Feels like a little bud behind nipple


New Member
I'm currently on 500 test e- 1ml Mon and Fri along with 75mg tren A- .75ml Mon, Wed and Fri.
Dbol 50mg ED
I take .5mg adex twice a week and Caber .5 one to two times a week.
I have this little bud behind my left nipple that seems harder than usual. Usually if I have and symptoms I up the dose of adex a little and throw in some nolva and it goes away but this seems to be staying. It has subsided a little bit but still has me nervous.
Was wondering if anyone has had this issue or any suggestions please.
I was thinking of cutting everything out and just take 250mg test a week while taking the adex and nolva in hoping it goes away.
The nolva should negate the gyno. Start at 40mg ed for two weeks, it is a SERM, and it works to prevent further gyno from developing
The nolva should negate the gyno. Start at 40mg ed for two weeks, it is a SERM, and it works to prevent further gyno from developing
I'll move it up to 40mg daily. Im only taking 20mg nolva every other day and 1mg adex a long side it. I appreciate it bud. Thanks
Cut all drugs, trt dose your test. Smash estro for a week with letrozole then continue on once you get your shit inline.

Do not cycle without letrozole!! This drug with crush estro related sides immediately.

Just battled with gyno for 2 years before having it cut out in 3 different surgeries.

Let me know if I can’t help more!
Cut all drugs, trt dose your test. Smash estro for a week with letrozole then continue on once you get your shit inline.

Do not cycle without letrozole!! This drug with crush estro related sides immediately.

Just battled with gyno for 2 years before having it cut out in 3 different surgeries.

Let me know if I can’t help more!

That's one I haven't tried. I've cut back on everything and just taking 250 Test E a week. Taking nolva 20mg every other day and .5mg adex on opposite days. It will go down quite a bit then come back so I'm thinking of I cut test it should go away. I appreciate your help though and will keep it in mind if it persists further or any future incidents occur. Ill have to get some letro to have on standby. Thanks for the info!