll read more, anything you suggest to read?

I did do bloodwork after each cycle, I take it 3 months after last pin. Every time it goes back to normal. Unfortunately I don`t have results at hand as I moved continents. :)

I think I did a mistake of not doing bloodwork before very first cycle to get true baseline.

Always looking forward to improve my knowledge, so thank you for constructive reply, I`ll look into frontloading Nolva.
Looks decent, but I have a few suggestions:

I don't typically find any benefit to going over 50mg with clomid, especially using it for only one day. Taking it at that dose for one day isn't going to accomplish anything.

I'd typically run nolva the entire time, too. There's not really any reason not to and it helps a lot with recovery.

Using the letro to "get rid of estrogen" doesn't make much sense. Your E2 is going to be back in range by the time you start PCT anyway. If not, you're starting PCT too early. Crashing it before you let the test and NPP clear your system is pointless and low E2 is not a fun time.

I used to use HCG for the last 4 weeks of the cycle at 500IU twice a week to help get things rolling again, then do 40/20/20/20/20 nolva and 50/25/25/25/25 clomid.

Are your PCT meds pharma? Because 25mg is a weird dose for nolvadex.
I was looking into running Clomid + Nolva for the whole PCT, but it seemed too much of a mixing. Maybe I was wrong?

I start PCT depending if it`s E or Prop, 2 weeks or week respectively.

And you caught it correctly regarding Nolva - it was typo, wrote of top of my head, should be 20/10, not 25. :)

And thanks for reply, I appreciate it.
would not use clomid. fuck that shit srsly. I suggest looking into toremifene/raloxifene.

nolva alone is more then enough with hcg dureing cycle recovery is usually easier.

I would just do nolva alone 40/20/20/10